Key points
- The Grants Management Academy offers training and resources related to federal grants.
- Guidance and resources are provided through several different partners and platforms and cover a wide variety of topics related to grants management.

The Grants Management Academy provides training resources and guidance on how to apply for federal grants and navigate different grants management systems, laws, and regulations, and on the life cycle of grants. This page also spotlights the Federal Grants Management Training Series.
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Federal Grants Management Training Series
The Federal Grants Management Training Series helps public health staff, particularly those working with grants, understand roles and responsibilities in federal grant management and how to be good stewards of their federal awards.
Developed by CDC Foundation, in collaboration with CDC's Office of Grants Services and CSTLTS's Office of Island Affairs, this free, self-guided, three-video training series is designed to provide federal grant recipients with the information needed to ensure the successful management of federal grants and cooperative agreements. The series includes a Reference Guide with links to resources and steps to manage federal grants management information.

Federal Grants management training series logo
The training series is divided into three modules:
Module 1: Federal Grant Basics
Module 2: Notice of Award, Award Budget, and Subrecipients
Module 3: Federal Grant Management
Along with the reference guide and modules, additional supplemental resources are provided once you are registered for the training.
The video series is also available in Spanish on CDC Train by clicking on this link or by searching the course ID 1106557.
To access the modules, you must create a free account. Once you're on the CDC Train webpage, click "Log In or Create Account" on the center of the screen.
CDC and GrantSolutions Resources
CDC Grants Resources Page for Recipients
This web page provides resources and guidance about existing grants; eligibility; different grant types, laws, and regulations; and grant life cycle.
GrantSolutions Recipient Training Videos
This video series provides training on demand. It includes an introduction to GrantSolutions pre- and post-award activities, an introduction to the Federal Financial Report, and instructions on viewing and modifying submitted federal financial reports.
Grant Recipient Actions, Roles, Notifications, and Training
This web page offers several resources for grants management, including an overview of different roles in Grants Management Modules and different types of notifications for recipients. This web page also includes training sessions and several links to job aids for specific amendment actions.
Help Guides | Grants Management Module
This module includes frequently asked questions and guides to help users learn to navigate the Grants Management Modules. It also provides user videos, grant recipient training resources, quick sheets for reference, and job aids for non-research grant recipients.
Find out more about CDC resources on CDC's Office of Financial Resources web page and CDC – Budgets, Grants, and Funding – STLT Gateway.
Payment Management System Resources
Payment Management System (PMS)—Gaining Access to PMS
This guide shows recipients how to request PMS access and the approvals needed to gain access.
Payment Management System—Training Guide
The PMS User Guide shows how to obtain, change, or deactivate access; withdraw funds; and file a Federal Financial Report electronically in PMS.
Payment Management System—Upcoming Webinars
The Grant Recipient Training shows the recipient how to access PMS, complete a payment request, perform APEX inquiries, run report requests, and complete a Federal Financial Report.
Partner Resources
ASTHO's Policy Assessment and Gap Analysis Guide
The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) developed this resource for state and territorial health agencies interested in improving administrative and operational policies and processes. It provides information on the type, organization, and structure of administrative and operational policies that may be found in public health agencies. Several tools assist health departments to assess existing administrative policies, identify and prioritize gaps, and apply a quality improvement lens to existing processes for administrative and operational policy development and review.
ASTHO's Grant Management Microlearning
This introductory training is designed to provide territorial health officials and leadership teams an overview of grants management, an action planning template, and testimonials of how others have promoted effective grants management in their jurisdiction. This training is crucial in helping health officials understand the basics of the grant life cycle and how to build relationships with key staff throughout the health agency to best utilize current and future grant funding.
NACCHO's Management Essentials
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is providing a suite of courses designed to enhance the essential management skills of health department leaders. The four courses in this suite comprise both virtual live-learning and asynchronous eLearning formats, focusing on successful people management, financial management, change management, and strategic planning.
