Key points
- The National Center for Health Statistics Data Query System (DQS) features estimates for topics related to mental wellness
- These include estimates about feelings of anxiety and depression, and about counseling, services, and other treatment.
- These estimates are based on data from the National Health Interview Survey.

Feelings of anxiety and depression
Description: Anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive fear or worry.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Explore NCHS DQS data on daily feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety in children.
Description: Depression is a mood disorder that causes an ongoing feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Preliminary Data: DQS includes final data from NHIS. More recent preliminary data for this topic are available through the NHIS Early Release Program.
Explore NCHS DQS data on regularly had feelings of depression.
Description: Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Preliminary Data: DQS includes final data from NHIS. More recent preliminary data for this topic are available through the NHIS Early Release Program.
Explore NCHS DQS data on regularly had feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety.
Counseling, treatment, and other services
Description: Mental health professionals include mental health experts like psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and social workers who provide mental health counseling and therapy.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Preliminary Data: DQS includes final data from NHIS. More recent preliminary data for this topic are available through the NHIS Early Release Program.
Explore NCHS DQS data on counseled by a mental health professional.
Description: These services include special education or early intervention plans for children.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Explore NCHS DQS data on receive special education or early intervention services.
Description: These special education services include those that help children with their emotions, concentration, behavior, or mental health.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Explore NCHS DQS data on receive services for mental health problems among children.
Description: Prescriptions for depression and anxiety are drugs or medications that require a medical order from a physician and must be filled by a pharmacy.
Details: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) provides the NCHS DQS with data about this topic from household interviews.
Available data filters:
- Demographic characteristics, like sex and disability status
- Geographic characteristics, like region and metro area size
- Socioeconomic status, like health insurance coverage and poverty level
Explore NCHS DQS data on the following: