

7: No. 4, July 2010
Putting Physical Activity Where It Fits in the School Day: Preliminary Results of the ABC (Activity Bursts in the Classroom) for Fitness Program
This flow chart depicts a series of circles and boxes that
describes the response rates for the ABC for Fitness Program. The first box is
arranged horizontally and says, “13 Elementary Schools: Independence School
District.” Two ovals are beneath this box and are beside each other. A line
connects the first box to 4 boxes. The 2 ovals are directly beneath the first
box and are divided by the line. The first oval reads, “Intervention schools (n
= 3) (655 Students Enrolled in the Study). The second oval says, “Control
Schools (N = 2), (559 Students Enrolled in the Study). Beneath the ovals are 2
boxes arranged horizontally.
Directly beneath the first oval is a box. The first box
says, “Baseline Completed Assessments, Anthropometric (n = 655); Physical
Fitness Assessment (n = 611), Medication Logs (n = 655); Physical Activity
Attitudes (n = 420), Classroom Behavior (n = 606) MAP Academic (n = 197);
Progress Report Academic (n = 460).”
To the right of the first box, the second box says,
“Baseline Completed Assessments, Anthropometric (n = 559); Physical Fitness
Assessment (n = 505), Medication Logs (n = 559); Physical Activity Attitudes (n
= 370), Classroom Behavior (n = 534), MAP Academic (n = 155); Progress Report
Academic (n = 386).”
Beneath the first box is a third box, which is connected to
the first box by a line. The third box says, “Follow Up Completed Assessments,
Anthropometric (n = 603); Physical Fitness Assessment (n = 603), Medication Logs
(n = 655); Physical Activity Attitudes (n = 179), Classroom Behavior (n = 606),
MAP Academic (n = 197); Progress Report Academic (n = 460).”
The fourth box is to the right of the third box; a line
connects it to the second box. The fourth box reads, “Follow Up Completed
Assessments Anthropometric (n = 508); Physical Fitness Assessment (n = 503),
Medical Logs (n = 559); Physical Activity Attitudes (n = 213), Classroom
Behavior (n = 534), MAP Academic (n = 155); Progress Report Academic (n = 386).”
Figure. Study flow chart, ABC (Activity Bursts in the
Classroom) for Fitness Program.
MAP indicates Missouri Academic Performance test.
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