Staff Bio
Phaedra Bibbs Moore
Deputy Director, OEEOWE
Phaedra Bibbs-Moore is responsible for managing the daily activities of OEEOWE including business services, policy, and communications. She also oversees the Affirmative Employment Program and the Special Emphasis Program.

Role at CDC
Phaedra Bibbs-Moore is currently serving as Deputy Director for the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Equity (OEEOWE).
As the Deputy Director, Ms. Moore supports the Director in the design and direction of EEO programs. She also manages the day-to-day operations of the OEEOWE office. Ms. Moore plays a key role in promoting policies and procedures that adhere to the rules, regulations, laws, and Executive Orders governing equal employment opportunity, diversity management, civil rights, and human resources.
Experience before CDC role
Prior to joining OEEOWE, Bibbs-Moore served as the Deputy Chief Operating Officer's Senior Operating Officer and Special Advisor within the Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO). In this role, Phaedra served as a key contributor and leader on enterprise-wide initiatives to include CDC Moving Forward, various Diversity and Inclusion Executive Steering Committee (DIESC) efforts, and the OCOO's Strategic Focus Area governance and diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging (DEIAB) implementation.
Phaedra has also served as CDC's Deputy Director and subsequent Acting Director of CDC's Office of Human Resources from August 2012 – July 2022. Phaedra's professional drive has allowed her to excel as an HR professional through her extensive experience in strategic human capital management, including Strategic Planning and Alignment, Performance Culture, Talent Management, and Evaluation. Her career portfolio includes talent acquisition and management, organizational development and alignment, business strategy transformation, leadership coaching, change management, and succession and workforce planning, DEIAB, and employee engagement.
Phaedra is a graduate of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Federal Executive Institute (FEI) and Sherpa Executive Coaching Certificate Program at University of Georgia.