Key points

NEW 2024 Winners
Theme: Healing Mothers, Saving Lives: Ending the Maternal Health Crisis
Keynote Speaker: Elizabeth A. Howell, MD, MPP
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024
See the 2024 Nominees | View the Program Book

Sarah E. Smith-Jeffcoat, Jessica E. Biddle, H. Keipp Talbot, Kerry Grace Morrissey, Melissa S. Stockwell, Yvonne Maldonado, Huong Q. McLean, Katherine D. Ellingson, Natalie M. Bowman, Edwin Asturias, Alexandra M. Mellis, Sheroi Johnson, Hannah L. Kirking, Melissa A. R. Rolfes, Vanessa Olivo, Lori Merrill, Steph Battan-Wraith, Ellen Sano, Son H. McLaren, Celibell Y. Vargas, Sara Goodman, Clea C. Sarnquist, Prasanthi Govindaranjan, Joshua G. Petrie, Edward A. Belongia, Karla Ledezma, Kathleen Pryor, Karen Lutrick, Ayla Bullock, Amy Yang, Quenla Haehnel, Suchitra Rao, Yuwei Zhu, Jonathan Schmitz, Kimberly Hart, Carlos G. Grijalva, Phillip P. Salvatore
Symptoms, Viral Loads, and Rebound Among COVID-19 Outpatients Treated With Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared With Propensity Score-Matched Untreated Individuals
Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2024 May 15;78(5):1175-1184.
Elizabeth A. Swedo, Alen Alic, Royal K. Law, Steven A. Sumner, May S. Chen, Marissa L. Zwald, Miriam E. Van Dyke, Daniel A. Bowen, James A. Mercy
Development of a Machine Learning Model to Estimate US Firearm Homicides in Near Real Time
JAMA Network Open. 2023 Mar 1;6(3): e233413.
Matthew J. O'Brien, Yan Zhang, Stacy C. Bailey, Sadiya S. Khan, Ronald T. Ackermann, Mohammed K. Ali, Stephen R. Benoit, Giuseppina Imperatore, Christopher S. Holliday, Kai McKeever Bullard
Screening for Prediabetes and Diabetes: Clinical Performance and Implications for Health Equity
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2023 Jun;64(6):814-823.
Stephen R. Welch, Jessica R. Spengler, Sarah C. Genzer, JoAnn D. Coleman-McCray, Jessica R. Harmon, Teresa E. Sorvillo, Florine E. M. Scholte, Sergio E. Rodriguez, T. Justin O'Neal, Jana M. Ritter, Georgia Ficarra, Katherine A. Davies, Markus H. Kainulainen, Elif Karaaslan, Éric Bergeron, Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Michael K. Lo, Stuart T. Nichol, Joel M. Montgomery, Christina F. Spiropoulou
Single-dose mucosal replicon-particle vaccine protects against lethal Nipah virus infection up to 3 days after vaccination
Science Advances. 2023 Aug 4;9(31):eadh4057.
Nicholas P. Deputy, Joseph Deckert, Anna N. Chard, Neil Sandberg, Danielle L. Moulia, Eric Barkley, Alexandra F. Dalton, Cory Sweet, Amanda C. Cohn, David R. Little, Adam L. Cohen, Danessa Sandmann, Daniel C. Payne, Jacqueline L. Gerhart, Leora R. Feldstein
Vaccine Effectiveness of JYNNEOS against Mpox Disease in the United States
The New England Journal of Medicine. 2023 Jun 29;388(26):2434-2443.
Antonia M. Calafat, Ph.D.
