

Volume 2: No. 4, October 2005
About This Image
Wayang shadow puppets are Bali’s most prominent form of theatrical art. The plays are usually based on stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata
Hindu epics, and adventure and travel feature strongly in these poetic,
historical, and religious tales.
Travelers bring their knowledge and wisdom with them on
every journey, but a truly successful traveler will gain knowledge and
wisdom from every culture encountered. By studying the language of the host
land, a traveler
learns to communicate more effectively; by respecting its traditions, he or
she becomes welcome in the community. It is much the same for health care
professionals. In addressing health disparities, successful health care workers not only educate the people
they serve but also learn from them. Gaining valuable knowledge about
culture and language helps them serve others in the future.
Cover artist: Kristen Immoor
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