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Appendix B

Classifications for Combined Hormonal Contraceptives

Combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) include low-dose (containing ≤35 μg ethinyl estradiol [EE]) combined oral contraceptives (COCs), the combined hormonal patch, and the combined vaginal ring. The combined hormonal patch and vaginal ring are relatively new contraceptive methods. Limited information is available about the safety of these methods among women with specific medical conditions. Moreover, epidemiologic data on the long-term effects of the combined hormonal patch and the vaginal ring were not available for review. Evidence indicates that the combined hormonal patch and the combined vaginal ring provide comparable safety and pharmacokinetic profiles to COCs with similar hormone formulations (1--33). Pending further studies, the evidence available for recommendations about COCs applies to the recommendations for the combined hormonal patch and vaginal ring. Therefore, the patch and ring should have the same categories (Box) as COCs, except where noted. The assigned categories should, therefore, be considered a preliminary, best judgement, which will be reevaluated as new data become available. CHCs do not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

BOX. Categories for Classifying Combined Hormonal Contraceptives

1 = A condition for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive method.

2 = A condition for which the advantages of using the method generally outweigh the theoretical or proven risks.

3 = A condition for which the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the advantages of using the method.

4 = A condition that represents an unacceptable health risk if the contraceptive method is used.

TABLE. Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Personal Characteristics and Reproductive History


Not applicable

Clarification: Use of COCs, P, or R is not required. There is no known harm to the woman, the course of her pregnancy, or the fetus if COCs, P, or R are inadvertently used during pregnancy.


a. Menarche to <40 yrs


Evidence: Adolescents using 20 μg EE-containing COCs have lower BMD than do nonusers, and higher dose-containing COCs have little to no effect. (34--41). In premenopausal adult women, COC use has little to no effect on bone health while appearing to preserve bone mass in perimenopausal women (26,42--90). Postmenopausal women who have ever used COCs have similar BMD to postmenopausal women who have never used COCs (54,58,68,81,91--110). BMD in adolescent or premenopausal women may not accurately predict postmenopausal fracture risk (109,111--122).

Comment: The risk for cardiovascular disease increases with age and might increase with CHC use. In the absence of other adverse clinical conditions, CHCs can be used until menopause.

b. ≥40 yrs



a. Nulliparous


b. Parous



Clarification: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed during the first 4--6 months of life, preferably for a full 6 months. Ideally, breastfeeding should continue through the first year of life (123).

Evidence: Clinical studies demonstrate conflicting results about effects on milk volume in women exposed to COCs during lactation; no consistent effect on infant weight has been reported. Adverse health outcomes or manifestations of exogenous estrogen in infants exposed to CHCs through breast milk have not been demonstrated (124--133). In general, these studies are of poor quality, lack standard definitions of breastfeeding or outcome measures, and have not included premature or ill infants. Theoretical concerns about effects of CHCs on breast milk production are greater in the early postpartum period when milk flow is being established.

a. <1 mo postpartum


b. 1 mo to <6 mos postpartum


c. ≥6 mos postpartum


TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Postpartum (in nonbreastfeeding women)

a. <21 days


Comment: Theoretical concern exists about the association between CHC use up to 3 weeks postpartum and risk for thrombosis in the mother. Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis are essentially normalized by 3 weeks postpartum.

b. ≥21 days



Clarification: COCs, P, or R may be started immediately postabortion.

a. First trimester


Evidence: Women who started taking COCs immediately after first trimester medical or surgical abortion did not experience more side effects or adverse vaginal bleeding outcomes or clinically significant changes in coagulation parameters than did women who used a placebo, an IUD, a nonhormonal contraceptive method, or delayed COC initiation (134--140). Limited evidence on women using the ring immediately after first trimester medical or surgical abortion found no serious adverse events and no infection related to use of the combined vaginal contraceptive ring during 3 cycles of follow-up postabortion (141).

b. Second trimester


c. Immediate postseptic abortion


Past ectopic pregnancy


Comment: The risk for future ectopic pregnancy is increased among women who have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past. CHCs protect against pregnancy in general, including ectopic gestation.

