At a glance
- The Early Release Program provides preliminary National Death Index (NDI) data files to help avoid data processing delays.
- Researchers who use the Early Release Program can access a free, one-time search of the NDI final data file once it is released.

About the NDI Early Release Program
The National Death Index (NDI) Early Release Program makes preliminary mortality records available to researchers.
When the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has received and processed 90% or more of a year's death records, the year's records will be available for NDI searches. Typically, the records are released within one week after the calendar year ends, but some releases may take longer. This initial early release file will be updated two more times before the final file is released, typically within 12 months after the calendar year ends.
Requesting Early Release files
Once an eligible project is approved, the applicant will receive a letter of approval and two different transmittal forms. One form is for the normal matching process for final file years, and one is for the current Early Release year. Note: there is never more than one Early Release file year available.
Approved users can submit the records of their study subjects for available years of death (see Step 5). Early Release transmittal forms are the only forms that will be accepted for Early Release searches. For regular searches, users should submit the form for final file searches.
Researchers who want to use the Early Release file must pay for the NDI search for each subject record they submit. Users must complete a separate fee worksheet for Early Release searches. For multiple search requests, users can combine payments for all NDI searches submitted at one time.
Free final release search
Researchers who use the Early Release Program can access a free, one-time search of the final data file once it is released.
Once the final file is available, an email will be sent to all users who searched the Early Release File for that specified year. The user will have 12 months to submit the same records for the free search. All search parameters must be identical. For example, a user who gets an Early Release Routine NDI search will get only a free final Routine NDI search.
Early Release completion status
This table shows the estimated percentage of records available for each state in the current Early Release file. The table also shows the total percentage of records available for the nation.
Based on the available records, researchers must decide whether to use the Early Release Program. Users also may choose to wait until the NDI file is complete and closed for that calendar year. This complete, closed file is called the final file.