Healthy People 2030
Indicators and Objectives Align With DNPAO’s Work

Healthy People 2030 is a Department of Health and Human Services project to set data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. It includes 355 core, measurable objectives.
Leading Health Indicators
Of the core objectives, a subset of 23 leading health indicators is meant to help organizations, communities, and states focus their resources and efforts to improve the health and well-being of all people. Four leading health indicators are directly related to the work of CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO):
- Reduce consumption of added sugars by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–10.
- Reduce household food insecurity and hunger — NWS–01.
- Increase the proportion of adults who do enough aerobic and muscle–strengthening activity — PA–05.
- Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents with obesity — NWS–04.
In addition to the leading health indicators, the objectives below are related to DNPAO’s work.
- Healthy Eating
- Vitamins & Minerals
- Breastfeeding
- Healthy Food Environment
- Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents
- Physical Activity for Adults
- Physical Activity for Older Adults
- Neighborhood and Built Environment
- Healthy Weight for Adults
- Sleep
- Developmental Objectives
- Research Objectives
- Overall Health and Well–Being Measures
Healthy Eating
- Increase fruit consumption by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–06.
- Increase vegetable consumption by people aged 2 years and older — NWS–07.
- Increase consumption of dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–08.
- Increase whole grain consumption by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–09
- Reduce consumption of saturated fat by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–11
- Reduce consumption of sodium by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–12
Vitamins & Minerals
- Increase calcium consumption by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–13.
- Increase potassium consumption by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–14.
- Increase vitamin D consumption by people aged 2 years and over — NWS–15.
- Reduce iron deficiency in children aged 1 to 2 years — NWS–16.
- Reduce iron deficiency in females aged 12 to 49 years — NWS–17.
- Increase the proportion of women of childbearing age who get enough folic acid — MICH–12.
Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents
- Increase the proportion of adolescents who do enough aerobic physical activity — PA–06
- Increase the proportion of adolescents who do enough aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity — PA–08.
- Increase the proportion of children who do enough aerobic physical activity — PA–09.
- Increase the proportion of adolescents who do enough muscle–strengthening activity — PA–07.
- Increase the proportion of children and adolescents who play sports — PA–12.
- Increase the proportion of children aged 2 to 5 years who get no more than 1 hour of screen time a day — PA–13.
- Increase the proportion of adolescents who participate in daily school physical education — ECPB–01.
Physical Activity for Adults
- Reduce the proportion of adults who do no physical activity in their free time — PA–01.
- Increase the proportion of adults who do enough aerobic physical activity for substantial health benefits — PA–02.
- Increase the proportion of adults who do enough aerobic physical activity for extensive health benefits — PA–03.
- Increase the proportion of adults who do enough muscle–strengthening activity — PA–04.
- Increase the proportion of adults with arthritis who get counseling for physical activity — A–04.
Developmental Objectives
In addition to core objectives, developmental objectives represent high-priority public health issues that are associated with evidence-based interventions but do not yet have reliable baseline data. The developmental objectives related to DNPAO are:
- Increase the proportion of children who participate in high–quality early childhood education programs — EMC‑D03.
- Increase the proportion of schools that don’t sell less healthy foods and drinks — ECBP‑D02.
- Increase the proportion of worksites that offer an employee physical activity program — ECBP‑D04.
- Increase the proportion of worksites that offer an employee nutrition program — ECBP‑D05.
Research Objectives
Research objectives represent public health issues with a high health or economic burden or with significant disparities between population groups, but they are not yet associated with evidence-based interventions.
Overall Health and Well–Being Measures
Overall health and well-being measures are broad, outcome measures intended to assess the Healthy People 2030 vision — a society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan. Unlike the leading health indicators and core objectives, these measures do not have targets.
- Overall well-being [Data not yet available] – OHM-1
Healthy Life Expectancy
- Life expectancy at birth — free of activity limitation – OHM-2
- Life expectancy at birth — free of disability – OHM-3
- Life expectancy at birth — in good or better health – OHM-4
Mortality and Health Summary
- A – Arthritis
- DO – Developmental Objective
- ECBP – Educational and Community-Based Programs
- EMC – Early and Middle Childhood
- MICH – Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
- NWS – Nutrition and Weight Status
- OA – Older Adults
- OHM — Overall Health and Well–Being Measures
- PA – Physical Activity
- RO – Research Objective
- SH – Sleep Health