At a glance
In Action 4, develop a suite of communication tools that help you share updates with your workforce about your hospital's journey to improve professional wellbeing.
About the Action
Prioritize two-way communication with hospital staff about your wellbeing work. Transparent, ongoing communication between leadership and healthcare workers builds trust, ensures that your wellbeing work is known throughout your hospital, and values staff input.1

Key concept
Clear, consistent, and open communication with staff is an essential part of professional wellbeing. Communicating with your workforce generates buy-in, creates opportunities for staff to provide feedback, and prevents a disconnect across different departments in your organization.
Read the full Guide
Action 4 resources
Download the resources below to capture communication priorities, ensure that you effectively share updates, and seek staff input:
Communication plan outline
Sample emails
Sample meeting slide content
Leadership rounding form
Customizable materials
Explore customizable graphics and promotional materials to communicate about professional wellbeing efforts with your staff.

- Download and open the PDF. You will see a highlighted field of editable text. Each poster has a portion of bracketed text for you to type in your custom message. For example: [INSERT HOSPITAL-SPECIFIC URL].
- You can also customize the poster with your hospital’s logo. We recommend using a white logo with a transparent background. The preferred file type is a .png file. To insert the logo, click on the “LOGO IPSUM” graphic — from here, a window will open prompting you to select your logo file.
- After inserting the logo, be sure to save your customized poster.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [2018]. Health communication playbook: Resources to help you create effective materials. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.