History of pelvic surgery



a. Age <35 yrs


Evidence: COC users who smoked were at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases, especially myocardial infarction, than those who did not smoke. Studies also showed an increased risk for myocardial infarction with increasing number of cigarettes smoked per day (142--153).

b. Age ≥35 yrs

i. <15 Cigarettes/day


ii. ≥15 Cigarettes/day



a. ≥30 kg/m2 BMI


Evidence: Obese women who use COCs are more likely than obese women who do not use COCs to experience VTE. The absolute risk for VTE in healthy women of reproductive age is small. Limited evidence suggests that obese women who use COCs do not have a higher risk for acute myocardial infarction or stroke than do obese nonusers (147,153--159). Limited evidence is inconsistent about whether COC effectiveness varies by body weight or BMI (160--165). Limited evidence suggests obese women are no more likely to gain weight after 3 cycles of the vaginal ring or COC than overweight or normal weight women. A similar weight gain during the 3 months was noted between the COC group and the vaginal ring group across all BMI categories (166). The effectiveness of the patch decreased among women who weighed >90 kg; however, no association was found between pregnancy risk and BMI (18).

b. Menarche to <18 yrs and ≥30 kg/m2 BMI


History of bariatric surgery§

a. Restrictive procedures: decrease storage capacity of the stomach (vertical banded gastroplasty, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy)


Evidence: Limited evidence demonstrated no substantial decrease in effectiveness of oral contraceptives among women who underwent laparoscopic placement of an adjustable gastric band (167).

b. Malabsorptive procedures: decrease absorption of nutrients and calories by shortening the functional length of the small intestine (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion)

COCs: 3

P/R: 1

Evidence: Limited evidence demonstrated no substantial decrease in effectiveness of oral contraceptives among women who underwent a biliopancreatic diversion (168); however, evidence from pharmacokinetic studies reported conflicting results of oral contraceptive effectiveness among women who underwent a jejunoileal bypass (169,170).

Comment: Bariatric surgical procedures involving a malabsorptive component have the potential to decrease oral contraceptive effectiveness, perhaps further decreased by postoperative complications, such as long-term diarrhea and/or vomiting.

Cardiovascular Disease

Multiple risk factors for arterial cardiovascular disease (such as older age, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension)


Clarification: When a woman has multiple major risk factors, any of which alone would substantially increase her risk for cardiovascular disease, use of COCs, P, or R might increase her risk to an unacceptable level. However, a simple addition of categories for multiple risk factors is not intended; for example, a combination of two risk factors assigned a category 2 might not necessarily warrant a higher category.


For all categories of hypertension, classifications are based on the assumption that no other risk factors exist for cardiovascular disease. When multiple risk factors do exist, risk for cardiovascular disease might increase substantially. A single reading of blood pressure level is not sufficient to classify a woman as hypertensive.

a. Adequately controlled hypertension


Clarification: Women adequately treated for hypertension are at reduced risk for acute myocardial infarction and stroke compared with untreated women. Although no data exist, COC, P, or R users with adequately controlled and monitored hypertension should be at reduced risk for acute myocardial infarction and stroke compared with untreated hypertensive COC, P, or R users.

b. Elevated blood pressure levels (properly taken measurements)

TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




i. Systolic 140--159 mm Hg or diastolic 90--99 mm Hg


Evidence: Among women with hypertension, COC users were at higher risk than nonusers for stroke, acute myocardial infarction, and peripheral arterial disease (142,144,151--153,155,171--186). Discontinuation of COCs in women with hypertension might improve blood pressure control (187).

ii. Systolic ≥160 mm Hg or diastolic ≥100 mm Hg§


c. Vascular disease


History of high blood pressure during pregnancy (where current blood pressure is measurable and normal)


Evidence: Women with a history of high blood pressure in pregnancy, who also used COCs, had a higher risk for myocardial infarction and VTE than did COC users who did not have a history of high blood pressure during pregnancy. The absolute risks for acute myocardial infarction and VTE in this population remained small (153,172,184--186,188--193).

