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![]() Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov. Type 508 Accommodation and the title of the report in the subject line of e-mail. National Action Plan to Combat Multidrug-Resistant TuberculosisTask Force Members Co-Chairs Alan R. Hinman, M.D., M.P.H. Director National Center for Prevention Services CDC James M. Hughes, M.D. Director National Center for Infectious Diseases CDC CDC Representatives Donald A. Berreth Director Office of Public Affairs Claire V. Broome, M.D. Assistant Director for Science James W. Curran, M.D., M.P.H. Acting Deputy Director (HIV) George E. Hardy, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. Assistant Director CDC Washington Martha F. Katz Director Office of Program Planning and Evaluation Gene W. Matthews, J.D. Legal Advisor to CDC and ATSDR Office of General Counsel J. Donald Millar, M.D., D.T.P.H. Director National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Ray M. (Bud) Nicola, M.D. Associate Director Public Health Practice Program Office E. Kenneth Powell, M.D., M.P.H. Medical Epidemiologist National Center for Environmental Health and Injury Control Dixie E. Snider, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. Director Division of Tuberculosis Elimination National Center for Prevention Services Rueben C. Warren, D.D.S., Dr.P.H. Associate Director for Minority Health Brian M. Willis, J.D. Attorney-Advisor Office of General Counsel Agency Representatives James R. Allen, M.D., M.P.H. Director National AIDS Program Office David W. Feigal, M.D., M.P.H. Director Division of Anti-Viral Drug Products Food and Drug Administration Mark J. Goldberger, M.D,, M.P.H. Supervisory Medical Officer Division of Anti-Viral Drug Products Food and Drug Administration Harry W. Haverkos, M.D. Acting Director Division of Clinical Research National Institute on Drug Abuse James C. Hill, Ph.D. Deputy Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health Joseph P. Iser, M.D. Associate Bureau Director for Clinical Affairs Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance, Health Resources and Services Administration Melissa A. McDiarmid, M.D., M.P.H. Director Office of Occupational Medicine Occupational Safety and Health Administration Kenneth McDonald Infectious Disease Coordinator Federal Bureau of Prisons Kenneth P. Moritsugu, M.D., M.P.H. Medical Director Federal Bureau of Prisons Zeda F. Rosenberg, Sc.D. Assistant to the Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health Alex Ross, M.S. Senior Health Policy Analyst Office of Health Planning and Evaluation Public Health Service Sam S. Shekar, M.D., M.P.H. Executive Medical Officer Health Care Financing Administration Bruce D. Tempest, M.D. Indian Health Service Alan I. Trachtenberg, M.D., M.P.H. National Institute on Drug Abuse Jerry Zellinger, M.D. Medical Advisor Health Care Financing Administration Consultants John B. Bass, Jr., M.D. Chairman Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis William J. Callan, Ph.D. Association of State and Territorial Public Health Laboratory Directors James L. Hadler, M.D., M.P.H. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Lloyd F. Novick, M.D., M.P.H. Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Diane Sharma, Ph.D. United States Conference of Local Health Officers Arthur G. Thacher, M.P.H. National Association of County Health Officials List of Abbreviations AAP American Academy of Pediatrics ACET Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ALA American Lung Association AMA American Medical Association ASD Adult/Adolescent spectrum of disease surveillance system ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials ASTPHLD Association of State and Territorial Public Health Laboratory Directors ATS American Thoracic Society BCG Bacille Calmette-Guerin BHCDA Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance, HRSA BOP Bureau of Prisons CBO Community-based organization CDC Centers for Disease Control CDER Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological Health, FDA CPCRA Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS CSTE Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists DATC Drug abuse treatment centers DAVDP Division of Anti-Viral Drug Products, FDA DOT Directly observed therapy EPO Epidemiology Program Office, CDC FDA Food and Drug Administration HCFA Health Care Financing Administration HEPA High-efficiency particulate air (filter) HICPAC Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee HIV Human immunodeficiency virus HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration HUD Housing and Urban Development IDSA Infectious Disease Society of America IND Investigational New Drug IRMO Information Resources Management Office, CDC LHD Local health department MDR-TB Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis NACHO National Association of County Health Officials NASADAD National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors NCET National Coalition for the Elimination of Tuberculosis NCHS National Center for Health Statistics, CDC NCID National Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC NCPS National Center for Prevention Services, CDC NETSS National Electronic Telecommunication Surveillance System NIAID National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse, ADAMHA NIH National Institutes