NACCHO's Public Health Finance Trainings
NACCHO offers a guide to eLearning courses and programs that can build financial knowledge and skills to support public health.
NACCHO's Roots of Health Inequity
NACCHO is providing a web-based course for the Public Health Workforce which offers health department staff a place to investigate the relationship between social injustice—the fundamental cause of health inequities—and everyday public health practice.
NACCHO is offering a practical framework that helps individuals and organizations adapt and succeed in challenging environments.
NNPHI Strategic Scholars Program
The National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) offers a six-month training using a community of practice cohort model and multiple learning modalities to build governmental public health workforce capacity in eight strategic skill areas.
CDC TRAIN Resources
Public Health Financial Management
This course provides an overview of financial principles, discussions of financial issues related to public health, and an understanding of financial management of public health programs and activities financial management.
Planning for Financial Success
This course provides a step-by-step process for preparing grant proposals. It includes case examples, interactive exercises, and additional resources.
Planning and Budgeting for Public Health: The Business Plan
This overview provides a simple outline to help the recipient build a business plan for public health activities.
Achieving Health Equity Through Community Control of Budgets
This course teaches participatory budgeting and budget management to community members.
Other Federal Resources
This resource provides training resources and videos, including an introduction to and a Learning Workspace Video Series for organizations.
This website provides information on the grant life cycle (pre-award phase, award phase, and post-award phase) and a getting-started checklist.
The Chief Financial Officers Council created a training designed to provide federal officials basic knowledge about grants and cooperative agreements.
Training Events, Videos, and Reference Materials for Applicants and Grantees
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers training events, videos, and reference materials for applicants and grantees. Topics include how to apply for funding, respond to terms and conditions in a Notice of Award, submit post-award amendments and federal financial reports for discretionary grants, and use eRA (grants management system) Commons features. Examples include initiating correspondence that is automatically added to the official grant file. Some materials refer to SAMHSA grants; however, general grants management information is also covered.
Public Health Learning Navigator
This public health financial management training examines the finances of public health and the underlying issues that influence resource availability on the federal, state, and local level. Training includes an overview of the grant-writing process and the use of basic financial analysis tools, such as forecasting, common sizing, and trend analysis. This course is appropriate for anyone new to financial management and budgeting.
Get Ready for Grants Management
The US Department of Health and Human Services offers resources to "Get Ready for Grants Management." This web page provides information on how to register with the Data Universal Number System (DUNS), the System for Award Management, and; how to find and apply for grants; and how to manage grants. The site also provides grants management guidance by agency and information on the HHS grants track record.
Grants Training and Management Resources—Online Grants Training Courses
The Department of Education offers grants training and management resources and online grants training courses. Trainings include cash management, discretionary grants administration, formula grants administration, indirect costs, internal controls, procurement, property management, travel, subrecipient monitoring, and allowable costs and activities.
Tips for Writing and Submitting Good Grant Proposals
The Health Resources and Services Administration provides a helpful resource on how to write and submit a grant proposal.
Tips and Tricks for Writing a Winning Grant Submission
The Department of Housing and Urban Development provides a quick step-by-step checklist that includes tips and tricks on how to write and submit grant applications.
The US Department of Agriculture offers a guide to funding resources. This guide includes information on the funding process, general information on federal funding, steps, and questions to consider in the funding process, and funding resources.
Training | Official website of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) offers video trainings and PowerPoint presentations centered around how to manage grants. These videos include valuable information on Notices of Funding Opportunities, grant budgeting, and audits. Additionally, HRSA provides upcoming workshops and an easy-to-read guide on how to manage your grant, covering topics such as your role and responsibility, and who you should contact for help.
REDCap Resources
The Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) application provides videos that can help recipients get started and gain a better understanding of REDCap and its functionality.
Complementary Resources
The Public Health Law Academy offers free, online training to provide an understanding of the basics of our legal system and the use of law and policy for improving population health outcomes.