

Volume 3: No. 1, January 2006
About This Image
In 1935, President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the Works Progress Administration (WPA) to
provide economic relief to U.S. citizens during the Great
Depression. The WPA sponsored the Federal Art Project, which employed
artists with various backgrounds and media specialties to work on wide-reaching
federal programs, including public health. As the editor in chief of
Preventing Chronic Disease illustrates in her editorial this month, the
contributions of these artists to
public awareness campaigns, preserved in Library of Congress collections and displayed in museums
throughout the United States, offer a window into the public health concerns of the
era and the methods used to convey public health messages.
For this issue
on program evaluation, we have adapted the theme of a current popular campaign, 5 A
Day for Better Health, and stylized it to the artwork of that era. A critical component of
public health programs, both then and now, is to address prevention and
control of chronic diseases. Today, however, identifying effective
prevention strategies through tailored program evaluation efforts has become
an essential public health function, and modern tools and technology are
better able to measure the effectiveness and impact of public health programs than
ever before. This issue highlights the efforts being made
to identify and implement public health interventions that reduce disease
risk, improve access to quality health care, and create health promotion
programs that improve health and quality of life.
Cover artist: Kristen Immoor
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