of Health NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC NJCIRD National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Diseases NPHHI National Public Health and Hospital Institutes OGC Office of General Counsel, CDC and HCFA OGD Office of Generic Drugs, FDA OHA Office of Health Affairs, FDA OOC Office of the Commissioner, FDA OOP Office of Orphan Products, FDA OPPE Office of Program Planning and Evaluation, CDC ORA Office of Regulatory Affairs OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor OTI Office for Treatment Improvement, ADAMHA PAS Para-aminosalicylic acid, an antituberculosis drug PHLIS Public Health Laboratory Information System PHPPO Public Health Practice Program Office, CDC POE Port of entry PSD Pediatric spectrum of disease surveillance system RFA Request for assistance RVCT Report of verified case of tuberculosis SBIR Small Business Innovation Research program TBDS Tuberculosis Database System TIPS Treatment Improvement Protocol Statements USCLHO United States Conference of Local Health Officers USPHS United States Public Health Service UVGI Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation Summary At no time in recent history has tuberculosis (TB) been as great a concern as it is today. TB cases are on the increase, and the most serious aspect of the problem is the recent occurrence of outbreaks of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB, which pose an urgent public health problem and require rapid intervention. A Task Force composed of representatives of many federal agencies has developed a National Action Plan for addressing this problem. The Task Force identified a number of objectives to be met if MDR-TB is to be successfully combatted. These objectives fail under the categories of a) surveillance and epidemiology -- determining the magnitude and nature of the problem; b) laboratory diagnosis -- improving the rapidity, sensitivity, and reliability of diagnostic methods for MDR-TB; c) patient management -- effectively managing patients who have MDR-TB and preventing patients with drug-susceptible TB from developing drug- resistant disease; d) screening and preventive therapy -- identifying persons who are infected with or at risk of developing MDR-TB and preventing them from developing clinically active TB; e) infection control -- minimizing the risk of transmission of MDR-TB to patients, workers, and others in institutional settings; f) outbreak control; g) program evaluation -- ensuring that TB programs are effective in managing patients and preventing MDR-TB; h) information dissemination/ training and education; and i) research to provide new, more effective tools with which to combat MDR-TB. The Action Plan lays out a series of activities to be undertaken at the national level. For each category, the Plan presents statements of problems to be overcome, followed by a summary of the objective to be achieved and steps to be carried out. For each implementation step, responsibility is assigned to the appropriate organization and start- up dates are listed. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is spread almost exclusively by airborne transmission. Although the disease can affect any site in the body, it most often affects the lungs. When persons with pulmonary TB cough, they produce tiny droplet nuclei that contain TB bacteria, which can remain suspended in the air for prolonged periods of time. Anyone who breathes air that contains these droplet nuclei can become infected with TB. A person who becomes infected with the TB bacillus remains infected for years. Usually a person with a healthy immune system does not become ill, but is usually not able to eliminate the infection without taking an antituberculosis drug. This condition is referred to as "latent tuberculous infection." Persons with latent tuberculous infection are asymptomatic and cannot spread TB to others. Generally, a positive TB skin test is the only evidence of infection. About 10-15 million persons in this country are infected with M. tuberculosis. About 10% of otherwise healthy persons who have latent tuberculous infection will become ill with active TB at some time during their lives. TB Control Programs Our programs for controlling TB have two major arms. The first and highest priority is to detect persons with active TB and treat them with effective antituberculosis drugs. Effective treatment keeps the patients from dying of TB and stops the transmission of infection to other persons in the household, at the work site, or in the community. Treatment of active TB involves taking multiple antituberculosis drugs daily (or two or three times weekly) for at least 6 months. If the patient does not take the medications for the full treatment period, the disease may not be cured and may recur. If medications are not prescribed properly or taken regularly, the TB organisms can become resistant to the drugs, and drug-resistant TB may then be transmitted to other persons. Drug-resistant disease is difficult and expensive to treat. Thus, the most important step to prevent drug-resistant disease is to ensure that patients take all their medication. Directly observed therapy is the best way of ensuring patient compliance. The second major control intervention is to detect and preventively treat persons who do not have active TB, but who have latent tuberculous infection and