Volume 1:
No. 2, April 2004
Abstracts from the 18th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and
Featured Abstracts from the 18th National Conference on Chronic Disease
Prevention and Control: A Glimpse of Things to Come
David L. Katz, MD, MPH
Featured Abstracts
State-Community Partnerships: Eliminating Health Disparities Through
Coalition-driven, Asset-based, Community-focused Interventions
MA Acosta
Implementation of the Coordinated Approach
to Child Health (CATCH) Program in Texas
CS Barroso, DM Hoelscher, SH Kelder, C McCullum, JL Ward, P Cribb, N Murray
Identifying Walking and Trail Use Supports
and Barriers Through Focus-Group Research
EL Burroughs, RM Fields, ML Granner, PA Sharpe
Moving Right Along: A Creative Partnership
to Engage Older Adults in Physical Activity and Nutrition Programs
DL Chapel, MM McCulla, B Reinsch, C Warren
Improving Care for the Homeless Population Using the Chronic Care Model
B Choucair, T Palmer
Utah K-8th Grade Height and Weight Measurement Project
KA Coats, MD Friedrichs, JL Ware
BC Walks: The Use of Mass Media and Community Programming to Promote Walking
PE Fell, B Fisher, B Reger, D Spicer
Using CDC's School Health Index to Improve the Physical Activity and
Nutrition Environments in 15 Michigan Public Schools
L Grost, E Coke-Haller, A Murphy, N Drzal
Healthy Weight in Schools: Supporting Schools Through Partnerships
EC Haller, SC Oleksyk
SHI: School Health Index: Implementing Changes in the Third Edition
SD Harrykissoon, H Wechsler
Policy and Environmental Change Strategies to Reduce Obesity: Action Packets
L Kaley, D Wigand, K Whalen, A Root
Heart-healthy and Stroke-free: Making the Business Case to
Employers and Purchasers for Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke
DM Matson-Koffman, VA Anwuri, D Orenstein, K Shore, L Agin, SA Garfinkel, LA
Sokler, NB Watkins, GA Mensah
Chronic Disease Risk Factors by Ethnicity and Border Residence in Arizona:
10 Years of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data
MC McGorray, MA Veazie
Communities Combating Chronic Disease: The Kate B. Reynolds SELF Improvement
JL Michener, ML Sauer, SD Yaggy
TRAILS, a School-based Walking Program
W Moore, T Wilson, A Stephens, J Eichner
Lessons Learned from Global Reviews of Mass Media Campaigns Designed to Reduce
Smoking and Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
EH Schar, KK Gutierrez
Cost-effective, Community-based Strategies Targeting Cardiovascular Disease
and Diabetes Risk Factors Among African American Women in Faith-based
C Taylor, L Cole, D Ferdinand, S Arline
Using Exercise for Risk Reduction in African American Breast Cancer
Survivors: A Community-based Pilot Study
DB Wilson, JS Porter, TJ Smith, J Kilpatrick
Improving Diabetes Care With the Collaborative Model: The First North
Carolina Diabetes Collaborative
MS Wolf, J Reaves, DS Porterfield, RM Carlyle, A Wang
Whose Choice Is It? Understanding HIV Risk Among African American Women
EM Yancey, LM Goodin, M Wang
The Spatial Analysis of CVD Mortality in a Tri-county Area of Mississippi
L Zhang, A Penman, C Haydel, V Sutton V Kamali, P Fos
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