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)/ Pulmonary embolism (PE)

a. History of DVT/PE, not on anticoagulant therapy

i. Higher risk for recurrent DVT/PE (≥1 risk factors)

• History of estrogen-associated DVT/PE

• Pregnancy-associated DVT/PE

• Idiopathic DVT/PE

• Known thrombophilia, including antiphospholipid syndrome

• Active cancer (metastatic, on therapy, or within 6 mos after clinical remission), excluding non-melanoma skin cancer

• History of recurrent DVT/PE


ii. Lower risk for recurrent DVT/PE (no risk factors)


b. Acute DVT/PE


c. DVT/PE and established on anticoagulant therapy for at least 3 mos

i. Higher risk for recurrent DVT/PE (≥1 risk factors)

• Known thrombophilia, including antiphospholipid syndrome

• Active cancer (metastatic, on therapy, or within 6 mos after clinical remission), excluding non-melanoma skin cancer

• History of recurrent DVT/PE


Clarification: Women on anticoagulant therapy are at risk for gynecologic complications of therapy, such as hemorrhagic ovarian cysts and severe menorrhagia. Hormonal contraceptive methods can be of benefit in preventing or treating these complications. When a contraceptive method is used as a therapy, rather than solely to prevent pregnancy, the risk/benefit ratio might differ and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

ii. Lower risk for recurrent DVT/PE (no risk factors)


Clarification: Women on anticoagulant therapy are at risk for gynecologic complications of therapy, such as hemorrhagic ovarian cysts and severe menorrhagia. Hormonal contraceptive methods can be of benefit in preventing or treating these complications. When a contraceptive method is used as a therapy, rather than solely to prevent pregnancy, the risk/benefit ratio may differ and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

d. Family history (first-degree relatives)


Comment: Some conditions that increase the risk for DVT/PE are heritable.

e. Major surgery

i. With prolonged immobilization


ii. Without prolonged immobilization


f. Minor surgery without immobilization


Known thrombogenic mutations§ (e.g., factor V Leiden; prothrombin mutation; protein S, protein C, and antithrombin deficiencies)


Clarification: Routine screening is not appropriate because of the rarity of the conditions and the high cost of screening.

Evidence: Among women with thrombogenic mutations, COC users had a 2-fold to 20-fold higher risk for thrombosis than did nonusers (159,194--216).

Superficial venous thrombosis

a. Varicose veins


Comment: Varicose veins are not risk factors for DVT/PE

b. Superficial thrombophlebitis


Current and history of ischemic heart disease§


Stroke§ (history of cerebrovascular accident)


TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Known hyperlipidemias


Clarification: Routine screening is not appropriate because of the rarity of the conditions and the high cost of screening. Although some types of hyperlipidemias are risk factors for vascular disease, the category should be assessed according to the type, its severity, and the presence of other cardiovascular risk factors.

Valvular heart disease

a. Uncomplicated


b. Complicated§ (pulmonary hypertension, risk for atrial fibrillation, history of subacute bacterial endocarditis)


Comment: Among women with valvular heart disease, CHC use may further increase the risk for arterial thrombosis; women with complicated valvular heart disease are at greatest risk.

Peripartum cardiomyopathy§

a. Normal or mildly impaired cardiac function (New York Heart Association Functional Class I or II: patients with no limitation of activities or patients with slight, mild limitation of activity) (217)

Evidence: No direct evidence exists about the safety of COCs/P/R among women with peripartum cardiomyopathy. Limited indirect evidence from noncomparative studies of women with cardiac disease demonstrated few cases of hypertension and transient ischemic attack in women with cardiac disease using COCs. No cases of heart failure were reported (218).

Comment: COCs might increase fluid retention in healthy women; fluid retention may worsen heart failure in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy. COCs might induce cardiac arrhythmias in healthy women; women with peripartum cardiomyopathy have a high incidence of cardiac arrhythmias.

i. <6 mos


ii. ≥6 mos


b. Moderately or severely impaired cardiac function (New York Heart Association Functional Class III or IV: patients with marked limitation of activity or patients who should be at complete rest) (217)


Evidence: No direct evidence exists about the safety of COCs/P/R among women with peripartum cardiomyopathy. Limited indirect evidence from noncomparative studies of women with cardiac disease demonstrated few cases of hypertension and transient ischemic attack in women with cardiac disease using COCs. No cases of heart failure were reported (218).