may be at high risk of developing active TB. With drug-susceptible TB, preventive therapy with isoniazid greatly reduces the risk of developing active TB. Preventive therapy requires treatment daily or twice weekly for a minimum of 6 months, and many patients do not complete a full course of therapy without direct observation. Increase in TB Cases The United States had a significant decline in the number of TB cases over the past several decades -- from >84,000 cases in 1953 to a nadir of approximately 22,000 cases in 1984. In 1987, the Department of Health and Human Services established an Advisory Committee (now Council) for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET). In 1989, the ACET published the Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Tuberculosis in the United States. The Plan established a national goal of TB elimination (i.e., an incidence of <1 case per 1 million population) by the year 2010. An interim goal for the year 2000 is an incidence of 3.5 cases per 100,000 population. Since the Strategic Plan was published, dramatic changes in the incidence and epidemiology of TB have jeopardized the goal of TB elimination. In 1984, the long-standing annual decline in TB cases abruptly ended, and from 1985 through 1991, approximately 39,000 more cases were reported than would have been expected had the previous downward trend continued. Much of the recent increase in cases is believed to be due to TB among persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). For HIV-infected persons who have latent tuberculous infection, the risk of developing active TB is 7%-10% per year. Even more dramatic is the effect seen when persons who are already infected with HIV become newly infected with M. tuberculosis. In two outbreaks in which HIV- infected persons were exposed to cases of infectious TB, 40% of the exposed persons developed active TB within a few months; thus, among such persons, active TB develops soon after infection and progresses rapidly, often resulting in death. Other groups at high risk for TB include persons in group or institutional settings, such as correctional facilities, shelters for the homeless, residential care facilities, nursing homes, and hospitals, where the environments may be conducive to airborne transmission of TB. Drug-Resistant TB Recently, drug-resistant TB has become a serious concern. In a recent survey in New York City, 33% of cases had organisms resistant to at least one drug, and 19% had organisms resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin, the two most effective drugs available for treating TB. When organisms are resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin, the course of treatment increases from 6 months to 18-24 months, and the cure rate decreases from nearly 100% to less than or equal to 60%. Drug-resistant TB is not limited to New York. CDC recently conducted a nationwide survey of drug resistance among all TB cases provisionally reported during the first 3 months of 1991. Overall, 14.4% of these cases tested had organisms resistant to at least one antituberculosis drug, and 3.3% had organisms resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin. Furthermore, the drug resistance problem appears to be worsening. For example, from 1982 to 1986, only 0.5% of new cases were resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin; by 1991, this proportion had increased to about 3.1%. Among recurrent cases, 3.0% were resistant to both drugs during 1982-1986, but in 1991 this proportion had more than doubled, to 6.9%. Against this background of increasing numbers of TB cases and increasing numbers of drug-resistant cases, a serious new phenomenon has appeared: out-breaks of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB in institutional settings. From 1990 through early 1992, CDC, in collaboration with state and local health departments, investigated seven outbreaks of MDR-TB in hospitals and correctional facilities in Florida and New York. To date, these outbreaks have included >200 MDR cases. Virtually all these cases had organisms resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin, and some had organisms resistant to seven antituberculosis drugs. Most of the patients in these outbreaks were infected with HIV. Mortality among patients with MDR-TB in these outbreaks was high, ranging from 72% to 89%, and the median interval between TB diagnosis and death was short, from 4 to 16 weeks. In addition to hospitalized patients and inmates, transmission of MDR-TB to health-care workers and prison guards has also been documented; at least nine of these workers have developed active MDR-TB, and five of them have died. The rise in drug-resistant TB and the outbreaks of MDR-TB are a manifestation of serious underlying problems in the health-care infrastructure in the United States. An increasing proportion of TB cases is occurring among persons who were born in another country or who are homeless, who have substance abuse problems or mental illness, or who have other socioeconomic or medical problems, such as HIV infection, that make compliance with therapy difficult. Yet, at the same time that the number and complexity of TB cases have been increasing, fiscal constraints in government at all levels have led to cutbacks in many TB control programs. As a result, health departments have not had adequate