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![]() Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov. Type 508 Accommodation and the title of the report in the subject line of e-mail. Case Definitions for Public Health SurveillanceMelinda Wharton, M.D., M.P.H. + Terence L. Chorba, M.D., M.P.H. + Richard L. Vogt, M.D. ++ Dale L. Morse, M.D., M.S. ++ James W. Buehler, M.D. + INTRODUCTION Public health officials rely on health providers, laboratories, and other public health personnel to report the occurrence of notifiable diseases to state and local health departments. Without such data, monitoring trends or evaluating the effectiveness of intervention activities would be difficult. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) has recommended that state health departments report cases of selected diseases (Table_1) to CDC's National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). However, the usefulness of such data has been limited by the lack of uniform case definitions for public health surveillance (1). Without explicit criteria for identifying cases, state health departments and individual practitioners have used various criteria for case reporting. This document, prepared in cooperation with the CSTE, provides uniform criteria for reporting purposes. States that wish to improve the specificity of reporting may find the definitions helpful. As uniform case definitions are adopted, the incidence of reported diseases in different geographic areas may be more meaningfully compared. In the United States, requirements for reporting diseases are mandated by state laws or regulations, and the list of reportable diseases in each state varies. A summary of state requirements for notifiable diseases has recently been published (2). National data from the NNDSS are collated and published weekly in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). In general, cases reported by state health departments to the NNDSS are provisional. Updated final reports are published annually in the Summary of Notifiable Diseases. Additionally, state health departments provide CDC information about these and other conditions of public health interest through supplementary surveillance systems that collect more detailed, condition-specific information (3). These conditions may or may not be included in the state laws or regulations that mandate reporting (Table_2). The CSTE/CDC surveillance case definitions included in this document vary in their use of clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic criteria to define cases. Some clinical syndromes do not have confirmatory laboratory tests, but laboratory evidence may be one component of a clinical definition; toxic shock syndrome is an example. Other diseases (e.g., mumps) have such a characteristic clinical presentation that, even in the absence of confirmatory laboratory testing, a diagnosis may be based only on clinical findings. In most instances, a brief clinical description is provided. Unless the clinical description is explicitly cited in the "Case classification" section of each definition, it is included only as background information. Some diseases require laboratory confirmation for diagnosis, regardless of clinical symptomatology, and some are diagnosed on the basis of epidemiologic data. Many of the childhood vaccine-preventable diseases include epidemiologic criteria (e.g., exposure to probable or confirmed cases of disease) in the case definitions. In some instances, the site of infection may be important; pharyngeal diphtheria is notifiable, for example, whereas cutaneous diphtheria is not. For many diseases, substantial amounts of information, including results of laboratory tests, must be collected before a final case classification is possible. State health departments are requested to continue reporting provisional cases to the NNDSS promptly, and records should be updated when additional surveillance information becomes available. Surveillance demands uniformity, simplicity, and brevity. These case definitions are intended to establish uniform criteria for disease reporting; they should not be used as sole criteria for establishing clinical diagnoses, determining the standard of care necessary for a particular patient, setting guidelines for quality assurance, providing standards for reimbursement, or initiating public health actions. Use of additional clinical, epidemiologic, and laboratory data may enable a physician to diagnose a disease even though the surveillance case definition may not be met. For example, an adolescent with bilateral orchitis who attends a school in which a mumps outbreak is occurring would not meet the surveillance case definition for mumps unless the mumps virus was isolated. However, clinical judgment would suggest that in this situation, viral isolation is not necessary. As knowledge increases and diagnostic technology improves, some definitions will change to reflect those trends. For example, many cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis are due to the recently described hepatitis C virus (4). Therefore, revisions, additions, and deletions can be expected in the future. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN CASE CLASSIFICATION Confirmed case: a case that is classified as confirmed for reporting purposes. Probable case: a case that is classified as probable for reporting purposes. Laboratory-confirmed case: a case that is confirmed by one or more of the laboratory methods listed in the case definition under "Laboratory criteria for diagnosis." Although other laboratory methods may be used in clinical diagnosis, only those listed are accepted for laboratory confirmation for reporting purposes. Clinically compatible case: a clinical syndrome generally compatible with the disease, but no specific clinical criteria need to be met unless they are noted in the case classification. Supportive laboratory results: specified laboratory results consistent with the diagnosis but not meeting the criteria for laboratory confirmation. Epidemiologically linked case: a case in which the patient has/has had contact with one or more persons who have/had the disease, and transmission of the agent by the usual modes of transmission is plausible. A case may be considered epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case if at least one case in the chain of transmission is laboratory confirmed. Meets the clinical case definition: meets precisely the clinical case definition. Although in clinical practice the diagnosis may be made with the use of other criteria, for reporting purposes the stated criteria must be met. CASE DEFINITIONS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Surveillance case definitions for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection have been previously published in: CDC. Revision of the CDC surveillance case definition for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. MMWR 1987;36(no. 1S). Case classification systems have also been published in: CDC. Classification system for human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus infections. MMWR 1986;35:334-9. CDC. Classification system for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in children under 13 years of age. MMWR 1987;36:225-30,235. Amebiasis Clinical description Infection of the large intestine by Entamoeba histolytica may result in an illness of variable severity, ranging from mild, chronic diarrhea to fulminant dysentery. Infection may also be asymptomatic. Extraintestinal infection may also occur. The most common is hepatic abscess. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis Intestinal amebiasis
