Key points
The CDC Injury Center prioritizes funding for the prevention of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), overdose, and suicide. This page shows how funds were appropriated in the state of South Carolina in FY23.

Overdose prevention funding - South Carolina
There were 107,968 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2022 (34.6 deaths per 100,000 standard population), a 1.2% increase from 2021.1
- There were 2,279 overdose deaths in South Carolina in 20222
- There were 44.7 overdose deaths per 100,000 people (age-adjusted) in South Carolina in 20222
Total overdose prevention funding in South Carolina
Overdose prevention programs
- Overdose Data to Action in States
- SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control $4,587,985
- SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control $4,587,985
- Public Health and Public Safety
- Overdose Response Strategy: $87,600*
- The Courage Center Evidence-Building Award: $50,000
- Overdose Response Strategy: $87,600*
*average award amount
Examples of how South Carolina is working to prevent overdose
Emergency medical services data integration
South Carolina saw a significant increase in usage of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Overdose Map after the integration of emergency medical services data into the system. Technical assistance webinars offered to partners throughout the state focused on initiating response efforts and increasing use of the system. The Map enables discharge of resources to critical areas and allows for the initiation of real time local response efforts. One hundred and thirty-one agencies, from 44 of the state's 46 counties, are registered to use the system.
- Spencer MR, Miniño AM, Warner M. Drug overdose deaths in the United States, 2001–2021. NCHS Data Brief, no 457. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2022. DOI:
- NVSS – Drug Overdose Deaths