Nominating CIO: National Center for Environmental Health and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Full Committee
Chair: Maria Mirabelli, PhD
Co-Chair: Elise Beltrami, MD, MPH
Umed Ajani, MBBS, MPH
Joanne Andreadis, PhD
Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
Melissa Danielson, MSPH
Gery Guy, PhD, MPH
Marie Haring Sweeney, PhD, MPH
Matthew Hogben, PhD
Chinaro Kennedy, DrPh, MPH
Preeta Kutty, MD, MPH
Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
Krista Proia, MPH
Lauren Rossen, PhD
Sharon Saydah, PhD, MHS
Laura Schieve, PhD
Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
Assessment Subcommittee
Chair: Umed Ajani, MBBS, MPH
Co-Chair: Ryan Wiegand, MS
Aziza Arifkhanova, PhD
Vita Cama, DVM, PhD
Kris Carter, DVM, MPVM, DACVPM
Sherry Farr, PHD, MSPH
Cheryl Fryar, MSPH
Kim Gehle, MD, MPH
Susan Hills, MD, MPH
Elizabeth Masterson, PhD, MPH
Karen Mumford, MEd, PhD
Sharon Saydah, PhD
Nick Suarez, MPH
Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
Alana Vivolo-Kantor, PhD, MPH
Statistician: Ryan Wiegand, MS
Data Methods and Study Design Subcommittee
Chair: Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
Shailen Banerjee, PhD
Cammie Chaumont Menendez, PhD, MPH, MS
Cynthia Davis, PhD, MEd
Zewditu Demissie, PhD, MPH, CPH, FACE
Chris Edens, PhD
Dana Haberling, MSPH
Ruth Jiles, MPH, MS, PhD
Scott Lee, PhD
Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
Elizabeth Parker, PhD, MHS
Laura Schieve, PhD
Rubin Smith, PhD, MS
Guangyu Zhang, PhD
Statistician: Josip Derado, PhD
Health Equity Science Subcommittee
Chair: Donna McCree, PhD, MPH, RPh
Co-Chair: Rosalyn Lee, PhD, MPH, MA
Michelle Chang, MD
Nicholas Deputy, PhD, MPH
Cynthia Ferre, MA
Cassandra Frazier, MPH
Kim Gadsden-Knowles, MPH, MS
Rebecca Hall, MPH, BS
Tara Jatlaoui, MD, MPH
Chinaro Kennedy, DrPH, MPH
Melanie Lawson, MPH
Kimberly Lochner, ScD
Nita Patel, DrPH, MPH
Rashaun Roberts, PhD, MA
Samantha Weber, JD
Statistician: Allan Uribe, DrPH, MPH
Laboratory Subcommittee
Chair: Shoukat Qari, DVM, PhD
Co-Chair: Stephanie Johnston, MS
Yutaka Aoki, PhD, MHS, MS
Brady Cunningham, PhD
Christine De Staercke, PhD
Marcia Harris, MS
Kim Hummel, PhD, MS
Hether Kuiper, PhD
Jessica Spengler, DVM, PhD, MPH
Sherri Stewart, PhD
Eldin Talundzic, PhD
William Weldon, PhD
Laurina Williams, MPH, PhD
Statistician: Xin Yue, MS, MPS
Prevention and Control Subcommittee
Chair: Matthew Hogben, PhD
Co-Chair: Lauren Rossen, PhD
Tracy Ayers, PhD
Kimberly Dube, PhD, MPA
Susan Hariri, PhD
Kathleen MacMahon, DVM, MS
Christian Murray, MSc
Soyoun Park, PhD, MS
Gail Stennies, MD
April Summers, MPH
Amra Uzicanin, MD, MPH
Ambarish Vaidyanathan, PhD
Anne G. Wheaton, PhD
Statistician: Yang Liu, PhD
Program Executive
Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Ex Officio Member: Elissa Meites, MD, MPH
Executive Secretary
Tony Richardson, MPH, MSCJ, MS
Administrative Assistant
Dawn Mitchell
Patrick Aderibigbe
Sheryl White
SharePoint Site Managers
Dawn Mitchell
Patrick Aderibigbe
Sheryl White
Tandra Bailey-Johnson, MEd
Tony Richardson, MPH, MSCJ, MS
Incentive Awards and Human Resources
Chanta’ Johnson
Jassmine Lee
Communications Lead
Tandra Bailey-Johnson, MEd
Luis M. Luque, MFA, MPA
Graphic Design
Anna Sherlock
Theme: The Science and Impact of Unleashing Hidden Potential
Keynote Speaker: Adam Grant, PhD
Date: November 7, 2023

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 20211
