

No. 3, July 2006
A Review of Studies Examining Stated Preferences for Cancer Screening
This flow chart reads from top to bottom. The first box at the top describes the first step of the process, “84 Citations Identified by Search.” The second box, below and to the right of the first box, indicates that 61 of these 84 citations were excluded by their abstract or title, 24 because they were not preference studies and 37 because they were not related to cancer
screening. The third box, placed under the first box, indicates “23 Citations Reviewed Completely.” The fourth box,
below and to the right of the third box, indicates that of these 23 citations, 15 were excluded: 6 were not stated preferences, 1 was not cancer screening, and 8 focused on methods. The fifth box, placed under the third box, describes the final step, “8 Citations
Figure. Flow chart of PubMed database search strategy and results.
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