Comment: COCs might increase fluid retention in healthy women; fluid retention may worsen heart failure in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy. COCs might induce cardiac arrhythmias in healthy women; women with peripartum cardiomyopathy have a high incidence of cardiac arrhythmias.

Rheumatic Diseases

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)§

Persons with SLE are at increased risk for ischemic heart disease, stroke, and VTE. Categories assigned to such conditions in the MEC should be the same for women with SLE who present with these conditions. For all categories of SLE, classifications are based on the assumption that no other risk factors for cardiovascular disease are present; these classifications must be modified in the presence of such risk factors.

Many women with SLE can be considered good candidates for most contraceptive methods, including hormonal contraceptives (219--237).

a. Positive (or unknown) antiphospholipid antibodies


Evidence: Antiphospholipid antibodies are associated with a higher risk for both arterial and venous thrombosis (238,239).

b. Severe thrombocytopenia


c. Immunosuppressive treatment


d. None of the above


Rheumatoid arthritis

a. On immunosuppressive therapy


Evidence: Limited evidence shows no consistent pattern of improvement or worsening of rheumatoid arthritis with use of oral contraceptives (240--245), progesterone (246), or estrogen (247).

b. Not on immunosuppressive therapy


Neurologic Conditions




Clarification: Classification depends on accurate diagnosis of those severe headaches that are migrainous and those headaches that are not. Any new headaches or marked changes in headaches should be evaluated. Classification is for women without any other risk factors for stroke. Risk for stroke increases with age, hypertension and smoking.

a. Non-migrainous (mild or severe)



b. Migraine

Evidence: Among women with migraine, women who also had aura had a higher risk for stroke than did those without aura (248--250). Women with a history of migraine who use COCs are about 2--4 times as likely to have an ischemic stroke as nonusers with a history of migraine (142,157,179,180,249-254).

Comment: Aura is a specific focal neurologic symptom. For more information about this and other diagnostic criteria, see: Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd ed. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1). Available http://www.i-h-s.org/upload/ct_clas/ihc_II_main_no_print.pdf.

i. Without aura

• Age <35 yrs



• Age ≥35 yrs



ii. With aura, at any age





Clarification: If a woman is taking anticonvulsants, refer to the section on drug interactions. Certain anticonvulsants lower COC effectiveness. The extent to which P or R use is similar to COC use in this regard remains unclear.

TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Depressive Disorders

Depressive disorders


Clarification: The classification is based on data for women with selected depressive disorders. No data on bipolar disorder or postpartum depression were available. Drug interactions potentially can occur between certain antidepressant medications and hormonal contraceptives.

Evidence: COC use did not increase depressive symptoms in women with depression compared with baseline or with nonusers with depression (255--264).

Reproductive Tract Infections and Disorders

Vaginal bleeding patterns

a. Irregular pattern without heavy bleeding


Comment: Irregular menstrual bleeding patterns are common among healthy women.

b. Heavy or prolonged bleeding (includes regular and irregular patterns)


Clarification: Unusually heavy bleeding should raise suspicion of a serious underlying condition.

Evidence: A Cochrane Collaboration Review identified 1 randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of COC use compared with naproxen and danazol in treating menorrhagic women. Women with menorrhagia did not report worsening of the condition or any adverse events related to COC use (265).

Unexplained vaginal bleeding (suspicious for serious condition)

Before evaluation


Clarification: If pregnancy or an underlying pathological condition (such as pelvic malignancy) is suspected, it must be evaluated and the category adjusted after evaluation.

Comment: No conditions that cause vaginal bleeding will be worsened in the short term by use of CHCs.



Evidence: A Cochrane Collaboration Review identified 1 randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of COC use compared with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue in treating the symptoms of endometriosis. Women with endometriosis did not report worsening of the condition or any adverse events related to COC use (266).

Benign ovarian tumors (including cysts)


Severe dysmenorrhea


Evidence: Risk for side effects with COC use was not higher among women with dysmenorrhea than among women not using COCs. Some COC users had a reduction in pain and bleeding (267,268).