resources to place all potentially noncompliant patients on directly observed therapy or to bring outbreaks under control. There have been shortages of antituberculosis drugs and significant increases in their costs. Screening and preventive therapy have not been offered consistently to many groups at high risk of TB (e.g., HIV-infected persons) because of limited resources. Several other factors have contributed to the outbreaks. The increasing incidence of TB in many areas is bringing more persons with active, infectious TB into institutional settings, such as health-care and correctional facilities, many of which serve populations in which there is also a high proportion of HIV-infected persons. This convergence creates an opportunity for transmission of TB, and many areas lack adequate facilities and practices for controlling the transmission of airborne disease or for adequately treating and managing TB patients. In addition, recognition of drug-resistant TB has often been delayed because current methods for diagnosing TB and performing drug susceptibility tests require weeks to months to complete. Furthermore, the selection of drugs available for treating TB is limited, which makes the treatment of drug-resistant cases particularly difficult. In response to the emergence of MDR-TB, a federal Task Force was convened in December 1991 to develop a national plan to combat the problem. This document summarizes that plan by identifying the problems that need to be addressed, outlining the objectives for addressing each problem, and listing the implementation steps needed to attain each objective. Attached to each implementation step is a time frame for initiating the step. Many activities that are indicated as beginning in 1992 and 1993 will continue in subsequent years. The National Action Plan does not replace the Strategic Plan for Elimination of Tuberculosis; rather, it identifies steps that need to be taken quickly to address the MDR-TB problem specifically. This plan is a blueprint for action by federal agencies. However, many of the implementation steps will depend on the cooperation of many sectors of society. SURVEILLANCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Determine the magnitude and nature of the problem. To combat MDR-TB, it is first necessary to determine the magnitude of the problem and the factors that are associated with its spread. Surveillance involves collecting information about a condition, such as TB, that allows us to see trends in the disease over time and in specific geographic areas and provides an estimate of morbidity and mortality and a basis for allocation of resources. Although surveillance for TB has been ongoing for decades, it should be expanded to capture information necessary to track the emergence of multidrug resistance. Epidemiology includes studies that define the factors that promote or retard the development of a given disease, such as MDR-TB. Epidemiologic studies will help identify where MDR-TB is being spread, what activities are associated with increases or decreases in transmission, and which preventive strategies are effective. Problem 1 National surveillance systems are inadequate to accurately determine the frequency and patterns of drug-resistant TB. Objective: Develop nationwide surveillance systems for determining the drug susceptibility patterns of persons with active TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
Problem 2 Hospitals, correctional facilities, and other institutional settings have been the focus of outbreaks of MDR-TB. The extent of MDR-TB transmission in the community has not been well studied. Epidemiologic studies and surveillance data are needed to assess the risk of infection and disease and factors promoting TB transmission in institutional settings, as well as the extent of community transmission. Objective: Conduct epidemiologic investigations and studies to better define the scope and magnitude of the problem, to identify risk factors for transmission of TB in special settings, and to define the extent of MDR-TB transmission in the community. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 3 Certain subgroups of the population, including workers and clients of some service occupations, are at increased risk of TB. Data are needed to assess the risks and patterns of M. tuberculosis infection and active TB (both MDR-TB and drug-sensitive TB) among workers and others in settings where there is a risk of TB transmission. Objective: Determine the patterns of TB disease and infection among workers and others in settings where there is a risk of TB transmission, and characterize current programs for TB infection screening and infection control in these settings. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 4 Persons with HIV infection have been the focus of recent MDR-TB outbreaks; however, the impact of HIV infection on TB trends has not been well characterized. Information is needed to assess the impact of HIV infection on recent trends in TB disease and infection, including MDR-TB, in the United States. Objective A: Characterize the HIV infection status of persons with TB and forecast the effect of HIV on future TB trends. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Objective B: Study drug-susceptibility patterns, treatment, and risk factors for TB among HIV-infected persons and perform surveillance of skin- test reactivity, anergy testing, and use of preventive therapy for persons with HIV infection. