Have you Heard? Hearing Loss Caused by Farm Noise is Preventable
September 2007
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2007-176

Have you Heard? Hearing Loss Caused by Farm Noise is Preventable: Young Farmers’ Guide for Selecting and Using Hearing Protection is designed to overview the variety of hearing protection available and when and how to use it. A 25-year-old farmer can often have the ears of a 50-year-old who is not exposed to noise and not even know it! It is a companion to DHHS-(NIOSH) Publication No.2007-175 They’re you ears Protect them: Hearing Loss Caused by Farm Noise is Preventable. The brochures are especially suited for young farmers ages 14-35 and their families. For bulk orders of printed copies, e-mail farm.noise@cdc.gov.
This brochure is designed to be printed on US legal-sized paper.
Have you Heard? Hearing Loss Caused by Farm Noise is Preventable [PDF – 300 KB]