Matthew E. Oster, David K. Shay, John R. Su, Julianne Gee, C. Buddy Creech, Karen R. Broder, Kathryn Edwards, Jonathan H. Soslow, Jeffrey M. Dendy, Elizabeth Schlaudecker, Sean M. Lang, Elizabeth D. Barnett, Frederick L. Ruberg, Michael J. Smith, M. Jay Campbell, Renato D. Lopes, Laurence S. Sperling, Jane A. Baumblatt, Deborah L. Thompson, Paige L. Marquez, Penelope Strid, Jared Woo, River Pugsley, Sarah Reagan-Steiner, Frank DeStefano, and Tom T. Shimabukuro
Association between 3 doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and symptomatic infection caused by the SARS-cov-2 Omicron and Delta variants2
Emma K. Accorsi, Amadea Britton, Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, Zachary R. Smith, Nong Shang, Gordana Derado, Joseph Miller, Stephanie J. Schrag, and Jennifer R. Verani
Multiple lineages of monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-20223
Crystal M. Gigante, Bette Korber, Matthew H. Seabolt, Kimberly Wilkins, Whitni Davidson, Agam K.Rao, Hui Zhao, Todd G. Smith, Christine M. Hughes, Faisal Minhaj, Michelle A. Waltenburg, James Theiler, Sandra Smole, Glen R. Gallagher, David Blythe, Robert Myers, Joann Schulte, Joey Stringer, Philip Lee, Rafael M. Mendoza, LaToya A. Griffin-Thomas, Jenny Crain, Jade Murray, Annette Atkinson, Anthony H. Gonzalez, June Nash, Dhwani Batra, Inger Damon, Jennifer McQuiston, Christina L. Hutson, Andrea M. McCollum, and Yu Li
Nearest-neighbors matching for case-control study analyses: better risk factor identification from a study of sporadic campylobacteriosis in the United States4
Zhaohui Cui, Ellyn P. Marder, Eleanor S. Click, Robert M. Hoekstra, and Beau B. Bruce
Are home evictions associated with child welfare system involvement? Empirical evidence from National Eviction Records and Child Protective Services Data5
Shichao Tang, Daniel A Bowen, Laura Chadwick, Emily Madden, and Robin Ghertner
Andrew (Andy) Cecala
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Full Committee
Program Director: Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Chair: Maria Mirabelli, PhD, MPH
Co-Chair: Elise Beltrami, MD, MPH
- Chinaro Kennedy, DrPH, MPH
- Gery Guy, PhD, MPH
- Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
- Joanne Andreadis, PhD
- Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
- Krista Proia, MPH
- Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
- Laura Schieve, PhD
- Lauren Rossen, PhD, MS
- Marie Haring Sweeney, PhD, MPH
- Matthew Hogben, PhD
- Melissa Danielson, MSPH
- Preeta Kutty, MD, MPH
- Sharon Saydah, PhD, MHS
- Umed Ajani, MBBS, MPH
Assessment Subcommittee
Chair: Umed Ajani, MBBS, MPH
Co-Chair/Statistician: Ryan Wiegand, PhD, MS
- Alana Vivolo-Kantor, PhD, MPH
- Aziza Arifkhanova
- Cheryl Fryar, MSPH
- Elizabeth Masterson, PhD, CPH, COHC
- Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
- Karen Mumford, MEd, PhD
- Kim Gehle, MD, MPH
- Kris Carter, DVM, MPVM, DACVPM
- Nick Suarez, MPH
- Sharon Saydah, PhD, MHS
- Sherry Farr, PhD, MSPH
- Susan Hills MBBS, MTH
- Vita Cama, DVM, PhD
Data Methods and Study Design Subcommittee
Chair: Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
- Cammie Chaumont Menendez, PhD, MPH, MS
- Cynthia Davis, PhD, MEd
- Dana Haberling, MSPH
- Elizabeth Parker, PhD, MHS
- Guangyu Zhang, PhD
- Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
