At a glance
View the University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center's (UI IPRC) ICRC profile and grantee research projects. ICRCs study ways to prevent injuries and violence and work with community partners to put research findings into action. They focus on three core functions: research, training, and outreach.
Contact Information

College of Public Health
The University of Iowa
Director: Carri Casteel, PhD, MPH
Address: 2190 WL (Westlawn), Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-467-4504
Twitter: @UIIPRC

The University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center (UI IPRC) aims to reduce the burden of traumatic injuries and violence, especially among rural populations. We create knowledge to keep you safe in your home, on the road, in your workplace, and in your community, collaborate with partners locally, nationally and internationally to put research into action, and train current and next generation researchers and public health professionals.
We will engage about 70 faculty and research scientists in 30 departments across campus to advance the science of injury prevention. Our eight Research and Practice Action Teams are topical areas of focus that will foster growth between research and practice and incorporate cross-cutting themes, including health equity, research translation, research science innovations, and public health practice. Our research will inform solutions to reduce traumatic injuries and death and work towards closing equity gaps in rural populations.
Active Research
- Adverse childhood experiences
- Transportation safety
- Opioid overdose
- Suicide
- Firearms
- Violence
- Older adult falls
- Disaster preparedness
- Trauma care
- Traumatic brain injuries
2024 ICRC Grantee Research Projects - UI IPRC
Core Research Projects
- Adverse Childhood Experiences — Accelerated epigenetic aging in adulthood: A longitudinal investigation of resilience among low-income Black Americans
- Suicide and Overdose — Dual injury epidemics in the United States: Examining the pattern, cause, and consequence of emergent racial disparities in overdose and suicide among rural populations
- Opioids — A statewide evaluation of emergency departments’ treatment capacity and management of substance use disorders
- Falls — Translational research to refer rural older adults to evidence-based falls prevention programs
Outreach Core:
The UI IPRC translates scientific findings and best practice approaches to enhance national, regional, state and community-based injury and violence prevention policies and programs. We promote collaborations with a diverse range of partners to facilitate the mutual exchange of ideas, resources, and expertise. Our activities include partner network meetings, ideas labs, policy briefs, toolkits, conferences, webinars, social media, and a monthly injury blog.
Training Core:
The UI IPRC offers academic courses for undergraduate and graduate students, hands-on learning opportunities, mentoring of students and early career professionals, post-doctoral positions, and training opportunities for injury and violence prevention professionals. We partner with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to offer an undergraduate Certificate in Resilience and Trauma-Informed Perspectives.