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Current Trends Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III/
Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus: Agent Summary Statement
In March 1984, CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
consultation with scientists, physicians, and public health workers
academia, industry, and government, published a manual entitled
'Biosafety in
Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories' ("biosafety manual") *
(1). The
manual describes combinations of standard and special microbiologic
practices, safety equipment, and facilities recommended for working
infectious agents in various laboratory settings. The
recommendations are
advisory and provide a voluntary code of safety practices.
A section of this manual is devoted to a number of specific
summary statements" consisting of brief descriptions of documented
anecdotal laboratory-associated infections, the nature of the
hazards, and recommended precautions to be taken in handling and
working with
certain infectious agents. Contributors to the manual recognized
that new
agents would be discovered from time to time and recommended that a
statement for each new agent be developed and published in the
summary statement for human T-lymphotropic virus type
associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV) ** follows. All laboratory
directors are
requested to put a copy of this summary in each of their copies of
biosafety manual and bring it to the attention of laboratory
personnel. The
recommendations in the summary statement were compiled from
scientific reports and are consistent with the published guidelines
health-care workers (2-4).
As of August 15, 1986, no cases of acquired immunodeficiency
(AIDS) that meet the CDC case definition and can be attributed to
inadvertent laboratory exposure have been reported in laboratory
workers (5).
One laboratory worker (7) was included among the health-care
workers who have
had HTLV-III/LAV antibody detected in their serum after sustaining
needlestick injury (2,3,6-10), but the source of the infection
could not be
established. Persons who are infected with HTLV-III/LAV may be
may have AIDS-related complex, or may manifest symptoms of overt
AIDS (11).
In 1985, two different reagent production laboratories reported
several laboratory workers may have been inadvertently exposed to
an aerosol
of concentrated HTLV-III/LAV; one worker was cut by a piece of
glass from a
broken carboy that contained HTLV-III/LAV-infected cells and
culture fluid.
None of the potentially exposed persons had shown evidence of
after 6 months in one incident and 12 months in the other as a
result of
these occupational exposures.
Other reports dealing with HTLV-III/LAV infection in
personnel, including laboratory workers (3,4,6,8-10), indicate that
the risk
of bloodborne transmission from inadvertent exposure is
considerably less for
HTLV-III/LAV than for hepatitis B virus infection. These reports
the need for complete evaluation by a physician and serologic
testing of each
laboratory worker definitely or possibly exposed to HTLV-III/LAV in
laboratory setting. It is recommended that the Public Health
guidelines for health-care workers be followed in these instances
Laboratory Hazards
HTLV-III/LAV has been isolated from blood, semen, saliva,
tears, urine,
cerebrospinal fluid, brain tissue, and cervical secretions and is
likely to
be present in other body fluids, secretions, and tissues of
infected humans
or experimentally infected nonhuman primates. Percutaneous or
inoculation and direct contact of cuts, scratches, abrasions, or
surfaces with suspensions of virus or specimens containing live
virus are
considered potential routes of infection. Possible transmission of
via the parenteral route can occur through self-inoculation with
broken glass, or other sharp objects that contain HTLV-III/LAV.
Spillage is
a possible means of exposure and infection, especially spills
accompanied by
spraying or splashing of infected cell cultures, viral
concentrates, and
other infectious materials that may come into direct contact with
skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth; however,
there are no
data documenting or suggesting that transmission of HTLV-III/LAV
has occurred
in this manner. Ingestion and inhalation have not been documented
as modes of
transmission of the virus.
Recommended Precautions
Biosafety Level (BSL) 2 standards and special practices,
equipment, and facilities as described in the CDC-NIH biosafety
are recommended for activities involving clinical specimens,
body fluids,
or tissues from humans or laboratory animals that may contain
LAV. These are the same practices recommended for all clinical
Emphasis is placed on the following practices, which are
included in the
manual (1):
Use of syringes, needles and other sharp instruments should
avoided if possible. Used needles and cutting instruments
should be
discarded into a puncture-resistant container with a lid.
should not be resheathed, purposefully bent, broken,
removed from
disposable syringes, or otherwise manipulated by hand.
Gloves should be worn by all personnel engaged in
activities that may
involve skin contact with potentially infectious fluids,
tissues, or
cultures and by laboratory workers with dermatitis or other
on the hands who may have direct or indirect contact with
infectious materials. Handwashing with soap and water
should be a
routine practice immediately after direct contact with
infectious materials and on completion of work, even when
gloves are
Generation of aerosols, splashes, and spills of potentially
infectious materials should be avoided in procedures
involving body
fluids or tissues, during necropsy of cadavers, and in
procedures on animals experimentally infected with
Laboratory workers should use a biological safety cabinet
propagating the virus to further reduce the risk of
Although the major precautions are listed here, the CDC-NIH
manual contains additional related precautions (see pages
11-13 for
BSL 2 and pages 14-17 (1) for BSL 3 when large volumes or
trates of HTLV-III/LAV are involved). In all instances, the
laboratory director is responsible for assessing the
biosafety level
to be used.