Extraintestinal amebiasis
Case classification Confirmed, intestinal amebiasis: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Confirmed, extraintestinal amebiasis: a parasitologically confirmed infection of extraintestinal tissue; or among symptomatic persons with clinical and/or radiographic findings consistent with extraintestinal infection, demonstration of specific antibody against E. histolytica, as measured by indirect hemagglutination (IHA) or other reliable immunodiagnostic test such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Comment Asymptomatic intestinal carriage of E. histolytica should not be reported. Among asymptomatic persons, a positive serologic test does not necessarily indicate extraintestinal amebiasis. Anthrax Clinical description An illness with acute onset characterized by several distinct clinical forms including:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Aseptic Meningitis Clinical description A syndrome characterized by acute onset of meningeal symptoms, fever, and cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis, with bacteriologically sterile cultures. (See Encephalitis, Arboviral.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician as aseptic meningitis, with no laboratory evidence of bacterial or fungal meningitis Comment Aseptic meningitis is a syndrome of multiple etiologies, but many cases are caused by a viral agent. Botulism, Foodborne Clinical description Ingestion of botulinal toxin results in an illness of variable severity. Common symptoms are diplopia, blurred vision, and bulbar weakness. Symmetric paralysis may progress rapidly. (See CDC Botulism Manual.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed or that occurs among persons who ate the same food as persons with laboratory-confirmed botulism Comment Botulism may be diagnosed without laboratory confirmation if the clinical and epidemiologic evidence is overwhelming. Botulism, Infant Clinical description An illness of infants, characterized by constipation, poor feeding, and "failure to thrive" that may be followed by progressive weakness, impaired respiration, and death. (See CDC Botulism Manual.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible, laboratory-confirmed illness occurring among children <1 year of age Botulism, Wound Clinical description An illness resulting from toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum that has infected a wound. (See CDC Botulism Manual.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed among patients with no suspect food exposure and with a history of a fresh, contaminated wound in the 2 weeks before onset of symptoms Botulism, Other Clinical description See Botulism, Foodborne. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: an illness clinically compatible with botulism that is laboratory confirmed among patients >11 months of age, without histories of ingestion of suspect food, and without wounds Brucellosis Clinical description An illness characterized by acute or insidious onset of fever, night sweats, undue fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, headache, and arthralgia Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case that is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case or that has supportive serology (i.e., Brucella agglutination titer of greater than or equal to 160 in one or more serum specimens obtained after onset of symptoms) Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Campylobacter Infection Clinical description Infection that may result in diarrheal illness of variable severity Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemio- logically linked to a confirmed case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Comment Only confirmed cases are reported to the laboratory-based surveil- lance system operated by the Enteric Diseases Branch, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. States collecting data on Campylobacter infection may wish to collect reports of both probable and confirmed cases, but the data are not currently published in the MMWR. Chancroid Clinical description A sexually transmitted disease characterized by painful genital ulceration and inflammatory inguinal adenopathy. The disease is caused by infection with Haemophilus ducreyi. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case with one or more painful genital ulcers and both a) no evidence of Treponema pallidum infection by darkfield examination of ulcer exudate or by a serologic test for syphilis performed at least 7 days after onset of ulcers, and b) the clinical presentation of the ulcer(s) is not typical of disease caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV), or HSV culture is negative Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Chlamydia trachomatis Infection Clinical description Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis may result in urethritis, epididymitis, cervicitis, acute salpingitis, or other syndromes when sexually transmitted. Perinatal infections may result in inclusion conjunctivitis and pneumonia among newborns. Other syndromes caused by C. trachomatis include lymphogranuloma venereum (see Lymphogranuloma Venereum Infection) and trachoma. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Cholera Clinical description An illness characterized by diarrhea and/or vomiting. Severity is variable. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Comment When other cases are known to be occurring, a less than fourfold rise in titer between acute- and convalescent-phase serum may be considered significant. Likewise, a less than fourfold fall between early and late convalescent-phase sera may be important in these circumstances. Only confirmed cases should be reported to the NNDSS. Illnesses due to strains of V. cholerae other than toxigenic V. cholerae 01 should not be reported as cases of cholera. Dengue Fever Clinical description An acute febrile illness characterized by frontal headache, retro- ocular pain, muscle and joint pain, and rash. The disease is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and is confined to the tropics. Severe manifestations (dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome) are rare, but may be fatal. