

7: No. 6, November 2010
Implementing and Disseminating an Evidence-Based Program to Prevent Falls in Older Adults, Texas, 2007-2009
For the delivery of A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader model at Area
Agency on Aging (AAA) sites, the number of participants in each region were 219
for Alamo, 248 for Bexar County, 205 for Brazos Valley, 98 for Capital, 163 for
Central Texas, 323 for Coastal Bend, 0 for Concho Valley, 62 for Dallas County,
0 for Deep East Texas, 7 for East Texas, 33 for Golden Crescent, 0 for Harris County, 95 for Heart
of Texas, 1 for Houston-Galveston, 158 for Lower Rio Grande Valley, 296 for
North Central Texas, 35 for North Texas, 21 for Panhandle, 0 for Permian Basin,
29 for Rio Grande, 0 for South East Texas, 8 for South Plains, 3 for South
Texas, 91 for TEXOMA, 205 for Tarrant County, and 48 for West Central Texas.
For year 1, sites existed in most AAA regions. In addition to those
sites, the Pan Handle, Concho Valley, Golden Crescent, South Plains, South
Texas, Tarrant County, and TEXOMA regions were added in year 2. Classes were
not offered in ARK-TEX or Middle Rio Grande regions.
Figure. Geographic reach of A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader model in Texas. This map illustrates the sequential uptake of Area Agencies on Aging in the delivery of A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader model during the 2 years (2007-2009) of this study. Area Agency on Aging regions are shaded on the basis of the number of participants they served as of October 1, 2009.
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