Gestational trophoblastic disease

a. Decreasing or undetectable β--hCG levels


Evidence: After molar pregnancy evacuation, the balance of evidence found COC use did not increase the risk for postmolar trophoblastic disease, and b-hCG levels regressed more rapidly in some COC users than in nonusers (269--275). Limited evidence suggests that use of COCs during chemotherapy does not significantly affect the regression or treatment of postmolar trophoblastic disease compared with women who used a nonhormonal contraceptive method or DMPA during chemotherapy (276).

b. Persistently elevated β-hCG levels or malignant disease§


Cervical ectropion


Comment: Cervical ectropion is not a risk factor for cervical cancer, and restriction of CHC use is unnecessary.

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia


Evidence: Among women with persistent HPV infection, long-term COC use (≥5 years) might increase the risk for carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma (21,277). Limited evidence on women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions found use of the vaginal ring did not worsen the condition (21).

Cervical cancer (awaiting treatment)


Comment: Theoretical concern exists that CHC use might affect prognosis of the existing disease. While awaiting treatment, women may use CHCs. In general, treatment of this condition can render a woman sterile.

Breast Disease

a. Undiagnosed mass


Clarification: The woman should be evaluated as early as possible.

b. Benign breast disease


c. Family history of cancer


Evidence: Women with breast cancer susceptibility genes (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2) have a higher baseline risk for breast cancer than do women without these genes. The baseline risk for breast cancer is also higher among women with a family history of breast cancer than among those who do not have such a history. However, current evidence does not suggest that the increased risk for breast cancer among women with either a family history of breast cancer or breast cancer susceptibility genes is modified by the use of COCs (278--295).

d. Breast cancer§

Comment: Breast cancer is a hormonally sensitive tumor, and the prognosis for women with current or recent breast cancer might worsen with CHC use.

i. Current


ii. Past and no evidence of current disease for 5 yrs


Endometrial hyperplasia


Endometrial cancer§


Comment: COC use reduces the risk for endometrial cancer; whether P or R use reduces the risk for endometrial cancer is not known. While awaiting treatment, women may use COCs, P, or R. In general, treatment of this condition renders a woman sterile.

TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Ovarian cancer§


Comment: COC use reduces the risk for ovarian cancer; whether P or R use reduces the risk for ovarian cancer is not known. While awaiting treatment, women may use COCs, P, or R. In general, treatment of this condition can render a woman sterile.

Uterine fibroids


Comment: COCs do not appear to cause growth of uterine fibroids, and P and R also are not expected to cause growth.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

a. Past PID (assuming no current risk factors for STIs)

Comment: COCs might reduce the risk for PID among women with STIs but do not protect against HIV or lower genital tract STIs. Whether use of P or R reduces the risk for PID among women with STIs is unknown, but they do not protect against HIV or lower genital tract STIs.

i. With subsequent pregnancy


ii. Without subsequent pregnancy


b. Current PID



a. Current purulent cervicitis or chlamydial infection or gonorrhea


b. Other STIs (excluding HIV and hepatitis)


c. Vaginitis (including Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis)


d. Increased risk for STIs


Evidence: Evidence suggests that chlamydial cervicitis may be increased among COC users at high risk for STIs. For other STIs, there is either evidence of no association between COC use and STI acquisition or too limited evidence to draw any conclusions (296--376).


High risk for HIV


Evidence: The balance of the evidence suggests no association between oral contraceptive use and HIV acquisition, although findings from studies conducted among higher risk populations have been inconsistent (377--415).

HIV infection§


Evidence: Most studies suggest no increased risk for HIV disease progression with hormonal contraceptive use, as measured by changes in CD4 cell count, viral load, or survival. Studies observing that women with HIV who use hormonal contraception have increased risks of acquiring STIs are generally consistent with reports among uninfected women. One direct study found no association between hormonal contraceptive use and an increased risk for HIV transmission to uninfected partners; several indirect studies reported mixed results about whether hormonal contraception is associated with increased risk for HIV-1 DNA or RNA shedding from the genital tract (377,416--432).



Clarification: Drug interactions may occur between hormonal contraceptives and ARV therapy; refer to the section on drug interactions.

