Key points
- Lead poisoning disproportionately impacts refugee and newcomer children resettled in the United States.
- Factors like environmental exposure may put children who are resettled in the U.S. at a higher risk for lead exposure.
- Individuals may receive lead testing as part of a comprehensive domestic medical examination within 90 days of arrival to the U.S.

Refugee children arriving in the United States have higher blood lead levels (BLL) than U.S.-born children,12 though this varies among sub-populations.
Reports suggest that country of origin and country of last residence are strong predictors of BLLs among refugee children.32 Furthermore, in some circumstances these children may experience a rise in BLLs after arriving and resettling in the United States.
Causes and risk factors
Several risk factors put newcomer children who are resettled in the U.S. at a higher risk for lead exposure.
Environmental exposure
Newcomer children may be exposed to environmental lead hazards in their country of origin. These hazards include industrial emissions, lead-based paint, and the burning of waste containing lead.
Newcomer children may be exposed to environmental lead hazards from:
- Living near or working in mines, ammunition manufacturing, smelters, or battery recycling facilities.
- Lead-based paint and leaded gasoline have only been recently phased out in much of the world. Newcomer children may currently or have previously lived in areas where high lead levels remain in the soil even in areas where leaded gasoline is no longer widely used.
- Resettling in pre-1978 housing containing lead-based paint after arriving to the U.S.
Cultural practices, traditional medicines, and consumer products
Some cultural practices, traditional medicines, and household and personal use items are associated with increased BLLs, before and after U.S. arrival.
Refugees and other newcomer populations may use or consume imported products contaminated with lead. This includes traditional remedies, herbal supplements, spices, candies with lead in the wrappers, cosmetics, jewelry, and amulets.
Some consumer products that may be a source of lead exposure include:
- Car batteries used for household electricity outside the U.S.
- Lead-glazed pottery
- Pewter or brass utensils or cooking pots
- Pressure cookers
- Leaded crystal
- chipped or cracked dishes1456
Other risk factors
Parents of newcomer children may not know about the risks posed by lead exposure. These parents may not recognize potential sources in their daily lives. Most children with lead in their blood may not have any obvious immediate symptoms. Newcomer children are also more likely to have compromised nutritional status. This includes chronic malnutrition and other moderate to severe health conditions that could increase lead absorption and possible neurological effects.
Some of the above information pertains specifically to refugees. However, many of these risk factors will be similar for all children arriving from the same countries or regions. These risk factors can occur regardless of visa type.
Lead screening recommendations
Refugees and eligible newcomers receive a range of benefits and services. This includes a comprehensive domestic medical examination within 90 days of arrival to the United States. The examination screens for a wide range of infectious diseases and non-communicable conditions. Healthcare providers might consider evaluating refugee and other eligible newcomer children and pregnant/lactating women for lead exposure. There may be follow-up testing for specific age groups.
For CDC's lead screening recommendations refer to Screening for Lead during the Domestic Medical Examination for Newly Arrived Refugees. This includes guidance for refugees and certain other newcomer infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant and lactating women and girls. This guidance was developed by the Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health Branch. Guidance was developed in collaboration with its Centers of Excellence in Newcomer Health, and external experts in refugee health.

Case studies
- Pezzi C, Lee D, Kennedy L, Aguirre J, Titus M, Ford R, et. al. Blood Lead Levels Among Resettled Refugee Children in Select US States, 2010-2014. Pediatrics. 2019; 143(5):e20182591.
- CDC. Lead in Spices, Herbal Remedies, and Ceremonial Powders Sampled from Home Investigations for Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels — North Carolina, 2011- 2018. MMWR. 2018; 67(46):1290-1294.
- CDC. Infant Lead Poisoning Associated with Use of Tiro, an Eye Cosmetic from Nigeria – Boston, Massachusetts, 2011. MMWR. 2012; 61(30):574-576.
