Availability of Low-Fat Milk and Produce in Small and Mid-Sized Grocery Stores After 2014 WIC Final Rule Changes, Tennessee
ORIGINAL RESEARCH — Volume 14 — August 24, 2017
The 18 stores participating in this study are located in the center and lower right quadrant of Nashville/Davidson County. Food deserts tend to be located in these same areas. The 3-mile radial buffer zones show that most stores cover most food deserts, but a few food deserts in the upper right quadrant are not covered. Food deserts scores were grouped into 10 categories, with higher scores indicating a food desert. Most of the census tracts with the lowest scores were located in the mid-southern portion of the county.
Location of 18 sampled WIC stores, by census-tract food desert score, Nashville/Davidson County, Tennessee. Each store is surrounded by a 3-mile-radial buffer. Food desert scores, ranging from −37 to 60, were grouped into 10 categories. The higher the score, the greater the likelihood of a food desert; a score of 20 or above indicates a food desert. The food desert score was created by summing 36 z
scores of variables that measure distance to grocery store, distance to bus stops, social characteristics and poverty, race/ethnicity, chronic disease prevalence, and access to transportation (23). Food desert scores cannot be computed for census tracts that have no residential parcels; these tracts are shown in white.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.