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS Make the laboratory diagnosis of MDR-TB more rapid, sensitive, and reliable. Many laboratory techniques for the diagnosis of TB and for identification of drug resistance were developed in the 1950s and 1960s. Although more accurate, rapid, and sophisticated methods are now available, these techniques have not been widely implemented, as TB was thought to be a declining disease and resources were shifted away from mycobacteriology laboratories. Now that both TB and drug resistance are increasing, the most current technologies need to be applied to their fullest capacity. Problem 5 The most rapid currently available laboratory technologies to identify MDR-TB are not in widespread use in state and local health department laboratories. Objective: Increase the awareness and understanding of MDR-TB in the laboratory community, and upgrade the mycobacteriology capacity of state and local public health laboratories. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 6 As the outbreak spreads to more geographic areas, current laboratory capacity to track and characterize the epidemic of MDR-TB may not be adequate. Objective: Enhance laboratory capacity to support outbreak investigations and special studies of MDR-TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 7 Approximately 700,000 aliens * apply for permanent resident status annually in the United States. Under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, each of these persons must receive a medical examination that includes an examination for TB. The quality of laboratories used by examining physicians abroad may not be adequate to perform sputum smear examinations to identify infectious TB or to perform drug-susceptibility tests. Objective: Evaluate the ability of these overseas screening laboratories to detect acid-fast bacilli, identify M. tuberculosis, and carry out drug-susceptibility tests; enhance their capability as needed. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
PATIENT MANAGEMENT Prevent patients with drug-susceptible TB from developing drug- resistant disease. Effectively manage patients who have developed drug-resistant disease. A generation ago, TB was a common problem that most physicians had experience in treating. With the decline of TB, this expertise was lost. In addition, the lack of health-care coverage for a large segment of our society has led to inadequate resources for treatment of many patients with TB, including MDR-TB. Moreover, drug resistance has made treatment much more complicated and expensive. Thus, we need to upgrade our national ability to provide optimal treatment for all patients. Problem 8 TB treatment must be given for a minimum of 6-9 months. If TB patients do not complete therapy, they may not be cured, and if they take medications incorrectly, the organisms may become drug resistant. Therefore, TB patients need some degree of supervision to ensure compliance with and completion of therapy. Objective: Provide guidance regarding a step-wise approach to assure completion of therapy for all TB patients, with particular emphasis on implementation of directly observed therapy (DOT). Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 9 Approximately 700,000 aliens apply for immigrant visas abroad annually. Many of these applicants live in countries that have a high incidence of MDR-TB because of inadequate programs for managing and treating persons with TB. Objective: To decrease the likelihood of introduction of MDR-TB to the United States, evaluate the feasibility of establishing DOT programs in four or five of the countries from which a high volume of immigration originates and which have a high incidence of TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 10 Few inpatient facilities are available for long-term treatment of patients with complicated TB cases, particularly those with MDR-TB, and many areas do not have a method of paying for these services. Objective: Explore varying options for long-term institutionalization of TB patients, including patients with MDR-TB, and assist health depart- ments in securing Medicare, Medicaid, and other funds for financing institutional care. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 11 Many TB patients do not have health insurance. Local health department budgets have difficulty providing adequate services to all who need them. Resultant breaks in the continuity of care may lead to the development of drug-resistant disease. Objective: Find means to pay for outpatient services to persons who do not have third-party coverage. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 12 TB patients, particularly those with MDR-TB, often require specialized services that are difficult to provide in all acute-care hospitals and outpatient clinics. Objective: Evaluate the feasibility of developing specialized inpatient and outpatient TB treatment units and regional inpatient treatment centers. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 13 Drugs needed to treat TB, particularly MDR-TB, are often unavail- able, and some of them are expensive, which may be an obstacle to effective treatment. Objective: CDC, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pharmaceutical manufac- turers, and others will work together to assure an ongoing supply of currently licensed antituberculosis drugs at an acceptable cost. