

No. 4, October 2006
Talking Parents, Healthy Teens: A Worksite-based Program for Parents to
Promote Adolescent Sexual Health
This theoretical model shows the relationship between parent–adolescent interactions and adolescent behaviors. The model reads from left to right. The first half of the model is bracketed and labeled “PARENT,” and the second half of the model is bracketed and labeled “ADOLESCENT.”
The “PARENT” half begins with a circle at the far left that is labeled “Intervention.” This circle points to the right to three boxes. The first of these three boxes is titled “Skills” and lists three intervention skills for parents: “Involvement,” “Monitoring,” and “Communication.” The second box
lists five key points including “Self-efficacy,” “Perceived norms,” “Cost/benefit ratio,” “Personal standards,” and “Emotional response.” The third box is labeled “Environmental Barriers and Facilitators.” All three of these boxes
point to a small box labeled “Intentions” which
points back to the first and third boxes. The first and third boxes, along with the box labeled “Intentions,”
point to a large rectangular box titled “Parent-Adolescent Relationship Outcomes” that lists these three outcomes: “Discussions: General [and] Sex-related,” “Connectedness,” and “Conflict.”
The “Parent-Adolescent Relationship Outcomes” box marks the end of the
“PARENT” bracket at which point the “ADOLESCENT” half of the model begins.
It points to the right to three other boxes. The first of these three boxes
is titled “Skills” and lists three intervention skills for adolescents:
“Assertiveness,” “Decision-making,” and “Negotiating.” The second box lists
five key points including “Self-efficacy,” “Perceived norms,”
“Cost/benefit ratio,” “Personal standards,” and “Emotional response.” The
third box is labeled “Environmental Barriers and Facilitators.” All three of
these boxes lead to a small box labeled “Intentions” which points back to the first and third boxes. The first and third boxes, along with the box labeled “Intentions,”
point to a large rectangular box titled “Adolescent Outcomes” that lists these five outcomes: “Discussions with partners/friends: General [and] Sex-related,” “Relationship quality (partners/friends),” “Declining undesired sex,” “Sexual behavior,” and “Condom
Figure. Theoretical model of the relationship between parent–adolescent interactions and adolescent behaviors for Talking Parents, Healthy Teens program.
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