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness with supportive serology (a reciprocal IgG antibody titer of greater than or equal to 1280 or a positive IgM antibody test on a single convalescent-phase serum specimen to one or more dengue virus antigens) Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Comment Dengue hemorrhagic fever is defined as acute onset of fever with nonspecific symptoms. This is followed by hemorrhagic manifes- tations that may include a positive tourniquet test * and/or minor or major bleeding phenomena, thrombocytopenia (less than or equal to 100,000/mm superscript 3), and hemoconcentration (hematocrit increased by greater than or equal to 20%), or other objective evidence of increasing capillary permeability; or decreasing hematocrit after severe frank hemorrhage, such as upper gastro- intestinal bleeding. The definition for dengue shock syndrome follows all of the above criteria for dengue hemorrhagic fever and also includes hypo- tension or narrow pulse pressure (<20 mm Hg). Diphtheria Clinical case definition An upper respiratory tract illness characterized by sore throat, low-grade fever, and an adherent membrane of the tonsil(s), pharynx, and/or nose without other apparent cause (as reported by a health professional) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: meets the clinical case definition, is not laboratory confirmed, and is not epidemiologically linked to a laboratory- confirmed case Confirmed: meets the clinical case definition and is either laboratory confirmed or epidemiologically linked to a laboratory- confirmed case Comment Cutaneous diphtheria should not be reported. Encephalitis, Arboviral Clinical description Arboviral infection may result in a febrile illness of variable severity associated with neurologic symptoms ranging from headache to aseptic meningitis or encephalitis. Arboviral encephalitis cannot be distinguished clinically from infection with other neurotropic viruses. Symptoms may include headache, confusion or other alterations in sensorium, nausea, or vomiting. Signs may include evidence of elevated intracranial pressure or meningeal irritation, cranial nerve palsies, paresis or paralysis, altered reflexes, or convulsions. (See Aseptic Meningitis and Encepha- litis, Primary.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness occurring during a period when arbovirus transmission is likely to occur, and with the following supportive serology: a stable (twofold or greater change) elevated antibody titer to an arbovirus, e.g., greater than or equal to 320 by hemagglutination inhibition, greater than or equal to 128 by complement fixation, greater than or equal to 256 by immunofluorescence, greater than or equal 160 to by neutralization, or a positive serologic result by enzyme immuno- assay (EIA) Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Comment The time of year in which arboviral transmission is likely to occur depends on the geographic location of exposure, the specific cycle of virus transmission, and local climatic conditions. Arboviruses causing encephalitis include the following:
Encephalitis, Postinfectious (or Parainfectious) Clinical description Encephalitis or meningoencephalitis that follows or occurs in combination with other viral illnesses that are not central nervous system illnesses, or after vaccine is administered. Symptoms may be due to hypersensitivity reaction. Primary encephalitis is excluded. Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician as postinfectious (or parainfectious) encephalitis Comment Laboratory studies are important in clinical diagnosis but are not required for reporting purposes. Encephalitis, Primary Clinical description An illness in which encephalitis is the major manifestation. Symptoms are due to direct invasion and replication of the infectious agent in the central nervous system, resulting in objective clinical evidence of cerebral or cerebellar dysfunction. Postinfectious (or parainfectious) encephalitis is excluded. Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician as primary encephalitis Comment Laboratory studies are important in clinical diagnosis but are not required for reporting purposes. Primary encephalitis is a category used for reporting to the NNDSS. This category includes arboviral encephalitis and primary encephalitis of unspecified cause. Foodborne Disease Outbreak Clinical description Symptoms of illness depend upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, in press.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis Depends upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, in press.) Definition An incident in which two or more persons experience a similar illness after ingestion of a common food, and epidemiologic analysis implicates the food as the source of the illness. Comment There are two exceptions: one case of botulism or chemical poisoning constitutes an outbreak. Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus) Clinical description An illness characterized by visible, painful genital or anogenital lesions Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case (in which primary and secondary syphilis have been ruled out by serology and darkfield microscopy, when available) with either a diagnosis of genital herpes based on clinical presentation (without laboratory confirmation) or a history of one or more previous episodes of similar genital lesions Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Comment Herpes should be reported only once per patient. The first diagnosis for a patient with no previous diagnosis should be reported. Genital Warts Clinical description An infection characterized by the presence of visible, exophytic (raised) growths on the internal or external genitalia, perineum, or perianal region Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case without histopathologic diagnosis and without microscopic or serologic evidence that the growth is due to secondary syphilis Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Giardiasis Clinical description An illness caused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia and charac- terized by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, weight loss, or malabsorption. Infected persons may be asymptomatic. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed, symptomatic: a laboratory-confirmed case associated with one or more of the symptoms described above Confirmed, asymptomatic: a laboratory-confirmed case associated with none of the above symptoms Gonorrhea Clinical description A sexually transmitted infection commonly manifested by urethritis, cervicitis, or salpingitis. Infection may be asymptomatic. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: demonstration of gram-negative intracellular diplococci in an endocervical smear obtained from a woman, or a written (morbidity) report of gonorrhea submitted by a physician Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Granuloma Inguinale Clinical description A slowly progressive ulcerative disease of the skin and lymphatics of the genital and perianal area caused by infection with Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. A clinically compatible case would have one or more painless or minimally painful granulomatous lesions in the anogenital area. