

8: No. 3, May 2011
Conducting a Statewide Health Examination Survey: The Arkansas Cardiovascular Health Examination Survey (ARCHES)
Funding support is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), the Arkansas Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, the Arkansas Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, the Arkansas Oral Health Program, the Arkansas Infectious Disease Branch, the Arkansas Public Health Laboratory, the Arkansas Minority Health Commission, the Blue and You Foundation
for a Healthier Arkansas, and the American Heart Association. This funding goes into the central management, consisting of the ARCHES team of principal investigator, co-investigators, and ADH staff. They are responsible for overall coordination, sample design, sampling procedures, letters of invitation, field staff training, quality control, and data receipt and management. The central management has reciprocal relationships with 8 sectors:
telephone recruitment (consisting of the UALR Survey Research Center), data entry (consisting of the UAF Survey Research Center), FFQ analysis (consisting of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center), postsurvey activities (consisting of the ARCHES team, researchers, and the public), participant and provider feedback (consisting of the ARCHES team and interviewers), long-term sample storage (consisting of the Arkansas Public Health Laboratory), laboratory analysis (consisting of CRL, Inc), and field services (consisting of Examination Management Services, Inc). Field services is responsible for appointments, home visits, interviews, examinations, and sample collection; it also has a reciprocal relationship with the laboratory analysis sector.
Figure 1. Arkansas Cardiovascular Health Examination
Survey (ARCHES) collaboration model and flow of information. Abbreviations: AR,
Arkansas; UALR, University of Arkansas at Little Rock;
ADH, Arkansas Department of Health; UAF, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville; FFQ, food frequency questionnaire; CRL, Clinical Reference Laboratories.
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Of 6,508 total households contacted, 2,146 were eligible and initially consented, 708 were ineligible, and 3,654 were outright refusals. Of those who were eligible and initially consented, 1,385 completed the survey and 761 were later refusals. Of the outright refusals, 906 were estimated ineligible (the quotient of 708 ineligible divided by the sum of 2,146 eligible and initially consented plus 708 ineligible, multiplied by 3,654 outright refusals), and 2,748 were estimated as eligible.
Figure 2. Response rate calculation (using Council of
American Survey Research Organizations formula) for Arkansas Cardiovascular
Health Examination Survey sample. The response rate was the number who completed
surveys (1,385) divided by the sum of the number who were eligible and initially
consented (2,146) plus the estimated number who were eligible among those who
refused (2,748): 1,385/(2,146 + 2,748) = 28.3%.
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