

8: No. 2, March 2011
A Comparison of Depression and Mental Distress Indicators, Rhode Island Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System, 2006
Town or City, Zip Code |
Sad/Blue/Depressed, % |
Adamsville, 02801 |
6.88 |
Albion, 02802 |
5.50 |
Ashaway, 02804 |
4.74 |
Barrington, 02806 |
6.92 |
Block Island, 02807 |
4.74 |
Bradford, 02808 |
4.74 |
Bristol, 02809 |
6.92 |
Carolina, 02812 |
4.74 |
Central Falls, 02863 |
9.74 |
Charlestown, 02813 |
4.74 |
Chepachet, 02814 |
5.50 |
Coventry, 02816 |
7.22 |
Cranston, 02910 |
9.58 |
Cranston, 02920 |
9.58 |
Cranston, 02921 |
9.58 |
Cumberland, 02864 |
5.50 |
East Greenwich, 02818 |
7.22 |
East Providence, 02914 |
10.49 |
Exeter, 02822 |
4.74 |
Fiskeville, 02823 |
9.58 |
Forestdale, 02824 |
5.50 |
Foster, 02825 |
5.50 |
Glendale, 02826 |
5.50 |
Greene, 02827 |
7.22 |
Greenville, 02828 |
5.50 |
Harmony, 02829 |
5.50 |
Harrisville, 02830 |
5.50 |
Hope Valley, 02832 |
4.74 |
Hope, 02831 |
5.50 |
Jamestown, 02835 |
6.88 |
Johnston, 02919 |
11.55 |
Kingston, 02881 |
4.74 |
Lincoln, 02865 |
5.50 |
Little Compton, 02837 |
6.88 |
Manville, 02838 |
5.50 |
Mapleville, 02839 |
5.50 |
Middletown, 02842 |
6.41 |
Narragansett, 02882 |
4.74 |
Newport, 02840 |
6.41 |
North Kingstown, 02852 |
4.74 |
North Kingstown, 02854 |
4.74 |
North Providence, 02911 |
11.55 |
North Scituate, 02857 |
5.50 |
North Smithfield, 02896 |
5.50 |
Oakland, 02858 |
5.50 |
Pascoag, 02859 |
5.50 |
Pawtucket, 02860 |
9.74 |
Pawtucket, 02861 |
9.74 |
Pawtucket, 02862 |
9.74 |
Portsmouth, 02871 |
6.88 |
Providence, 02901 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02902 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02903 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02904 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02905 |
9.58 |
Providence, 02906 |
5.34 |
Providence, 02907 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02908 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02909 |
13.60 |
Providence, 02912 |
13.60 |
Prudence Island, 02872 |
6.92 |
Riverside, 02915 |
10.49 |
Rockville, 02873 |
4.74 |
Rumford, 02916 |
10.49 |
Saunderstown, 02874 |
4.74 |
Slatersville, 02876 |
5.50 |
Slocum, 02877 |
4.74 |
Smithfield, 02917 |
5.50 |
Tiverton, 02878 |
6.88 |
Wakefield, 02879 |
4.74 |
Wakefield, 02880 |
4.74 |
Warren, 02885 |
6.92 |
Warwick, 02886 |
12.86 |
Warwick, 02887 |
12.86 |
Warwick, 02888 |
12.86 |
Warwick, 02889 |
12.86 |
West Greenwich, 02817 |
7.22 |
West Kingston, 02892 |
4.74 |
West Warwick, 02893 |
12.86 |
Westerly, 02891 |
4.74 |
Wood River Junction, 02894 |
4.74 |
Woonsocket, 02895 |
11.18 |
Wyoming, 02898 |
4.74 |
Figure 1. Prevalence of sad/blue/depressed, by Rhode
Island cities and towns by zip code, data from the Health Related Quality of Life module of
the 2006 Rhode Island Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
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Town or City, Zip Code |
Current Depression, % |
Adamsville, 02801 |
6.62 |
Albion, 02802 |
3.93 |
Ashaway, 02804 |
4.71 |
Barrington, 02806 |
6.61 |
Block Island, 02807 |
4.71 |
Bradford, 02808 |
4.71 |
Bristol, 02809 |
6.61 |
Carolina, 02812 |
4.71 |
Central Falls, 02863 |
12.87 |
Charlestown, 02813 |
4.71 |
Chepachet, 02814 |
3.93 |
Coventry, 02816 |
9.57 |
Cranston, 02910 |
7.72 |
Cranston, 02920 |
7.72 |
Cranston, 02921 |
7.72 |
Cumberland, 02864 |
3.93 |
East Greenwich, 02818 |
9.57 |
East Providence, 02914 |
8.42 |
Exeter, 02822 |
4.71 |
Fiskeville, 02823 |
7.72 |
Forestdale, 02824 |
3.93 |
Foster, 02825 |
3.93 |
Glendale, 02826 |
3.93 |
Greene, 02827 |
9.57 |
Greenville, 02828 |
3.93 |
Harmony, 02829 |
3.93 |
Harrisville, 02830 |
3.93 |
Hope Valley, 02832 |
4.71 |
Hope, 02831 |
3.93 |
Jamestown, 02835 |
6.62 |
Johnston, 02919 |
7.02 |
Kingston, 02881 |
4.71 |
Lincoln, 02865 |
3.93 |
Little Compton, 02837 |
6.62 |
Manville, 02838 |
3.93 |
Mapleville, 02839 |
3.93 |
Middletown, 02842 |
5.74 |
Narragansett, 02882 |
4.71 |
Newport, 02840 |
5.74 |
North Kingstown, 02852 |
4.71 |
North Kingstown, 02854 |
4.71 |
North Providence, 02911 |
7.02 |
North Scituate, 02857 |
3.93 |
North Smithfield, 02896 |
3.93 |
Oakland, 02858 |
3.93 |
Pascoag, 02859 |
3.93 |
Pawtucket, 02860 |
12.87 |
Pawtucket, 02861 |
12.87 |
Pawtucket, 02862 |
12.87 |
Portsmouth, 02871 |
6.62 |
Providence, 02901 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02902 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02903 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02904 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02905 |
7.72 |
Providence, 02906 |
3.90 |
Providence, 02907 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02908 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02909 |
12.39 |
Providence, 02912 |
12.39 |
Prudence Island, 02872 |
6.61 |
Riverside, 02915 |
8.42 |
Rockville, 02873 |
4.71 |
Rumford, 02916 |
8.42 |
Saunderstown, 02874 |
4.71 |
Slatersville, 02876 |
3.93 |
Slocum, 02877 |
4.71 |
Smithfield, 02917 |
3.93 |
Tiverton, 02878 |
6.62 |
Wakefield, 02879 |
4.71 |
Wakefield, 02880 |
4.71 |
Warren, 02885 |
6.61 |
Warwick, 02886 |
15.49 |
Warwick, 02887 |
15.49 |
Warwick, 02888 |
15.49 |
Warwick, 02889 |
15.49 |
West Greenwich, 02817 |
9.57 |
West Kingston, 02892 |
4.71 |
West Warwick, 02893 |
15.49 |
Westerly, 02891 |
4.71 |
Wood River Junction, 02894 |
4.71 |
Woonsocket, 02895 |
11.21 |
Wyoming, 02898 |
4.71 |
Figure 2. Prevalence of current depression, by Rhode
Island cities and towns by zip code, data from the Depression and Anxiety module (Patient
Health Questionnaire 8) of 2006 Rhode Island Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
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