Other Infections


a. Uncomplicated


Evidence: Among women with uncomplicated schistosomiasis, COC use had no adverse effects on liver function (433--439).

b. Fibrosis of liver§ (if severe, see cirrhosis)



Clarification: If a woman is taking rifampicin, refer to the section on drug interactions. Rifampicin is likely to decrease COC effectiveness. The extent to which P or R use is similar to COC use in this regard remains unclear.

a. Nonpelvic


b. Pelvic




Endocrine Conditions


a. History of gestational disease


Evidence: The development of noninsulin-dependant diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes is not increased by use of COCs (440--447). Likewise, lipid levels appear to be unaffected by COC use (448--450).

b. Nonvascular disease

Evidence: Among women with insulin- or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, COC use had limited effect on daily insulin requirements and no effect on long-term diabetes control (e.g., glycosylated hemoglobin levels) or progression to retinopathy. Changes in lipid profile and hemostatic markers were limited, and most changes remained within normal values (451--460).

i. Noninsulin-dependent


ii. Insulin-dependent§


c. Nephropathy/retinopathy/ neuropathy§


Clarification: The category should be assessed according to the severity of the condition.

d. Other vascular disease or diabetes of >20 yrs' duration§


Clarification: The category should be assessed according to the severity of the condition.

TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Thyroid disorders

a. Simple goiter


b. Hyperthyroid


c. Hypothyroid


Gastrointestinal Conditions

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease)


Clarification: For women with mild IBD and no other risk factor for VTE, the benefits of COC/P/R use generally outweigh the risks (Category 2). However, for women with IBD who are at increased risk for VTE (e.g., those with active or extensive disease, surgery, immobilization, corticosteroid use, vitamin deficiencies, or fluid depletion), the risks of COC/P/R use generally outweigh the benefits (Category 3).

Evidence: Risk for disease relapse was not significantly higher among women with IBD using oral contraceptives (most studies did not specify formulation) than among nonusers (461--465).

Absorption of COCs among women with mild ulcerative colitis and no or small ileal resections was similar to the absorption among healthy women (466,467). Findings might not apply to women with Crohn disease or more extensive bowel resections.

No data exist that evaluate the increased risk for VTE among women with IBD using COCs/P/R. However, women with IBD are at higher risk than unaffected women for VTE (468).

Gallbladder disease

a. Symptomatic

Comment: COCs, P, or R might cause a small increased risk for gallbladder disease. COCs, P, or R might worsen existing gallbladder disease.

i. Treated by cholecystectomy


ii. Medically treated


iii. Current


b. Asymptomatic


History of cholestasis

a. Pregnancy-related


Comment: History of pregnancy-related cholestasis might predict an increased risk for COC-related cholestasis.

b. Past COC-related


Comment: History of COC-related cholestasis predicts an increased risk with subsequent COC use.

Viral hepatitis



a. Acute or flare



Clarification for initiation: The category should be assessed according to the severity of the condition.

Evidence: Data suggest that in women with chronic hepatitis, COC use does not increase the rate or severity of cirrhotic fibrosis, nor does it increase the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (469,470). For women who are carriers, COC use does not appear to trigger liver failure or severe dysfunction (471-473). Evidence is limited for COC use during active hepatitis (474).

b. Carrier



c. Chronic




a. Mild (compensated)


b. Severe§ (decompensated)


Liver tumors

a. Benign

Evidence: Limited direct evidence suggests that hormonal contraceptive use does not influence either progression or regression of liver lesions among women with focal nodular hyperplasia (475,476).

i. Focal nodular hyperplasia


ii. Hepatocellular adenoma§


b. Malignant§ (hepatoma)





Comment: Anecdotal evidence from countries where thalassemia is prevalent indicates that COC use does not worsen the condition.

Sickle cell disease§


Iron deficiency anemia


Comment: CHC use may decrease menstrual blood loss.

Solid Organ Transplantation

Solid organ transplantation§

a. Complicated: graft failure (acute or chronic), rejection, cardiac allograft vasculopathy


Evidence: Limited evidence of COC and P users indicated no overall changes in biochemical measures. However, one study reported discontinuations of COC use in 2 (8%) of 26 women as a result of serious medical complications, and in one case report, a woman developed cholestasis associated with high-dose COC use (477--480).

b. Uncomplicated


Clarification: Women with Budd-Chiari syndrome should not use COC/P/R because of the increased risk for thrombosis.