- Laura Schieve, PhD
- Rubin Smith, PhD, MS
- Ruth Jiles, MPH, MS, PhD
- Scott Lee, PhD
- Shailen Banerjee, PhD
- William (Chris) Edens, PhD
- Zewditu Demissie , PhD, MPH, CPH, FACE
- Statistician: Josip Derado, PhD
Health Equity Science Subcommittee
Chair: Donna McCree, PhD, MPH, RPh
Co-Chair: Rosalyn Lee , PhD, MPH, MA
- Cassandra Frazier, MPH
- Chinaro Kennedy, DrPH, MPH
- Cynthia Ferre, MA
- Kimberly Lochner, ScD
- Kim Gadsden-Knowles, MPH, MS
- Melanie Lawson, MPH
- Michelle Chang, MD
- Nicholas Deputy, PhD, MPH
- Nita Patel, DrPH, MPH
- Rebecca Hall, MPH, BS
- Rashaun Roberts, PhD, MA
- Samantha Weber, JD
- Tara Jatlaoui, MD, MPH
- Statistician: Allan Uribe, DrPH, MPH
Laboratory Subcommittee
Chair: Shoukat Qari, DVM, PhD
Co-Chair: Stephanie Johnston, MS
- Brady Cunningham, PhD
- Christine De Staercke, PhD
- Eldin Talundzic, PhD
- Heather Kuiper, PhD
- Jessica Spengler, DVM PhD MPH
- Kim Hummel, PhD, MS
- Laurina Williams, MPH, PhD
- Marcia Harris, BS, MS
- Sherri Stewart, PhD
- William Weldon, PhD
- Yutaka Aoki, PhD, MHS, MS
- Statistician: Xin Yue, MS, MPS
Prevention and Control Subcommittee
Chair: Matthew Hogben, PhD
Co-Chair: Lauren Rossen, PhD, MS
- Ambarish Vaidyanathan, PhD
- Amra Uzicanin, MD, MPH
- April Summers, MPH
- Christian Murray, MSc
- Gail Stennies, MD
- Kathleen MacMahon, DVM
- Kimberly Dube, PhD, MPA
- Meda Pavkov, MD, PhD
- Soyoun Park, PhD, MS
- Susan Hariri, PhD, MPH
- Tracy Ayers, PhD
- Statistician: Yang Liu, PhD
Program Executive: Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Ex Officio Member: Elissa Meites, MD, MPH
Executive Secretary: Tony Richardson, MPH, MS
Administrative Assistant: Dawn Mitchell, Patrick Aderibigbe, Sheryl White
SharePoint Site Manager: Dawn Mitchell, Patrick Aderibigbe, Sheryl White, Tandra Bailey-Johnson MEd, Tony Richardson, MPH, MSCJ, MS
Incentive Awards and Human Resources: Chanta' Johnson, Jassmine Lee
Communications: Tandra Bailey-Johnson, MEd
Editing: Luis M. Luque, MFA, MPA
Graphic Design: Anna Sherlock
Theme: Communicating Science for Action in 2022 and Beyond
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Date: October 27, 2022

National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission From People Without COVID-19 Symptoms
JAMA Network Open. 2021; 4(1): p. e2035057
Michael A. Johansson, PhD; Talia M. Quandelacy, PhD, MPH; Sarah Kada, PhD; Pragati Venkata Prasad, MPH; Molly Steele, PhD, MPH; John T. Brooks, MD; Rachel B. Slayton, PhD, MPH; Matthew Biggerstaff, ScD, MPH; Jay C. Butler, MD
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Physiologically Based Serum Ferritin Thresholds for Iron Deficiency in Children and Non-Pregnant Women: A US National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) Serial Cross-Sectional Study
Lancet Hematology. 2021; 8(8): p. e572-e582
Zuguo Mei, O Yaw Addo, Maria Elena Jefferds, Andrea J Sharma, Rafael C Flores-Ayala, Gary M Brittenham
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
SARS-CoV-2 Spike D614G Change Enhances Replication and Transmission
Nature. 2021; 592(7852): p. 122-127
Bin Zhou, Tran Thi Nhu Thao, Donata Hoffmann, Adriano Taddeo, Nadine Ebert, Fabien Labroussaa, Anne Pohlmann, Jacqueline King, Silvio Steiner, Jenna N Kelly, Jasmine Portmann, Nico Joel Halwe, Lorenz Ulrich, Bettina Salome Trueb, Xiaoyu Fan, Bernd Hoffmann, Li Wang, Lisa Thomann, Xudong Lin, Hanspeter Stalder, Berta Pozzi, Simone de Brot , Nannan Jiang, Dan Cui, Jaber Hossain, Malania M Wilson, Matthew W Keller, Thomas J Stark, John R Barnes, Ronald Dijkman, Joerg Jores, Charaf Benarafa, David E Wentworth, Volker Thiel, and Martin Beer