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Haemophilus influenzae (Invasive Disease) Clinical description Invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae may produce any of several clinical syndromes, including meningitis, bacteremia, epiglottitis, or pneumonia Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness with detection of H. influenzae type b antigen in cerebrospinal fluid Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is culture confirmed Comment Antigen test results in urine or serum are unreliable for diagnosis of H. influenzae disease. Hansen Disease Clinical description A chronic bacterial disease characterized by the involvement of mainly skin, peripheral nerves, and the mucosa of the upper airway. Clinical forms of Hansen disease represent a spectrum reflecting the cellular immune response to Mycobacterium leprae. Typical of the major forms of the disease are the following characteristics:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed. Hepatitis, Viral Clinical case definition An illness with a) discrete onset of symptoms and b) jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferase levels Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition and is laboratory confirmed Comment A serologic test for IgG antibody to the recently described hepatitis C virus is available, and many cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis may be demonstrated to be due to infection with the hepatitis C virus. With this assay, however, a prolonged interval between onset of disease and detection of antibody may occur. Until a more specific test for acute hepatitis C becomes available, these cases should be reported as non-A, non-B hepatitis. Chronic carriage or chronic hepatitis should not be reported. Kawasaki Syndrome Clinical case definition A febrile illness of greater than or equal to 5 days' duration, with at least four of the five following physical findings and no other more reasonable explanation for the observed clinical findings:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis None Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition Comment If fever disappears after intravenous gamma globulin therapy is started, fever may be of <5 days' duration, and the clinical case definition may still be met. Legionellosis (Legionnaire's Disease) Clinical description An illness with acute onset, commonly characterized by fever, cough, and pneumonia that is confirmed by chest radiograph. Encephalopathy and diarrhea may also be included. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness with demonstration of a reciprocal antibody titer greater than or equal to 256 from a single convalescent-phase serum specimen Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Leptospirosis Clinical description An illness characterized by fever, headache, chills, myalgia, conjunctival suffusion, and less frequently by meningitis, rash, jaundice, or renal insufficiency. Symptoms may be biphasic. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: A clinically compatible case with supportive serology (i.e. a Leptospira agglutination titer of greater than or equal to 200 in one or more serum specimens) Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Listeriosis Clinical description Infection caused by Listeria monocytogenes, which may produce any of several clinical syndromes, including stillbirths, listeriosis of the newborn, meningitis, bacteremia, or localized infections Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Lyme Disease Clinical description A systemic, tick-borne disease with protean manifestations, including dermatologic, rheumatologic, neurologic, and cardiac abnormalities. The best clinical marker for the disease is the initial skin lesion, erythema migrans, that occurs among 60%-80% of patients. Clinical case definition
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets one of the clinical case definitions above Comment This surveillance case definition was developed for national reporting of Lyme disease; it is NOT appropriate for clinical diagnosis. Definition of terms used in the clinical description and case definition:
Lymphogranuloma Venereum Infection Clinical description Infection with L subscript 1, L subscript 2, or L subscript 3 serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis may result in a disease characterized by genital lesions, suppurative regional lymphadenopathy, or hemorrhagic proctitis. The infection is usually sexually transmitted. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case with one or more tender fluctuant inguinal lymph nodes or characteristic proctogenital lesions with supportive laboratory findings of a single C. trachomatis complement fixation (CF) titer of >64 Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Malaria Clinical description Signs and symptoms are variable, but chills followed by fever and sweating constitute the classic malaria paroxysm. The diagnosis should be considered for any person who has been exposed to infection. Complications such as cerebral malaria may occur in Plasmodium falciparum infection. Asymptomatic parasitemia may occur among immune persons. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a person's first attack of laboratory-confirmed malaria that occurs in the United States, regardless of whether the person has experienced previous attacks of malaria while outside the country Comment A subsequent attack experienced by the same person but caused by a different Plasmodium species is counted as an additional case. A repeated attack experienced by the same person and caused by the same species in the United States is not considered an additional case. Blood smears from doubtful cases should be referred to the National Malaria Repository, CDC, for confirmation of the diagnosis. In addition, cases are classified according to the following World Health Organization categories: Autochthonous: Indigenous -- malaria acquired by mosquito transmission in an area where malaria is a regular occurrence Introduced -- malaria acquired by mosquito transmission from an imported case in an area where malaria is not a regular occurrence Imported: malaria acquired outside a specific area (the United States and its territories) Induced: malaria acquired through artificial means (e.g., blood transfusion, common syringes, or malariotherapy) Relapsing: renewed manifestation (of clinical symptoms and/or parasitemia) of malarial infection that is separated from previous manifestations of the same infection by an interval greater than any interval due to the normal periodicity of the paroxysms Cryptic: an isolated case of malaria not associated with secondary cases, as determined by appropriate epidemiologic investigations Measles Clinical case definition An illness characterized by all of the following clinical features:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Suspect: any rash illness with fever Probable: meets the clinical case definition, has no or noncon- tributory serologic or virologic testing, and is not epidemio- logically linked to a probable or confirmed case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case. A laboratory-confirmed case does not need to meet the clinical case definition. Comment Two probable cases that are epidemiologically linked would be considered confirmed, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation. Only confirmed cases should be reported to the NNDSS. Meningococcal Disease Clinical description Meningococcal disease presents most commonly as meningitis and/or meningococcemia that may progress rapidly to purpura fulminans, shock, and death. However, other manifestations may be observed. