At a glance
The Spokane Mining Research Division (SMRD) is part of the NIOSH Mining Program, which works to eliminate mining fatalities, injuries, and illnesses across all mining sectors.

What we do
SMRD works with the rest of the NIOSH Mining Program to eliminate mining fatalities, injuries, and illnesses across all mining sectors. SMRD partners with labor, mining associations, equipment manufacturers, mine operators, and other government agencies to study worker health and safety problems, and to develop products and interventions that offer solutions to workplace challenges.
SMRD conducts field research at various mine sites across the United States, as well as laboratory research at their Spokane, Washington facility.
Support and rock properties laboratory
This laboratory is where various rock, cemented backfill samples, shotcrete, and ground support technologies are prepared, characterized, and tested. The laboratory has multiple test machines to simulate ground stresses to test a sample’s strength characteristics. Shown here is a test to determine the strength and deformation characteristics of a combination of support types: bolts, steel mesh, and shotcrete.
Health studies laboratories
These laboratories include:
- an environmental chamber where temperature and humidity can be varied to simulate mining conditions and tasks to study health effects such as heat stress, and;
- a new industrial hygiene laboratory for preparation and analysis of field samples to understand and characterize exposure to respiratory and other health hazards.
Machine safety laboratory
This laboratory is where machine safety issues related to maintenance, manual operation, automation, and situational awareness are studied and proposed solutions are tested to improve worker safety. A test conveyor allows distributed sensors, automation, and mobile interfaces to be evaluated to improve worker awareness of machine status, maintenance activities, and proximity to hazardous areas.
Miner Health Program
SMRD manages the Miner Health Program. Established as a long-term, systematic effort to understand and improve the health and well-being of all miners through focused integration of research, transfer of findings, evaluation, and community engagement. The program is a collaboration across the NIOSH Mining Program.
Product highlights
Ground Stability Software
The Ground Support Factor of Safety Calculator software determines the deadweight factor of safety (FOS) for an underground mining excavation’s ground support design based on user inputs and established methods. Both two-dimensional (2D) design and three-dimensional (3D cone) options are available for drift and intersection design. In addition to support design tools, NIOSH has developed new open-source software libraries to automate and improve analysis of seismic data related to the effect of mining on ground stability. This package, called ObsPlus, is available on Github.
Heat Stress Fact Sheets
This series of six fact sheets and poster offer practical information about working in hot mining conditions. They provide an overview on heat stress and focus on risk factors, acclimatization, hydration, work and rest schedules, and first aid. Miners can use these fact sheets to promote safe behavior while working in the heat.