What to know
Below are illustrations and instructions for donning and removing personal protective equipment (PPE).
PPE [October 2014]
Donning of PPE

- Fully cover torso from neck to knees, arms to end of wrist, and wrap around the back
- Fasten in back at neck and waist
Mask or Respirator
- Secure ties or elastic band at middle of head and neck
- Fit flexible band to nose bridge
- Fit snug to face and below chin
- Fit-check respirator
Goggles/Face Shield
- Put on face and adjust to fit
- Use non-sterile for isolation
- Select according to hand size
- Extend to cover wrist of isolation gown
Safe Work Practices
- Keep hands away from face
- Work from clean to dirty
- Limit surfaces touched
- Change when torn or heavily contaminated
- Perform hand hygiene
Removing PPE

- Outside of gloves are contaminated!
- Grasp outside of glove with opposite gloved hand; peel off
- Hold removed glove in gloved hand
- Slide fingers of ungloved hand under remaining glove at wrist
Goggles/Face Shield
- Outside of goggles or face shield are contaminated!
- To remove, handle by "clean" head band or ear pieces
- Place in designated receptacle for reprocessing or in waste container
- Gown front and sleeves are contaminated!
- Unfasten neck, then waist ties
- Remove gown using a peeling motion; pull gown from each shoulder toward the same hand
- Gown will turn inside out
- Hold removed gown away from body, roll into a bundle and discard into waste or linen receptacle
Mask or Respirator
- Front of mask/respirator is contaminated – DO NOT TOUCH!
- Grasp ONLY bottom then top ties/elastics and remove
- Discard in waste container
Hand Hygiene
Perform hand hygiene immediately after removing all PPE!