

No. 2, April 2006
Health-related Information on the Web: Results From the HealthStyles Survey, 2002–2003
Type of Web Site Visited |
% of Internet Users Reporting Type |
Health-related chat rooms |
6 |
Universities |
13 |
Online newsletters |
17 |
Scientific retrieval systems |
17 |
Pharmaceutical companies |
20 |
Hospitals or health centers |
27 |
Nonprofit organizations |
29 |
Government agencies |
31 |
Health information portals |
58 |
Figure 1. Types of Web sites frequently visited by survey respondents who reported using the Internet to seek health-related information (n = 2966) and percentage of respondents who reported using the type. Source: HealthStyles data from 2002 and 2003.
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Feature of Internet |
% of Internet Users Reporting Feature |
Health information is available in other
languages |
2 |
Internet connection is faster |
28 |
Health sites have information about people
like me |
28 |
Health sites have less advertising |
37 |
Health information is from a trusted source |
43 |
No need to pay or register to use the
health site |
53 |
Health information is clear and easy to
use |
60 |
Easy to find the desired information |
68 |
Figure 2. Features of the Internet that would encourage using the Web as a source for health-related information and the percentage of respondents (n = 2966) who reported them. Source: HealthStyles data from 2002 and 2003.
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