Evidence: Limited evidence of COC and P users indicated no overall changes in biochemical measures. However, one study reported discontinuations of COC use in 2 (8%) of 26 women as a result of serious medical complications, and in one case report, a woman developed cholestasis associated with high-dose COC use (477--480).

TABLE. (Continued) Classifications for combined hormonal contraceptives, including pill, patch, and ring*




Drug Interactions

Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy

Clarification: ARV drugs have the potential to either decrease or increase the bioavailability of steroid hormones in hormonal contraceptives. Limited data (summarized in Appendix M) suggest potential drug interactions between many ARV drugs (particularly some non-NNRTIs and ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors) and hormonal contraceptives. These interactions might alter the safety and effectiveness of both the hormonal contraceptive and the ARV drug. Thus, if a woman on ARV treatment decides to initiate or continue hormonal contraceptive use, the consistent use of condoms is recommended to both prevent HIV transmission and compensate for any possible reduction in the effectiveness of the hormonal contraceptive. When a COC is chosen, a preparation containing a minimum of 30 µg EE should be used.

a. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)


b. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs)


c. Ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors


Anticonvulsant therapy

Clarification: Although the interaction of certain anticonvulsants with COCs, P, or R is not harmful to women, it is likely to reduce the effectiveness of COCs, P, or R. Use of other contraceptives should be encouraged for women who are long-term users of any of these drugs. When a COC is chosen, a preparation containing a minimum of 30 µg EE should be used.

Evidence: Use of certain anticonvulsants might decrease the effectiveness of COCs (481--484).

a. Certain anticonvulsants (phenytoin, carbamazepine, barbiturates, primidone, topiramate, oxcarbazepine)


b. Lamotrigine


Clarification: The recommendation for lamotrigine applies only for situations where lamotrigine monotherapy is taken concurrently with COCs. Anticonvulsant treatment regimens that combine lamotrigine and nonenzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (such as sodium valproate) do not interact with COCs.

Evidence: Pharmacokinetic studies show levels of lamotrigine decrease significantly during COC use (485--489). Some women who used both COCs and lamotrigine experienced increased seizure activity in one trial (485).

Antimicrobial therapy

a. Broad-spectrum antibiotics


Evidence: Most broad-spectrum antibiotics do not affect the contraceptive effectiveness of COCs(490--526), P (527) or R (528).

b. Antifungals


Evidence: Studies of antifungal agents have shown no clinically significant pharmacokinetic interactions with COCs (529--538) or R (539).

c. Antiparasitics


Evidence: Studies of antiparasitic agents have shown no clinically significant pharmacokinetic interactions with COCs (433,540--544).

d. Rifampicin or rifabutin therapy


Clarification: Although the interaction of rifampicin or rifabutin therapy with COCs, P, or R is not harmful to women, it is likely to reduce the effectiveness of COCs, P, or R. Use of other contraceptives should be encouraged for women who are long-term users of either of these drugs. When a COC is chosen, a preparation containing a minimum of 30 µg EE should be used.

Evidence: The balance of the evidence suggests that rifampicin reduces the effectiveness of COCs (545--560). Data on rifabutin are limited, but effects on metabolism of COCs are less than with rifampicin, and small studies have not shown evidence of ovulation (547,554).

* Abbreviations: STI = sexually transmitted infection; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; COC = combined oral contraceptive; P = patch; R = ring; EE = ethinyl estradiol; BMD = bone mineral density; CHC = combined hormonal contraceptive; IUD = intrauterine device; VTE = venous thromboembolism; BMI = body mass index; DVT = deep venous thrombosis; PE = pulmonary embolism; SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus; MEC = Medical Eligibility Criteria; hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin; DMPA = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; HPV = human papillomavirus; PID = pelvic inflammatory disease; AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; ARV = antiretroviral; IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; NRTI = nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.

COCs/P/R do not protect against STI/HIV. If risk for STI/HIV (including during pregnancy or postpartum) exists, the correct and consistent use of condoms is recommended, either alone or with another contraceptive method. Consistent and correct use of the male latex condom reduces the risk for STI/HIV transmission.

§ Condition that exposes a woman to increased risk as a result of unintended pregnancy.


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