At a glance
- The National Center for Health Statistics Data Query System (DQS) features estimates about use and abuse of substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
- These estimates are available by sex and race.
- The estimates are based on data from the National Health Interview Survey and the Monitoring the Future study.

Description: Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for many chronic conditions, including coronary heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and cancer.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Preliminary Data: DQS includes final data from NHIS. More recent preliminary data for this topic are available through the NHIS Early Release Program.
Explore NCHS DQS data on current cigarette smoking.
Description: Electronic cigarettes, or vapes, produce an aerosol users inhale and exhale.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Preliminary Data: DQS includes final data from NHIS. More recent preliminary data for this topic are available through the NHIS Early Release Program.
Explore NCHS DQS data on current electronic cigarette use.
Substance use
Description: Substance use refers to the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other substances that can cause dependence or harm.
Details: Health, United States (HUS) publishes data from the Monitoring the Future study.
Available data filters:
- Grade level
- Race
- Sex
Explore NCHS DQS data on—