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – Initial Therapy and Outcomes
New England Journal Medicine. 2021; 385(1): p. 23-34
Mary Beth F Son, Nancy Murray, Kevin Friedman, Cameron C Young, Margaret M Newhams, Leora R Feldstein, Laura L Loftis, Keiko M Tarquinio, Aalok R Singh, Sabrina M Heidemann, Vijaya L Soma, Becky J Riggs, Julie C Fitzgerald, Michele Kong, Sule Doymaz, John S Giuliano, Jr., Michael A Keenaghan, Janet R Hume, Charlotte V Hobbs, Jennifer E Schuster, Katharine N Clouser, Mark W Hall, Lincoln S Smith, Steven M Horwitz, Stephanie P Schwartz, Katherine Irby, Tamara T Bradford, Aline B Maddux, Christopher J Babbitt, Courtney M Rowan, Gwenn E McLaughlin, Phoebe H Yager, Mia Maamari, Elizabeth H Mack, Christopher L Carroll, Vicki L Montgomery, Natasha B Halasa, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Bria M Coates, Charles E Rose, Jane W Newburger, Manish M Patel, Adrienne G R Randolph, and Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage: The Contribution of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022; 62(4): p. 473-482
Austin M Williams, Heather B Clayton, and James A Singleton
Inger Damon, MD, PhD
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Full committee
Program Director: Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Chair: Allan Taylor, MD, MPH
Co-Chair: Maria Mirabelli, PhD
- Umed Ajani, MBBS, MPH
- Elise Beltrami, MD, MPH
- Ginger Chew, ScD, MSPH
- Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
- Gery Guy, PhD, MPH
- Kim Lochner, PhD
- Kevin Matthews, PhD, MS
- Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
- Lauren Rossen, PhD
- Sharon Saydah, PhD
- Marie Sweeney, PhD, MPH
- Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
- Linda Valleroy, PhD, MA
- Lorraine Yeung, MD, MPH
- Statistician: Melissa Danielson, MSPH
Assessment Subcommittee
Chair: Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
- Umed Ajani, MD, MPH
- Lara Akinbami, MD
- Sonal Doshi, MPH, MS
- Cheryl Fryar, MSPH
- Kim Gehle, MD, MPH
- Rachel Gorwitz, MD, MPH
- Susan Hills, MD, MPH
- Mary Kamb, MD, MPH
- Barb Marston, MD
- Elizabeth Masterson, PhD, MPH
- Sharon Saydah, PhD
- Laura Schieve, PhD
- Tracy Thomas, MPH, MS
- Linda Valleroy, PhD, MA
- Alana Vivolo-Kantor, PhD, MPH
- Cori Wigington, MPH
- Statistician: Ryan Wiegand, MS
Data Methods and Study Design Subcommittee
Chair: Lorraine Yeung, MD, MPH
- Shailen Banerjee, PhD
- Michele Bohm, MPH
- Cammie Chaumont, PhD, MPH, MS
- Brenda Chen, MS
- Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
- Li Deng, PhD
- Chris Edens, PhD
- Katie Fowler, PhD
- Dana Haberling, MSPH
- Ruth Jiles, PhD
- Sunny Kim, PhD
- Scott Lee, PhD
- Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
- Ruben Smith, PhD
- Patrick Yorio, PhD
- Guangyu Zhang, PhD
- Statistician: Yang Liu, PhD, MS
Health Equity Science Subcommittee
Chair: Donna McCree, PhD, MPH
- Renee Calanan PhD, MS
- Michelle Chang, MD
- Shanna Cox, MSPH
- Xidong Deng, PhD
- Cynthia Ferre, MA
- Cassandra Frazier, MPH
- Kim Gadsden-Knowles, MPH, MS
- Shannon Griffin-Blake, PhD
- Rebecca Hall, MPH
- Kevin Heslin, PhD
- Tara Jatlaui, MD, MPH