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 14 Laws, regulations, and/or procedures for the quarantine, detention, reporting, and treatment of patients may be out of date or inadequate as the epidemiology of TB continues to evolve. Objective: Develop guidelines and recommendations that address the legal issues of TB control. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 15 Homeless TB patients are often not able to complete TB therapy because of lack of stable housing and need for other social services; as a result, drug-resistant disease may develop. Objective: TB patients who are homeless, have unstable living arrangements, or lack essential social services will have access to housing for the duration of their TB treatment and will receive assistance with social services. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 16 TB among migrant and seasonal farm workers may be undiagnosed and inadequately treated because of lack of stable housing, the unique work situation, and geographic mobility; as a result, drug-resistant disease may develop. Objective: Coordinate public health systems so that migrant and seasonal farmworkers have access to diagnosis and treatment. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 17 TB patients who have substance abuse problems are likely to be noncompliant with TB therapy and may develop drug-resistant disease as a result. Objective A: Improve patient compliance with antituberculosis regimens among substance abusers in drug-abuse treatment centers. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Objective B: Improve patient compliance with antituberculosis regimens among substance abusers not in drug-abuse treatment programs. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 18 Approximately 700,000 aliens apply for permanent resident status annually. A large percentage of these applicants come from countries where TB (including MDR-TB) is common. Under provisions of the Immi- gration and Nationality Act, many aliens with active TB are admitted to the United States with a waiver of excludability. When such persons arrive at a U.S. port of entry (POE), CDC staff notifies state and local health authorities at the final destination. However, CDC does not have staff at all major POEs and must rely on the Immigration and Naturalization Service staff to provide copies of the aliens' medical documentation so that health authorities can be notified. Conse- quently, notification on some aliens arriving with TB is missed, with resultant breaks in continuity of care and possible development of drug-resistant disease. Objective: Improve the process of notifying state and local health depart- ments about aliens arriving with TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
SCREENING AND PREVENTIVE THERAPY Identify persons who are infected with or at risk of developing MDR-TB and prevent them from developing clinically active TB. In addition to treating patients with active TB, patients who are infected with the TB organism but are not yet sick must be treated. Because many persons remain in this latent stage for years and then develop active disease, treatment of such persons will prevent many future cases of TB. In the treatment of active TB, noncompliance with therapy leads to the development of drug-resistant disease; however, this problem can be reduced by preventing active disease from developing. In addition, the development of active disease among persons infected with MDR-TB can be reduced if a standard approach to the evaluation and management of persons exposed to MDR-TB can be developed. Problem 19 A standard approach to the evaluation and management of persons exposed to MDR-TB is lacking. Objective: Develop and publish an approach to the evaluation and management of persons exposed to MDR-TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 20 Many persons in populations at high risk for TB may also be at risk for noncompliance with therapy if active TB develops; as a result, drug-resistant TB may develop. Objective: Implement screening and preventive therapy programs, including supervised preventive therapy, among populations at high risk for both TB and noncompliance. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
INFECTION CONTROL Minimize the risk of transmission of MDR-TB to patients, workers, and others in institutional settings. TB is spread by an airborne route, and anyone who breathes air containing tubercle bacilli is at risk for acquiring infection. Because persons caring for and persons exposed to TB patients are at high risk of acquiring TB from their infectious patients, special precautions must be taken to prevent such spread while the best possible care for the patient is maintained. Problem 21 Various infection control strategies are available to prevent TB transmission in institutional settings. These strategies are not consistently implemented, and their effectiveness and feasibility are not well characterized. Objective: Assess the effectiveness and feasibility of various infection control strategies in institutional settings (e.g., health-care facilities, substance abuse clinics, residential treatment centers, shelters for the homeless, correctional facilities) and ensure that appropriate procedures are implemented through educational and regulatory approaches. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 22 Tuberculin skin testing of workers in settings where there is a risk of TB transmission is very important. Skin testing identifies workers who are infected with M. tuberculosis and need to be evaluated for active TB and for preventive therapy. It also serves as an indicator of the effectiveness of infection control practices. However, tuberculin skin-testing programs are not consistently imple- mented. Objective: Ensure that adequate tuberculin skin-testing programs for workers are in place in settings where there is a substantial risk of TB transmission. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
