At a glance
Annual meetings for the NCHHSTP Epidemiologic and Economic Modeling Agreement offer educational sessions, network opportunities, and the latest resources to improve the effectiveness of public health programs and activities.
Aug 1-2, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Meeting agenda: August 1, 2023
- Welcome and Introduction: NCHHSTP, OD
- Overview of division priorities and reflections: Tom Gift, DSTDP
- Identifying factors that influence partner notification program’s impact on gonorrhea transmission: Minttu Rönn, Harvard School of Public Health, Prevention Policy Modeling Lab (PPML)
- Contribution of inequalities in access and quality of prenatal care to racial/ethnic disparities in congenital syphilis burden: Minttu Rönn, Harvard School of Public Health (PPML)
- Integrating human-centered design into STD economic modeling tools: Erika Martin, University at Albany – State University of New York, Coalition for Applied Modeling and Prevention (CAMP)
- Changes in Sexual Behaviors with Opposite Sex Partners and STI Outcomes in the United States: A Trends Analysis and Simulation Study: Deven Hamilton and David Katz, University of Washington (CAMP)
- Q&A
- Break
Adolescent and school health
- Welcome and introduction: NCHHSTP, OD
- Overview of division priorities and reflections: Kathleen Ethier, DASH
- Assessing the impact of parent consent requirement on PrEP use among adolescents: Erika Martin, University at Albany – State University of New York (CAMP)
- Estimating adolescent LGB populations stratified by age and race/ethnicity: Reza Yaesoubi, Yale School of Public Health (PPML)
- County-level estimates of sexually experienced high-school-aged adolescents by age and sex: Joshua Salomon, Stanford University (PPML)
- Q&A
- Lunch
Viral hepatitis
- Welcome and introduction: NCHHSTP, OD
- Overview of division priorities and reflections: Amy Sandul, DVH
- Estimating hepatitis C virus infection in the United States, 2017–2020: Eric Hall, Oregon Health Sciences University (CAMP)
- Strategies for HCV elimination in correctional settings: Lin Zhu and Joshua Salomon, Stanford University (PPML)
- Linking hepatitis B patients to monitoring and liver cancer screening: Mehlika Toy, Stanford University (PPML)
- Q&A
- Wrap Up
- Breakout sessions (by invitation only) Room 1209 or 1204A/B
Meeting agenda: August 2, 2023
- Welcome and Introduction: Taiwo Abimbola, PPIO
- Overview of NCHHSTP syndemics approach and priorities: Michelle Van Handel, PPIO
- Developing a Multiplex Network Model of HIV and HCV Transmission among PWID: Marissa Reitsma, Stanford University (PPML)
- Potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV and HCV risk among PWID: Heather Bradley, Emory University (CAMP)
- Taking a syndemic approach to disease prevention: Lessons from the field: Erika Martin, University at Albany – State University of New York (CAMP)
- Q&A
- Break
- Welcome and introduction: Taiwo Abimbola, PPIO
- Overview of division priorities and reflections: Robyn Neblett Fanfair, DHP
- Estimating Key Metrics for HIV Prevention - HIV Testing Coverage, Number of HIV Tests and Number Needing PrEP by Demographic Strata: Minttu Rönn, Harvard School of Public Health (PPML)
- Impact of social distancing and stay at home orders on risk behaviors, provision and receipt of prevention/care services, and HIV transmission (MSM-specific concept): Steven Goodreau, University of Washington (CAMP)
- Growth in sexual and gender minority status in the US: measuring relations to behavior and implications for HIV/STI prevention and care: Mike Barry, University of Washington (CAMP)
- Q&A
- Lunch
- Welcome and introduction: Taiwo Abimbola, PPIO
- Overview of division priorities and reflections: Suzanne Marks, DTBE
- Optimizing Global TB Control: Nick Menzies, Harvard School of Public Health (PPML)
- The impact, costs, and cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis outbreak investigation in the United States: a model-based analysis: Sourya Shrestha, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (CAMP)
- Quantifying the Overlapping Burden of HIV, TB, Hepatitis B and C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis in clinical settings and high-risk populations in the United States (TB focused): Lucia Cilloni, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (CAMP)
- Q&A
- Wrap up
- Breakout sessions (by invitation only) Room 1209 or 1204A/B