Staff Bio
Amy Wolkin, DrPh, MSPH
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

CDC role
Amy Wolkin, DrPH, MSPH, is the chief of the Data Analytics Branch in the Division of Injury Prevention (DIP) at the Injury Center. Dr. Wolkin leads a multi-disciplinary group of scientists who provide leadership on health statistics, data science, health economic research, and programming and web application development for NCIPC. The Data Analytics Branch provides consultation to all areas of the center’s key work and prides itself on delivering results through effective collaboration across the Injury Center. This includes national leadership on surveillance platforms such as WISQARS and applying the emerging science of data analytics to current and new public health priorities.
Previous experience
Prior to joining the Injury Center, Dr. Wolkin served at CDC's Center for Preparedness and Response (CPR) as the center director's senior advisor for at-aisk populations. In this position, she led CPR's efforts to address health equity issues and improve the resilience of at-risk populations to natural and human-caused disasters, disease outbreaks, and other adverse events.
Dr. Wolkin previously served as chief of the Health Studies Branch (HSB) at the National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH). She led numerous domestic and international outbreak investigations, conducted epidemiologic research, worked closely with tribal nations, and responded to domestic and international emergency responses. Additionally, she led several national surveillance efforts, including the National Poison Data System, surveillance to monitor disaster-related injuries and deaths, disaster-related cause of death reporting. She was also involved in developing the Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response toolkit. In addition to working at CPR and NCEH, Dr. Wolkin served as the acting associate director of science in the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services.