OUTBREAK CONTROL Control outbreaks of MDR-TB. Because transmission of TB may not be immediately recognized, common-source outbreaks can occur. Such outbreaks represent a challenge to public health efforts to control TB. Strategies for control of outbreaks include rapid identification, isolation, and treatment of infectious TB patients, evaluation of exposed persons for subclinical or latent disease, and preventive therapy for persons at high risk for infection. Such public health strategies have been complicated by the emergence of drug resistance, and some existing strategies may need to be modified. Problem 23 The control of MDR-TB outbreaks is costly and complex, requiring close collaboration among local, state, and federal health officials and others (e.g., hospital officials, correctional facility officials, technical consultants). Objective: Facilitate collaboration of various officials and organizations in controlling MDR-TB outbreaks. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
PROGRAM EVALUATION Evaluate TB control programs to be sure they are effective in managing patients and preventing the development of MDR-TB. An important part of the TB control effort is continuous evalua- tion of the effectiveness of existing control programs. Thus, methods to identify and correct problems in control programs must be developed before such problems result in the spread of disease, especially MDR- TB. Problem 24 Some TB control programs may not be effective in managing TB patients, which may allow drug-resistant disease to develop. There is a need for assessing the quality of TB control (including health department infrastructure, facilities, and priorities). Objective: CDC, in conjunction with other agencies (e.g., the American Lung Association {ALA}, other members of the National Coalition for Elimin- ation of TB), will assist state and local health departments in assessing the adequacy of their TB control programs. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 25 Poor compliance with prescribed treatment promotes the development of drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis, which may lead to outbreaks of MDR-TB. Programs do not currently collect and analyze data on treatment outcomes that would identify populations at high risk for treatment failure. Objective: Assess program performance by collecting information on treatment outcomes of TB patients on an individual case basis, which will allow more effective targeting of resources. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
INFORMATION DISSEMINATION/TRAINING AND EDUCATION Effectively disseminate information about MDR-TB and its prevention and control. Because the incidence of TB had been declining before its recent increase, many groups do not have adequate information on prevention, treatment, control, or laboratory procedures related to the disease. Information and communication systems need to be developed to deliver expanded training and education to health-care workers and labora- torians, and methods for disseminating educational information to populations most heavily affected and to the general public need to be developed or improved. Problem 26 Expertise regarding treatment of TB, especially MDR-TB, is lacking in many parts of the United States. Objective: Develop a cadre of health-care professionals with expertise in the management of TB, including MDR-TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 27 Nosocomial transmission of TB to health-care workers and patients is occurring. Such transmission is preventable if recommended infection control practices are implemented. Objective: Disseminate information on the prevention of TB transmission to individuals and in facilities that provide services to persons who already have TB or who are at high risk for it. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 28 A critical need exists for trained researchers to develop new diagnostic assays, therapeutic agents, and vaccines to meet present and future TB public health needs. Objective: Train adequate numbers of researchers to respond effectively to TB research needs. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 29 Mycobacteriology laboratory personnel may not be familiar with state-of-the-art TB diagnostic technologies and reporting practices. Objective: Provide training and evaluation of clinical mycobacteriology laboratory personnel in new diagnostic techniques for TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 30 Strategies for training and delivering TB information and education to health professionals and others have been inadequate. Objective: Develop an integrated system for professional information and communication on TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