Human serum from any source that is used as a control or
reagent in
a test procedure should be handled at BSL 2 (see pages
11-13 (1)).
Appended to this Agent Summary Statement is a statement
(Addendum 1)
issued by CDC on the use of all human control or reagent
sera shipped
to other laboratories. The Food and Drug Administration
requires that
manufacturers of human serum reagents use a similarly
Animal BSL 2 practices, containment equipment, and
facilities are
recommended for activities involving nonhuman primates
infected with HTLV-III/LAV. Laboratory coats, gowns, or
should be worn by laboratory workers, as is customary for
other BSL
2 or 3 practices, depending on the nature of the work,
of the virus, and volume of material being handled. Because
animals bite, and some throw feces, urine, or expectorate
at humans,
animal-care personnel must wear coats, protective gloves,
or uniforms, and face shields as appropriate to protect the
skin and
mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth from
potential exposure
to these substances when working with animals likely to
manifest such
Activities such as growing research-laboratory-scale amounts of
III/LAV or related viruses or virus-producing cell lines,
working with
concentrated virus preparations, or conducting procedures that
produce droplets or aerosols should be performed in a BSL 2
facility with
the additional practices and containment equipment recommended
for BSL 3
Activities involving industrial-scale, large-volume, or
tration production and manipulation of HTLV-III/LAV are to be
with BSL 3 requirements (12).
All laboratory glassware, equipment, disposable materials, and
suspected or known to contain HTLV-III/LAV must be
preferably in an autoclave, before washing, discarding, etc.
of solid wastes may be used as an alternate method of disposal.
There is no evidence that laboratory clothing soiled with
materials known
or suspected to contain HTLV-III/LAV poses a transmission
hazard, and the
handling of such clothing is covered under BSL 2 practices.
However, to
be consistent with BSL 3 recommendations (1), when laboratory
becomes contaminated with HTLV-III/LAV preparations, it should
decontaminated before being laundered or discarded.
Work surfaces should be decontaminated at the end of each day
completion of procedures or when overly contaminated. Many
commonly used
chemical disinfectants with such active ingredients as sodium
chlorite, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, or phenols (4, 13-15)
can be used
to decontaminate laboratory work surfaces; they can also be
used to
decontaminate some laboratory instruments, specific areas of
laboratory clothing, and spills of infectious materials. Prompt
ination of spills and other overt contamination should be
The prudent and recommended approach to handling human serum
known or
suspected to contain HTLV-III/LAV is to use the same
precautions that
should be used routinely to prevent transmission of bloodborne
infections, including hepatitis B (16). Available data on the
effectiveness of heat to destroy HTLV-III/LAV suspected or
known to be
present in human serum are at variance because of variations in
volume of
serum, concentration of the virus, temperature, and duration of
to heat (14, 15, 17). Similarly, results of chemical analyses
or antibody
assays may vary when sera are heated before testing according
to the
analysis or assay being performed (18-20). However, there is
that testing heated serum for HTLV-III/LAV antibody by enzyme
assays often yields false-positive results (21-23).
No HTLV-III/LAV vaccine has been developed, and no drugs have
been shown
to be safe and effective for therapy. As part of an ongoing
surveillance program for employees, all laboratory workers
before being
assigned to activities with a high potential for exposure
should have a
serum sample obtained and stored at -40 C (-4Q F) for possible
testing. Subsequent serum samples should be obtained and stored
accordance with laboratory policy or following an inadvertent
exposure involving materials described above. When indicated,
these serum
specimens should be tested by a qualified laboratory using
recommended procedures for HTLV-III/LAV antibody. Furthermore,
physician requesting serologic testing of these serum specimens
first obtain informed consent from the laboratory worker and
describe the
confidentiality safeguards available to protect test results.
laboratory workers whose serum specimens are to be tested
understand how the test results are to be used, the
implications of a
positive or negative test result, and the limits, if any, of
confidentiality safeguards. An employee whose serum
HTLV-III/LAV antibody
test is reactive and whose subsequent tests and evaluation
confirm the
presence of HTLV-III/LAV infection should be counseled to
follow the
Public Health Service recommendations for preventing
transmission (24,
In addition to HTLV-III/LAV, other primary, as well as
pathogenic agents may be present in the body fluids and tissues
persons who are antibody positive or have AIDS-related complex
or AIDS.
Laboratory workers should follow accepted biosafety practices
to ensure
maximum protection against inadvertent laboratory infection
with agents
other than HTLV-III/LAV that may also be present in clinical
Reported by Div of Safety, National Institute of Allergy and
Diseases, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of
Health; AIDS
Program, Hospital Infections Program, Center for Infectious
Laboratory Program Office, Office of Biosafety, Office of the
Director, CDC.