- Chinaro Kennedy, DrPH, MPH
- Amy Lansky, PhD, MPH
- Lamia Tamara, MPH
- Rosalyn Lee, PhD, MPH, MA
- Rashaun Roberts, PhD
- Statistician: Allan Uribe, DrPH, MPH
Laboratory Subcommittee
Chair: Conrad Quinn, PhD
- Yutaka Aoki, PhD, MHS, MS
- Christine De Staercke, PhD
- June Feng, PhD
- Marcia Harris
- Heather Kuiper, PhD
- Stephanie Johnston, MS
- Shoukat Qari, DVM, PhD
- Jessica Spengler, DVM, PhD, MPH
- Sherri Stewart, PhD
- William Weldon, PhD
- Laurina Williams, PhD, MPH, MS
- Tun Ye, MD, PhD, MSPH
- Statistician: Cathleen Gillespie, MS
Prevention and Control Subcommittee
Chair: Matthew Hogben, PhD
- Tracy Ayers, PhD
- Ginger Chew, ScD, MSPH
- Susan Hariri, PhD
- NaTasha Hollis, PhD
- Erin D. Kennedy, DVM, MS, MPH
- Kathleen MacMahon, DVM, MS
- Karen Mumford, PhD, M.Ed
- Christian Murray
- Livia Navon, MS
- Meda Pavkov, MD
- Lauren Rossen, PhD
- Gail Stennies, MD, MPH
- Amra Uzicanin, MD, MPH
- Statistician: Rey de Castro, ScD
Program Executive: Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Executive Secretaries: Tony Richardson, MPH, MS
Administrative Assistant: Dawn Mitchell
SharePoint Site Manager: Tony Richardson, MPH, MS, Dawn Mitchell, Tandra Bailey-Johnson, M.Ed
Incentive Awards and Human Resources: Claudia Turner, MA
Communications: Tandra Bailey-Johnson, M.Ed
Editing: Luis M. Luque, MFA, MPA
Graphic Design: Anna Sherlock
Theme: Climate Change as a Public Health Threat: Why Equity Matters
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Bullard
Date: October 20, 2021

National Center for Chronic Disease and Health Promotion
Historic and recent trends in county-level coronary heart disease death rates by race, gender, and age group, United States, 1979-2017
PLoS One 2020;15(7):e0235839
Adam S. Vaughan, Linda Schieb, and Michele Casper
Center for Global Health
Risk scores for predicting early antiretroviral therapy mortality in sub-Saharan Africa to inform who needs intensification of care: a derivation and external validation cohort study
BMC Medicine 2020;18(1):311
Andrew F. Auld, Katherine Fielding, Tefera Agizew, Alice Maida, Anikie Mathoma, Rosanna Boyd, Anand Date, Sherri L. Pals, George Bicego, Yuliang Liu, Ray W. Shiraishi, Peter Ehrenkranz, Christopher Serumola, Unami Mathebula, Heather Alexander, Salome Charalambous, Courtney Emerson, Goabaone Rankgoane-Pono, Pontsho Pono, Alyssa Finlay, James C. Shepherd, Charles Holmes, Tedd V. Ellerbrock, and Alison D. Grant
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Development of a new oral poliovirus vaccine for the eradication end game using codon deoptimization
Nature Partner Journals Vaccines 2020;5(1):26
Jennifer L. Konopka-Anstadt, Ray Campagnoli, Annelet Vincent, Jing Shaw, Ling Wei, Nhien T. Wynn, Shane E. Smithee, Erika Bujaki, Ming Te Yeh, Majid Laassri, Tatiana Zagorodnyaya, Amy J. Weiner, Konstantin Chumakov, Raul Andino, Andrew Macadam, Olen Kew, and Cara C. Burns
Center for Global Health
Effect of tuberculosis screening and retention interventions on early antiretroviral therapy mortality in Botswana: a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial
BMC Medicine 2020;18(1):19
Andrew F. Auld, Tefera Agizew, Anikie Mathoma, Rosanna Boyd, Anand Date, Sherri L. Pals, Christopher Serumola, Unami Mathebula, Heather Alexander, Tedd V. Ellerbrock, Goabaone Rankgoane-Pono, Pontsho Pono, James C. Shepherd, Katherine Fielding, Alison D. Grant, and Alyssa Finlay