RESEARCH Perform research to identify better methods for combatting MDR-TB. Many important questions about the biology of TB remain unanswered. However, for many years, research efforts and funding have not been focused on TB, and few researchers pursued careers in this area. As a result, such areas as the microbiology of the organism, vaccines, and treatment methods warrant immediate and extensive research. This need is highlighted by the concurrence of TB with HIV infection and the drug resistance of the organism. Problem 31 Research on TB needs to be conducted and promoted by a variety of agencies, including CDC, NIH, FDA, and others. Coordination of research efforts among these agencies will be important in ensuring that critical knowledge gaps are addressed effectively. Objective: Develop a mechanism for coordinating TB research activities among the various agencies involved. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 32 There is a critical lack of knowledge about the basic character- istics of M. tuberculosis (e.g., growth, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology). This knowledge gap is a barrier to the development of new treatment and control modalities. Objective: Provide increased support for basic research on the biology of M. tuberculosis and the host responses to infection. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 33 Existing diagnostic methods to identify persons with drug- resistant TB are very slow, impeding treatment and control efforts. Objective: Develop and evaluate new technology to rapidly and reliably diagnose cases of TB and identify patterns of drug susceptibility. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 34 Existing methods for identifying latent TB infection, especially among persons who are immunosuppressed, lack sensitivity and specificity. Objective: Develop and evaluate new technologies to rapidly and reliably identify latent tuberculous infection among both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed persons. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 35 Currently available drugs are not sufficiently effective in treating MDR-TB. The duration of therapy required to treat TB with currently available drugs leads to noncompliance with therapy and development of drug-resistant disease. Objective: Encourage the development and evaluation of new drugs and modalities to treat and prevent MDR-TB, as well as to reduce the duration of therapy required to cure drug-susceptible TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 36 Currently available vaccines against TB are not reliably effective in preventing acquisition of TB. Objective: Develop and evaluate new and improved vaccines to prevent infection and disease with M. tuberculosis. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 37 The efficacy of various technologies for preventing TB trans- mission (e.g., general and local ventilation, UVGI, and personal protective equipment) has not been adequately evaluated. Objective: Conduct basic and applied research on the efficacy and role of various control methods for preventing transmission of TB. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Problem 38 Poor patient compliance leads to development of MDR-TB. Compliance is influenced by patient characteristics; characteristics of the health-care environment, including operational factors and compliance- enhancing intervention; and communication between patient and providers, including the quality of interpersonal communication and use of educational materials for transfer of information about the nature of the disease and treatment. Objective: Identify ways to improve compliance with therapy through behavioral research. Responsible Start Implementation steps organization date -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
CONCLUSION This National Action Plan to Combat Multidrug-Resistant Tuber- culosis lays out a series of activities that need to be undertaken at the national level. Priorities will vary from agency to agency, and activities should be undertaken within the time frames indicated, as resources permit. Many activities that are indicated as starting in 1992 and 1993 will continue in subsequent years. For state and local health agencies, the highest priority remains the detection and effective treatment of active cases. The Plan is a blueprint for action by federal agencies. However, many of the implementation steps will depend on the cooperation of many sectors of society. Indeed, the success of the plan will depend on a concerted effort and commitment at all levels and will involve collaboration between public health and other government agencies, professional societies, voluntary agencies, health-care providers, and many others. Today the United States is at a critical point in history with respect to TB. Although a number of factors, including MDR-TB, are having an adverse effect on the TB problem, TB can be controlled and eventually eliminated if aggressive action is taken immediately. If such action is not taken, the TB problem will continue to grow in size and in complexity, and the costs of containing it will escalate.
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