CDC cautionary notice for all human serum samples used as controls
WARNING: Because no test method can offer complete assurance that
specimens do not contain HTLV-III/LAV, hepatitis B virus, or other
agents, this specimen(s) should be handled at the BSL 2 as
recommended for
any potentially infectious human serum or blood specimen in the
manual, 'Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories',
pages 11-3.
One or more of the following statements should be included with
the above
warning statement:
This specimen is negative for hepatitis B surface antigen
This specimen is negative for antibody to HTLV-III/LAV.
This specimen is positive for hepatitis B surface antigen
This specimen is positive for antibody to HTLV-III/LAV.
This specimen has NOT been tested for hepatitis B surface
This specimen has NOT been tested for antibody to HTLV-III/LAV.
This specimen has been heated at 56 C (133 F) for 30 minutes
(which will
not inactivate HBsAg but will inactivate HTLV-III/LAV).
Richardson JH, Barkley WE, eds. Biosafety in microbiological
biomedical laboratories, 1984. Washington, DC: US Department of
and Human Services, Public Health Service, HHS publication no.
CDC. Update: evaluation of human T-lymphotropic virus type
denopathy-associated virus infection in health-care personnel
-- United
States. MMWR 1985;34:575-8.
CDC. Recommendations for preventing transmission of infection
with human
T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus
in the
workplace. MMWR 1985;34:682-6, 691-5.
CDC. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS): precautions
for clinical
and laboratory staffs. MMWR 1982;32:577-80.
CDC. Revision of the case definition of acquired
syndrome for national reporting -- United States. MMWR
Weiss SH, Saxinger WC, Richtman D, et al. HTLV-III infection
among health
care workers: association with needlestick injuries. JAMA
Anonymous. Needlestick transmission of HTLV-III from a patient
in Africa. Lancet 1984;ii:1376-7.
Henderson DK, Saah AJ, Zak BJ, et al. Risk of nosocomial
infection with
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type
III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus
in a large cohort of intensively exposed health-care workers.
Ann Intern
Med 1986;104:644-7.
Stricof RL, Morse DL. HTLV-III/LAV seroconversion following a
intramuscular needlestick injury {Letter}. New Engl J Med
McCray E and the Cooperative Needlestick Surveillance Group.
risk of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among health
care workers.
N Engl J Med 1986;314:1127-32.
CDC. Classification system for human T-lymphotropic virus type
lymphadenopathy-associated virus infections. MMWR
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Biosafety guidelines for use of HTLV-III and related viruses.
Register 1984, 49: Number 201, 40556.
Favero MS. Sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis in the
In: Lennette EH, Balows A, Hausler WJ, Jr, Shadomy HJ, eds.
Manual of
clinical microbiology. Washington, DC: American Society for
Martin LS, McDougal JS, Loskoski SL. Disinfection and
inactivation of the
human T lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated
virus. J
Infect Dis 1985;152:400-3.
Resnick L, Veren K, Salahuddin, SZ, Tondreau S, Markham PD.
Stability and
inactivation of HTLV-III/LAV under clinical and laboratory
JAMA 1986;255:1887-91.
Favero MS, Petersen NJ, Bond WW. Transmission and control of
acquired hepatitis infection. In: Miller BM, Groschel DHM,
Richardson JH,
et al., eds. Laboratory safety: principles and practice.
Washington, DC:
American Society for Microbiology, 1986:49-58.
Ronalds CJ, Grint PCA, Kangro HD. Disinfection and inactivation
of HTLV-
III/LAV {Letter}. J Infect Dis 1986;153:996.
Goldie DJ, McConnell AA, Cooke PR. Heat treatment of whole
blood and
serum before chemical analysis {Letter}. Lancet 1985;i:1161.
Lai L, Ball G, Stevens J, Shanson D. Effect of heat treatment
of plasma
and serum on biochemical indices {Letter}. Lancet
Evans RP, Shanson DC. Effect of heat on serological tests for
B and syphilis and on aminoglycoside assays {Letter}. Lancet
Van den Akker R, Hekker AC, Osterhaus ADME. Heat inactivation
of serum
may interfere with HTLV-III/LAV serology {Letter}. Lancet
Mortimer PP, Parry JV, Mortimer JY. Which anti-HTLV III/LAV
assays for
screening and confirmatory testing? Lancet 1985;ii:873-7.
Jungkind DL, DiRenzo SA, Young SJ. Effect of using
heat-inactivated serum
with the Abbott human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III
antibody test.
J Clin Microbiol 1986;23:381-2.
CDC. Prevention of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS):
report of
inter-agency recommendations. MMWR 1983;32:101-3.
CDC. Additional recommendations to reduce sexual and drug
transmission of human T-lymphotropic virus type
associated virus. MMWR 1986;35:152-5.
Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock #01702300167-1, Price: $4.00;
and from
National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of
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Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161, Stock #PB84-206879,
** The Human Retrovirus Subcommittee of the International Committee
on the
Taxonomy of Viruses has proposed the name human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)
for these viruses (Science 1986;232:697).
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