Environmental & Occupational Safety & Health Plan
October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101

Self-Inspection Checklist
Name of school: |
Date of inspection: |
Career-Technical program/course/room: |
Signature of inspector: |
This checklist covers the recommended general elements of an environmental and occupational safety and health plan that should be present in any school district. No Federal regulations or laws that require these elements. Individual States, however, may have regulations that apply. Additional written documentation may be needed for specific occupational safety and health areas (e.g., respiratory protection and hearing protection). Definitions of underlined terms are provided at the end of the checklist to help you understand some of the questions.
- Does your school district have a written environmental and occupational safety health plan adopted by the district board of education, agency, or institution?
- Does the written plan include the following general elements:
- objectives?
- a statement of general policies?
- a defined organizational structure for program implementation?
- designated persons or groups with clear lines of responsibility?
- procedures to implement the plan?
- a time table for plan implementation and periodic review?
- a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and the program?
- Does the written plan include the following more specific elements:
- a hazard analysis for each career-technical course?
- environmental and occupational safety and health practices and precautions for each career-technical course?
- a plan and procedures for periodic inspections and maintenance of facilities and equipment, including personal protective equipment?
- a plan and procedures to eliminate hazards?
- emergency procedures?
- methods to provide environmental and safety and health education to pupils and teachers, including methods for incorporating the results of the hazard analysis?
- procedures and methods to document and assess pupils’ and teachers’ knowledge of environmental and occupational safety and health practices and procedures?
- a system (that may include disciplinary action and positive motivational actions) to ensure that pupils and teachers comply with environmental and occupational safety and health practices?
- procedures to ensure that all new staff and pupils receive initial environmental and occupational safety and health training before starting any course or program?
- procedures to ensure that all staff and pupils receive follow up refresher environmental and occupational safety and health training when needed?Note: Refresher training should be provided annually and whenever evidence shows that training is needed.
- procedures to report and investigate injuries and illnesses related to career-technical courses?
- Does your school district have a designated person(s) who is responsible for developing the plan and implementing the program?
- Has your school district implemented its plan?
- Does your district have a board-approved written curricula for all students that includes environmental and occupational safety and health?
- Does your district perform an annual inspection of buildings to insure adherence to environmental and occupational safety and health laws?
- Do written policies and procedures exist to cover
- notification of parents or guardians of students needing further immediate medical care?
- safe and sanitary operation and maintenance of school buildings and grounds?
- supervision of pupil safety in the school district associated with safe storage and use of hazardous materials on school property?
- supervision of pupil safety in the school district associated with preventing accidents, panic, and fire?
- supervision of pupil safety in the school district associated with providing for and maintaining suitable and safe equipment?
- Are all employees informed at the beginning of each school year of the environmental and occupational safety and health policies and procedures?
Hazard analysis: a method of reviewing career-technical program equipment, materials, and procedures to identify potential causes of injury or illness.
Plan: a written document outlining how an environmental and occupational safety and health program will be implemented.
Program: the steps being implemented to ensure a safe and healthful workplace and environment.