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a positive antigen test in cerebrospinal fluid or clinical purpura fulminans in the absence of a positive blood culture Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is culture confirmed Comment Antigen test results in urine or serum are unreliable for diagnosing meningococcal disease. Mucopurulent Cervicitis Clinical description Cervical inflammation that is not the result of infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Trichomonas vaginalis. Cervical inflammation is defined by the presence of one of the following criteria:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible case among females for whom gonorrhea and trichomonas infection are not found Comment Mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC) is a clinical diagnosis of exclusion. The syndrome may result from infection with several agents (see Chlamydia trachomatis Infection). If gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia are excluded, a clinically compatible case should be classified as MPC. An illness among women that meets the case definition of MPC and Chlamydia trachomatis infection should be classified as chlamydia. Mumps Clinical case definition An illness with acute onset of unilateral or bilateral tender, self-limited swelling of the parotid or other salivary gland, lasting greater than or equal to 2 days, and without other apparent cause (as reported by a health professional) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: meets the clinical case definition, has no or noncon- tributory serologic or virologic testing, and is not epidemio- logically linked to a confirmed or probable case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case. A laboratory-confirmed case does not need to meet the clinical case definition. Comment Two probable cases that are epidemiologically linked would be considered confirmed, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation. Nongonococcal Urethritis Clinical description Urethral inflammation that is not the result of infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Urethral inflammation may be diagnosed by the presence of one of the following criteria:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible case among males in whom gonorrhea is not found, either by culture or Gram stain Comment Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is a clinical diagnosis of exclusion. The syndrome may result from infection with several agents (see Chlamydia trachomatis Infection). A clinically compatible case excluding gonorrhea and chlamydia should be classified as NGU. An illness among men that meets the case definition of NGU and C. trachomatis infection should be classified as chlamydia. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (NOTE: The following definition is being reviewed by CSTE and CDC, and changes are anticipated.) Clinical case definition A clinical syndrome resulting from the ascending spread of micro- organisms from the vagina and endocervix to the endometrium, fallopian tubes, and/or contiguous structures. All of the following clinical criteria must be present:
Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition Comment For reporting purposes, a clinician's report of pelvic inflammatory disease should be counted as a case. Pertussis Clinical case definition A cough illness lasting at least 2 weeks with one of the following: paroxysms of coughing, inspiratory "whoop," or post- tussive vomiting -- and without other apparent cause (as reported by a health professional) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: meets the clinical case definition, is not laboratory confirmed, and is not epidemiologically linked to a laboratory- confirmed case Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed or epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case Comment The clinical case definition above is appropriate for endemic or sporadic cases. In outbreak settings, a case may be defined as a cough illness lasting at least 2 weeks (as reported by a health professional). Because direct fluorescent antibody testing of nasopharyngeal secretions has been shown in some studies to have low sensitivity and variable specificity (5,6), it should not be relied on as a criterion for laboratory confirmation. Both probable and confirmed cases should be reported to the NNDSS. Plague Clinical description A disease characterized by fever and leukocytosis that presents in one or more of the following principal clinical forms:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness with supportive laboratory results (demonstration of a single serologic test result suggestive of recent infection with no history of immunization, or demonstration of a Fraction I antigen in blood, bubo aspirate, or tissue by antigen detection -- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay {ELISA} or fluorescent assay {FA}) Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Poliomyelitis, Paralytic Clinical case definition Acute onset of a flaccid paralysis of one or more limbs with decreased or absent tendon reflexes in the affected limbs, without other apparent cause, and without sensory or cognitive loss (as reported by a physician) Case classification Probable: a case that meets the clinical case definition Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition and in which the patient has a neurologic deficit 60 days after onset of initial symptoms, has died, or has unknown follow-up status Comment All suspected cases of paralytic poliomyelitis are reviewed by a panel of expert consultants before final classification occurs. Only confirmed cases are included in Table I in the MMWR. Suspected cases are enumerated in a footnote to the MMWR table. Psittacosis Clinical description An illness characterized by fever, chills, headache, photophobia, lower or upper respiratory disease, and myalgia Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemio- logically linked to a confirmed case, or with supportive serology (i.e., a psittacosis CF titer of greater than or equal to 32 in one or more serum specimens obtained after onset of symptoms) Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Comment The serologic findings noted above may also occur as a result of infection with Chlamydia trachomatis or Chlamydia pneumoniae. Rabies, Animal Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Rabies, Human Clinical description Rabies is an acute encephalomyelitis that almost always progresses to coma or death within 10 days of the first symptom. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Comment Laboratory confirmation by all of the above methods is strongly recommended. Reye Syndrome Clinical case definition An illness that meets all of the following criteria:
Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition Rheumatic Fever Clinical description An inflammatory illness that occurs as a delayed sequel to group A streptococcal infection Major criteria: carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum Minor criteria: a) previous rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease, b) arthralgia, c) fever, d) elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, positive C-reactive protein, or leukocytosis, and e) prolonged PR interval Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: an illness characterized by a) two major criteria or one major and two minor criteria (as described above) and b) supporting evidence of preceding group A streptococcal infection (7) Comment Supporting evidence to confirm streptococcal infection includes increased antistreptolysin-O or other streptococcal antibodies, throat culture positive for group A streptococcus, or recent scarlet fever. The absence of supporting evidence of preceding streptococcal infection should make the diagnosis doubtful, except in Sydenham chorea or low-grade carditis when rheumatic fever is first discovered after a long latent period from the antecedent infection. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Clinical description An illness most commonly characterized by acute onset and fever, usually accompanied by myalgia, headache, and petechial rash (on the palms and soles in two-thirds of the cases) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case with supportive serology (fourfold rise in titer or a single titer greater than or equal to 320 by Proteus OX-19 or OX-2, or a single titer greater than or equal to 128 by LA, IHA, or MA test) Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Rubella Clinical case definition An illness with all of the following characteristics:
Laboratory critera for diagnosis
Case classification Suspect: any generalized rash illness of acute onset Probable: a case that meets the clinical case definition, has no or noncontributory serologic or virologic testing, and is not epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is epidemiologically linked to a laboratory-confirmed case Rubella Syndrome, Congenital Clinical description An illness of newborns resulting from rubella infection in utero and characterized by symptoms from the following categories: (A) Cataracts/congenital glaucoma, congenital heart disease, loss of hearing, pigmentary retinopathy Associated symptoms may be: (B) Purpura, splenomegaly, jaundice, microcephaly, mental retardation, meningoencephalitis, radiolucent bone disease Clinical case definition Presence of any defects or laboratory data consistent with congenital rubella infection (as reported by a health professional) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Possible: a case with some compatible clinical findings but not meeting the criteria for a compatible case Compatible: a case that is not laboratory confirmed and that has any two complications listed in (A) above, or one complication from (A) and one from (B) Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Comment In compatible cases, either or both of the eye-related findings (cataracts and congenital glaucoma) count as a single compli- cation. Salmonellosis Clinical description An illness of variable severity commonly manifested by diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Asymptomatic infections may occur, and the organism may cause extraintestinal infections. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemio- logically linked to a confirmed case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Comment Both probable and confirmed cases are reported to the NNDSS, but only confirmed cases are reported to the laboratory-based surveillance system operated by the Enteric Diseases Branch, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. Both asymptomatic infections and infections at sites other than the gastrointestinal tract, if laboratory confirmed, are considered confirmed cases. Shigellosis Clinical description An illness of variable severity characterized by diarrhea, fever, nausea, cramps, and tenesmus. Asymptomatic infections occur. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemio- logically linked to a confirmed case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Comment Both probable and confirmed cases are reported to the NNDSS, but only confirmed cases are reported to the laboratory-based surveillance system operated by the Enteric Diseases Branch, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC. Confirmation is based on laboratory findings, and clinical illness is not required. Spinal Cord Injury Clinical case definition An acute traumatic lesion of the neural elements in the spinal canal, resulting in temporary or permanent sensory deficit, motor deficit, or bowel/bladder dysfunction Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition Syphilis Syphilis is a complex, sexually transmitted disease with a highly variable clinical course. Classification by a clinician with expertise in syphilis may take precedence over the following case definitions developed for surveillance purposes. Primary Syphilis Clinical description The characteristic lesion of primary syphilis is the chancre, but atypical primary lesions may occur. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case with one or more ulcers (chancres) consistent with primary syphilis and a reactive serologic test Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Secondary Syphilis Clinical description A stage of infection due to Treponema pallidum, characterized by localized or diffuse mucocutaneous lesions and generalized lymphadenopathy. Constitutional symptoms are common, and clinical manifestations are protean. The primary chancre may still be present. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case with a reactive nontre- ponemal (VDRL, RPR) test titer of greater than or equal to 4 Confirmed: a clinically compatible case that is laboratory confirmed Latent Syphilis Clinical description A stage of infection due to Treponema pallidum in which organisms persist in the body of the infected person without causing symptoms or signs. Latent syphilis is subdivided into early, late, and unknown syphilis categories based upon the length of elapsed time from initial infection. Case classification Presumptive: no clinical signs or symptoms of syphilis and the presence of one of the following:
