Mining Publication: Role of Fault Slip on Mechanisms of Rock Burst Damage, Lucky Friday Mine, Idaho, USA
Original creation date: January 1999
Authors: BG White, JK Whyatt
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20025232
In: Hagan TO, ed. SARES 99 - Second Southern African Rock Engineering Symposium. Implementing Rock Engineering Knowledge September 13-15, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Lisbon, Portugal: International Society of Rock Mechanics 1999 Jan; :169-178
Various methods of monitoring slip movements on bedding planes, as well as examination of rock burst damage in stopes, suggest that many rock bursts in the Lucky Friday Mine are closely associated with these movements. Slip displacements along bedding simultaneously reduce the physical dimensions of stopes and increase compressive stress along stope margins. Such changes, in turn, contribute directly to sudden failures of rock and cemented sandfill surrounding stopes. We believe that the reduction of rock burst hazards must be based on a clear understanding of the basic mechanisms involved. The current work emphasizes the mechanical role of wall rock movement and seismicity in generating conditions that promote rock burst damage. Based on our interpretations of these mechanisms, we briefly address several hypothetical practices that could influence rock burst hazards in similar mining situations. The overall goal of this research is to advance the NIOSH mission of improving the health and safety of the nation's workers.

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20025232
In: Hagan TO, ed. SARES 99 - Second Southern African Rock Engineering Symposium. Implementing Rock Engineering Knowledge September 13-15, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Lisbon, Portugal: International Society of Rock Mechanics 1999 Jan; :169-178