- CDC. Death of a Child After Ingestion of a Metallic Charm—Minnesota, 2006. MMWR. 2006; 55(12):340-341.
- CDC. Lead Poisoning Associated with Use of Litargirio—Rhode Island, 2003. MMWR. 2005; 54(9):227-229.
- CDC. Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Refugee Children—New Hampshire, 2003–2004. MMWR. 2005; 54(2):42-46. Erratum: Vol. 54, No. 2 MMWR. 2005; 54(3):76.
- CDC. Lead Poisoning Associated with Ayurvedic Medications—Five States, 2000–2003. MMWR. 2004; 53(26):582-584.
- CDC. Childhood Lead Poisoning Associated with Tamarind Candy and Folk Remedies—California, 1999–2000. MMWR. 2002; 51(31):684-686.
- CDC. Fatal Pediatric Lead Poisoning—New Hampshire, 2000. MMWR. 2001 50(22):457-459.
- CDC. Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Internationally Adopted Children—United States, 1998. MMWR. 2000; 49(5):97-100.
- Lead Poisoning Associated with Use of Traditional Ethnic Remedies—United States. MMWR. 1993; 42(27):521-524.
CDC resources
- Screening for Lead during the Domestic Medical Examination for Newly Arrived Refugees – CDC's lead screening recommendations for all newly arrived refugee infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant and lactating women and girls
- Division of Global Migration Health has statutory responsibility to make and enforce regulations necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States.
Other federal resources
- Office of Global Health Affairs – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) office that provides policy guidance and coordination on refugee policy issues.
- Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), Refugee Health Coordinators – HHS office that plans, develops, and directs implementation of a comprehensive program for domestic refugee and entrant resettlement assistance. State refugee health coordinators can assist with newcomer health issues.
- Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Office of Pollution and Prevention and Toxics – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Geltman PL, Brown MJ, and Cochran J. Lead poisoning among refugee children resettled in Massachusetts, 1995 to 1999. Pediatrics. 2001; 108(1):158-62.
- Seifu S, Tanabe K, Hauck FR. The Prevalence of Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Foreign-Born Refugee Children Upon Arrival to the U.S. and the Adequacy of Follow-up Treatment.J Immigr Minor Health. 2019.
- Yun K, Matheson J, Payton C, et al. Health Profiles of Newly Arrived Refugee Children in the United States, 2006-2012.Am J Public Health. 2016; 106(1):128-35.
- Mitchell T, Jentes E, Ortega L, et al. Lead poisoning in United States-bound refugee children: Thailand-Burma border, 2009.Pediatrics. 2012; 129(2):e392-9.
- Minnesota Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Biennial Report to the Legislature. [PDF – 4.16 MB] Minnesota Department of Health, Environmental Health Division; February 2007.
- Haefliger P, Mathieu-Nolf M, Lociciro S, et al. Mass lead intoxication from informal used lead-acid battery recycling in Dakar, Senegal. Environ Health Perspect. 2009; 117(10):1535-40.
- Ritchey MD, Scalia Sucosky M, Jefferies T, et al. Lead poisoning among Burmese refugee children–Indiana 2009. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2011; 50(7):648-56.
- Eisenberg KW, van Wijngaarden E, Fisher SG, et al. Blood lead levels of refugee children resettled in Massachusetts, 2000 to 2007. Am J Public Health. 2011; 101(1):48-54.
- Raymond JS, Kennedy C, Brown MJ. Blood lead level analysis among refugee children resettled in New Hampshire and Rhode Island.Public Health Nurs. 2013; 30(1):70-9.
- Plotinsky RN, Straetemans M, Wong LY, et al. Risk factors for elevated blood lead levels among African refugee children in New Hampshire, 2004.Environ Res. 2008; 108(3):404-12.
- Hebbar S, Vanderslice R, Simon P, Vallejo ML. Blood levels in refugee children in Rhode Island. Med Health R I. 2010; 93(8):254-5.