Early Latent Syphilis Clinical description A subcategory of latent syphilis. When initial infection has occurred within the previous 12 months, latent syphilis is classified as early. Case classification Presumptive: latent syphilis (see above) of a person who has evidence of having acquired the infection within the previous 12 months based on one or more of the following criteria:
Late Latent Syphilis Clinical description A subcategory of latent syphilis. When initial infection has occurred >1 year previously, latent syphilis is classified as late. Case classification Presumptive: latent syphilis (see above) of a patient who shows no evidence of having acquired the disease within the past 12 months (see Early Latent Syphilis) and whose age and titer do not meet the criteria specified for unknown latent syphilis Unknown Latent Syphilis Clinical description A subcategory of latent syphilis. When the date of initial infection cannot be established as occurring within the previous year, and the patient's age and titer meet criteria described below, latent syphilis is classified as unknown latent. Case classification Presumptive: latent syphilis (see above) that does not meet the criteria for early latent syphilis, and the patient is 13-35 years of age with a nontreponemal test serologic titer of greater than or equal to 32 Neurosyphilis Clinical description Evidence of CNS infection with Treponema pallidum Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Presumptive: syphilis of any stage, a negative VDRL in CSF, and both of the following:
Congenital Syphilis Clinical description A condition caused by infection in utero with Treponema pallidum. A wide spectrum of severity exists, and only severe cases are clinically apparent at birth. An infant (<2 years) may have signs such as hepatosplenomegaly, characteristic skin rash, condyloma lata, snuffles, jaundice (non-viral hepatitis), pseudoparalysis, anemia, or edema (nephrotic syndrome and/or malnutrition). An older child may have stigmata such as interstitial keratitis, nerve deafness, anterior bowing of shins, frontal bossing, mulberry molars, Hutchinson teeth, saddle nose, rhagades, or Clutton joints. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Presumptive: the infection of an infant whose mother had untreated or inadequately treated ** syphilis at delivery, regardless of signs in the infant; or the infection of an infant or child who has a reactive treponemal test for syphilis and any one of the following:
Comment Congenital and acquired syphilis may be difficult to distinguish when a child is seropositive after infancy. Signs of congenital syphilis may not be obvious, and stigmata may not yet have developed. Abnormal values for CSF VDRL, cell count, and protein, as well as IgM antibodies, may be found in either congenital or acquired syphilis. Findings on long bone x-rays may help, since x-ray changes in the metaphysis and epiphysis are considered classic for congenitally acquired disease. The decision may ultimately be based on maternal history and clinical judgment. The possibility of sexual abuse should be considered. For reporting purposes, congenital syphilis includes cases of congenitally acquired syphilis among infants and children, as well as syphilitic stillbirths. Syphilitic Stillbirth Clinical case definition A fetal death that occurs after a 20-week gestation or in which the fetus weighs >500 g, and the mother had untreated or inade- quately treated ** syphilis at delivery Comment For reporting purposes, syphilitic stillbirths should be reported as cases of congenital syphilis. Tetanus Clinical case definition Acute onset of hypertonia and/or painful muscular contractions (usually of the muscles of the jaw and neck) and generalized muscle spasms without other apparent medical cause (as reported by a health professional) Case classification Confirmed: a case that meets the clinical case definition Toxic Shock Syndrome Clinical case definition An illness with the following clinical manifestations:
Case classification Probable: a case with five of the six clinical findings described above Confirmed: a case with all six of the clinical findings described above, including desquamation, unless the patient dies before desquamation could occur Trichinosis Clinical description A disease caused by ingestion of larvae of Trichinella spiralis that has variable clinical manifestations. Common signs and symptoms among symptomatic persons include eosinophilia, fever, myalgia, and periorbital edema. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Comment In an outbreak setting, at least one case must be laboratory confirmed. Associated cases should be reported as confirmed if the patient shared an epidemiologically implicated meal or ate an epidemiologically implicated meat product and has either a positive serology for trichinosis or a clinically compatible illness. Tuberculosis Clinical description A chronic bacterial infection due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, characterized pathologically by the formation of granulomas. The most common site of infection is the lung, but other organs may be involved. Clinical case definition A case that meets the following criteria:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or, in the absence of laboratory confirmation, a case that meets the clinical case definition Comment A case should not be counted twice within any consecutive 12-month period. However, cases in which the patients had verified disease in the past should be reported again if the patients were discharged. Cases also should be reported again if they were lost to supervision for >12 months and disease can be verified again. Mycobacterial diseases other than those caused by M. tuberculosis should not be counted in tuberculosis morbidity statistics unless there is concurrent tuberculosis. Tularemia Clinical description An illness characterized by several distinct forms, including:
Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible case with supportive serologic results (tularemia agglutination titer of greater than or equal to 160 in one or more serum specimens obtained after onset of symptoms) Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed Typhoid Fever Clinical description An illness caused by Salmonella typhi that is often characterized by insidious onset of sustained fever, headache, malaise, anorexia, relative bradycardia, constipation or diarrhea, and nonproductive cough. However, many mild and atypical infections occur. Carriage of S. typhi may be prolonged. Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness that is epidemio- logically linked to a confirmed case in an outbreak Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed Comment Isolation of the organism is required for confirmation. Serologic evidence alone is not sufficient for diagnosis. Asymptomatic carriage should NOT be reported as typhoid fever. Isolates of S. typhi are reported to the Enteric Diseases Branch, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC, through laboratory-based surveillance. (See Salmonella.) Varicella (Chickenpox) Clinical case definition An illness with acute onset of diffuse (generalized) papulovesi- cular rash without other apparent cause (as reported by a health professional) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a case that meets the clinical case definition, is not laboratory confirmed, and is not epidemiologically linked to another probable or confirmed case Confirmed: a case that is laboratory confirmed or that meets the clinical case definition and is epidemiologically linked to a confirmed or probable case Comment Two probable cases that are epidemiologically linked would be considered confirmed, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation. Waterborne Disease Outbreak Clinical description Symptoms of illness depend upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, in press.) Laboratory criteria for diagnosis Depends upon etiologic agent. (See Guidelines for Confirmation of Foodborne and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks, in press.) Definition An incident in which two or more persons experience a similar illness after consumption or use of water intended for drinking, and epidemiologic evidence implicates the water as the source of the illness. Comment In addition, a single case of chemical poisoning constitutes an outbreak if laboratory studies indicate that the water has been contaminated by the chemical. Other outbreaks that should be reported include a) epidemiologic investigations of outbreaks of gastroenteritis (even if not waterborne) on ocean-going passenger vessels that call on U.S. ports, and b) outbreaks of illness associated with exposure to recreational water. Disease outbreaks associated with water used for recreational purposes should meet the same criteria used for waterborne outbreaks associated with drinking water. However, outbreaks associated with recreational water involve exposure to or unintentional ingestion of fresh or marine water, excluding wound infections caused by water-related organisms. Yellow Fever Clinical description A mosquito-borne, viral illness characterized by acute onset and constitutional symptoms followed by a brief remission and a recurrence of fever, hepatitis, albuminuria, and symptoms and, in some cases, renal failure, shock, and generalized hemorrhages Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
Case classification Probable: a clinically compatible illness with supportive serology (stable elevated antibody titer to yellow fever virus, e.g., greater than or equal to 32 by complement fixation, greater than or equal to 256 by immunofluorescence assay, greater than or equal to 320 by hemagglutination inhibition, greater than or equal to 160 by neutralization, or a positive serologic result by IgM- capture enzyme immunoassay. Cross-reactive serologic reactions to other flaviviruses must be ruled out, and there must be no history of yellow fever immunization.) Confirmed: a clinically compatible illness that is laboratory confirmed References
impede venous flow. A test is considered positive if there are greater than or equal to 20 petechiae/inch superscript 2. ** Inadequate treatment consists of any non-penicillin therapy or penicillin given <30 days before delivery. + Centers for Disease Control ++ Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists The authors were assisted by Joel R. Greenspan, M.D., M.P.H., Stephen L. Cochi, M.D., Steven L. Solomon, M.D., Joseph E. Sniezek, M.D., M.P.H., Alan B. Bloch, M,D., M.P.H., Steven M. Teutsch, M.D., M.P.H., and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. Table_1 Note: To print large tables and graphs users may have to change their printer settings to landscape and use a small font size. TABLE 1. Diseases included in the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) ====================================================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Malaria Amebiasis Measles Anthrax Meningococcal infections Aseptic meningitis Mumps Botulism, foodborne Pertussis Botulism, infant Plague Botulism, wound Poliomyelitis, paralytic Botulism, unspecified Psittacosis Brucellosis Rabies, animal Chancroid Rabies, human Cholera Rheumatic fever Congenital rubella syndrome Rocky Mountain spotted fever Diphtheria Rubella Encephalitis, post chickenpox Salmonellosis Encephalitis, post mumps Shigellosis Encephalitis, post other Syphilis, all stages Encephalitis, primary Syphilis, primary and secondary Gonorrhea Syphilis, congenital Granuloma inguinale Tetanus Hansen disease Toxic shock syndrome Hepatitis A Trichinosis Hepatitis B Tuberculosis Hepatitis, non-A, non-B Tularemia Hepatitis, unspecified Typhoid fever Legionellosis Varicella * Leptospirosis Yellow fever Lyme disease Lymphogranuloma venereum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Many states collect case reports of varicella, although it is not a nationally notifiable disease. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists encourages transmission of that informa- tion annually via the NNDSS for publication in the Summary of Notifiable Diseases. ====================================================================================================== Return to top. Table_2 Note: To print large tables and graphs users may have to change their printer settings to landscape and use a small font size. TABLE 2. Diseases and Conditions that are not nationally notifiable but for which CDC maintains surveillance * =================================================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Campylobacter infection Kawasaki syndrome Chlamydia trachomatis Listeria monocytogenes infection (listeriosis) Dengue fever Mucopurulent cervicitis Genital herpes simplex virus Nongonococcal urethritis infection Pelvic inflammatory disease Genital warts Reye syndrome Giardiasis Spinal cord injury Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This list includes only the diseases and conditions for which case definitions are provided in this document; it is not a complete list of non-notifiable diseases for which CDC and state and territorial health departments maintain surveillance systems. =================================================================================================== Return to top. Disclaimer All MMWR HTML documents published before January 1993 are electronic conversions from ASCII text into HTML. This conversion may have resulted in character translation or format errors in the HTML version. Users should not rely on this HTML document, but are referred to the original MMWR paper copy for the official text, figures, and tables. An original paper copy of this issue can be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), Washington, DC 20402-9371; telephone: (202) 512-1800. Contact GPO for current prices. **Questions or messages regarding errors in formatting should be addressed to mmwrq@cdc.gov.Page converted: 08/05/98 |
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