Key points
- The NIOSH Surveillance Program improves worker safety by identifying and tracking workplace injuries, illnesses, hazards, deaths and exposures in the U.S.
- Partners collect and provide data for surveillance studies that provide information about injuries and illnesses occurring among workers in different jobs.


To Learn More
The NIOSH Surveillance Program aims to:
- Expand awareness, knowledge and use of occupational safety and health (OSH) surveillance data.
- Build OSH surveillance capacity for state, territorial, local, and tribal (STLT) jurisdictions.
- Examine surveillance trends by visualizing data from partners.
Program priorities
The Surveillance Program supports all seven of the NIOSH strategic goals outlined in the NIOSH Strategic Plan for FYs 2019-2026. Surveillance activities are reflected in two categories of goals:
- Service goals track workplace injuries and deaths in the U.S.
- Research goals focus on new methods, tools, and analytical techniques.
What we've accomplished
In 2022-2023, the Program:
- Expanded Worker Health Charts (WHC) by adding surveillance data from the NIOSH Fatalities in Oil and Gas database.
- Refreshed NIOSH Lead webpage and added information to reduce take-home lead exposure.
- Upgraded NIOCCS to code emerging industries and occupations (I/O) using the latest classification schemes.
- Incorporated I/O data elements in health IT data sharing standards and the US Core Data for Interoperability to prepare for I/O data to be required in EHRs.
- Published papers assessing pneumoconiosis among former coal miners, and respirable silica exposures among metal and non-metal miners.
- Visualized personal protective equipment (PPE) supply and demand by respirator model and manufacturer. Published PPE inventory shared by hospitals to enhance emergency preparedness at local, state, and national levels.
- Increased awareness of the importance of recognizing work as a social determinant of health (SDOH) in a blog and publications.
What's ahead
In the future, the Program aims to:
- Assess how useful web-based EHR query tools are for occupational health surveillance.
- Publish a science blog highlighting the hazards of workplace exposure to cannabis and the risk of work-related asthma and allergies.
- Use the National Health Interview Survey to assess health conditions in male workers in industries relying on manual labor occupations.
- Add I/O National Vital Statistics System mortality data to WHC.
- Enhance NIOCCS to review, visualize, and analyze I/O data. Integrate the ability to code Spanish I/O text.