National Center for Chronic Disease and Health Promotion
Association of smoke-free laws with preterm or low birth weight deliveries—A multistate analysis
Health Services Research 2021;56(1):61-72
Xu Ji, Shanna Cox, Scott D. Grosse, Wanda D. Barfield, Brian S. Armour, Elizabeth A. Courtney-Long, and Rui Li
Stuart Nichol, PhD
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Full committee
Program Director: Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Chair: Gerald Joy, MS, MS Hyg
Co-Chair: Basia Tomczyk, DrPH, MS
- Elise Beltrami, MD, MPH
- Naomi Chen-Bowers, PhD, MPH
- Ginger Chew, ScD, MSPH
- Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
- Gery Guy, PhD, MPH
- Kim Lochner, PhD
- Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
- Carrie Reed, DSc, MPH
- Marie Sweeney, PhD, MPH
- Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
- Anjel Vahratian, PhD, MPH
- Linda Valleroy, PhD, MA
- Lorraine Yeung, MD, MPH
- Statistician: Melissa Danielson, MSPH
Assessment Subcommittee
Chair: Gina Thornton-Evans, DDS, MPH
- Umed Ajani, MD, MPH
- Lara Akinbami, MD
- Sonal Doshi, MPH, MS
- Kim Gehle, MD, MPH
- Rachel Gorwitz, MD, MPH
- Susan Hills, MD, MPH
- Barb Marston, MD
- Elizabeth Masterson, PhD, MPH
- Laura Schieve, PhD
- Tracy Thomas, MPH, MS
- Linda Valleroy, PhD, MA
- Alana Vivolo, PhD, MPH
- Statistician: Ryan Wiegand, MS
Data Methods and Study Design Subcommittee
Chair: Guangyu Zhang, PhD
- Shailen Banerjee, PhD
- Brenda Chen, MS
- Laura Colman, PhD, MPH
- Li Deng, PhD
- Katie Fowler, PhD
- Ruth Jiles, PhD
- Sunny Kim, PhD
- Scott Lee, PhD
- Katina Pappas-DeLuca, PhD
- Ruben Smith, PhD
- Lorraine Yeung, MD, MPH
- Patrick Yorio, PhD
- Guangyu Zhang, PhD
- Statistician: Yang Liu, PhD, MS
Health Equity Science Subcommittee
Chair: Donna McCree, PhD, MPH
- Renee Calanan, PhD, MS
- Shanna Cox, MSPH
- Kim Gadsden-Knowles, MPH, MS
- Shannon Griffin-Blake, PhD
- Rebecca Hall, MPH
- Tara Jatlaui, MD, MPH
- Chinaro Kennedy, DrPH, MPH
- Lamia Tamara, MPH
- Rosalyn Lee, PhD, MPH, MA
- Rashaun Roberts, PhD
- Statistician: Allan Uribe, DrPH, MPH
Laboratory Subcommittee
Chair: Tun Ye, MD, PhD, MSPH
- Yutaka Aoki, PhD, MHS, MS
- Christine De Staercke, PhD
- June Feng, PhD
- Jodi Jackson, PhD
- Stephanie Johnston, MS
- John J. Kools, MS
- Paul Middendorf, PhD, MS
- Shoukat Qari, DVM, PhD
- Conrad Quinn, PhD
- Anne Sowell, PhD
- Jessica Spengler, DVM, PhD, MPH
- Martin Vincent, PhD, MBA
- William Weldon, PhD
- Ray Wells, PhD
- Statistician: Cathleen Gillespie, MS
Prevention and Control Subcommittee
Chair: Rodolfo Valdez, PhD, MSc
- Ginger Chew, ScD, MSPH
- Matthew Hogben, PhD
- Renee Johnson, MSPH
- Erin D. Kennedy, DVM, MS, MPH
- Kathleen MacMahon, DVM, MS
- Meda Pavkov, MD
- Janell Routh, MD, MHS
- Gail Stennies, MD, MPH
- Amra Uzicanin, MD, MPH
- Anjel Vahratian, PhD, MPH
- Statistician: Rey de Castro, ScD
Program Executive: Joanne Cono, MD, ScM
Executive Secretaries: Tony Richardson, MPH, MS
Administrative Assistant: Dawn Mitchell
SharePoint Site Manager: Sofia Espinoza
Incentive Awards and Human Resources: Claudia Turner, MA
Communications: Meeting Management Technology (MMT) Team, Tandra Bailey-Johnson, MEd, Rosa Herrera, Paula Eriksen, Susan Laird, DNP, MSN, RN, JoDeanah Noble
Editing: Luis M. Luque, MFA, MPA
Graphic Design: Anna Sherlock
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