At a glance

Monitoring national HIV prevention goals by using data from the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) and other reporting systems
Note. Information on NHAS (2022–2025) can be found at
*Data for 2020, which coincided with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, should be interpreted with caution. The pandemic had a significant impact on access to HIV testing, care, and related services, and case surveillance activities in state/local jurisdictions. As the COVID-19 pandemic lasted beyond 2020, readers should also consider the potential influence of these pandemic effects on U.S. public health systems when interpreting HIV data for 2021–2022. See Technical Notes in HIV Surveillance Report, 2022; vol. 35 for more information..
- PrEP: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
- MSM: gay, bisexual, and other Men who have Sex with Men
- Em dash [—]: denotes data not available
- LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning
- NHAS: National HIV/AIDS Strategy
- CDC: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
a Baseline data for NHAS indicators available at Baseline data for Quality of Life indicators, published at:
b CDC. Estimated HIV incidence and prevalence in the United States, 2018–2022. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report 2024;29(No. 1). Published May 2024.
c CDC. HIV Surveillance Report, 2022; vol. 35. Published May 2024. Persons ≥13 years only.
d PrEP coverage, reported as a percentage, was calculated as the number of persons classified as having been prescribed PrEP divided by the estimated number of persons who had indications for PrEP. PrEP coverage for 2017 used a 2017 denominator. PrEP coverage for 2018-2022 used a 2018 denominator. Persons ≥16 years only. CDC has paused PrEP coverage reporting to determine the best methodology for calculating PrEP coverage, and to update PrEP coverage estimates using updated methods and sources. Until updated PrEP coverage estimates are published, CDC advises against citing specific PrEP coverage data points, as historical estimates will be updated.
e CDC. Monitoring selected national HIV prevention and care objectives by using HIV surveillance data—United States and 6 territories and freely associated states, 2022. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report 2024;29(No. 2). Published May 2024.
f Health Resources and Services Administration. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Annual Data Report 2022. Published December 2023.; 2017 baseline data can be found at:
g Median value.
h Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons with Diagnosed HIV Infection—Medical Monitoring Project, United States, 2022 Cycle (June 2022–May 2023). HIV Surveillance Special Report 36. Published July 2024.
i Changes in questionnaire variables and methodology have resulted in data inconsistencies across the survey's biennial reporting years. Data for this indicator will not be updated until it can be amended to ensure accurate and consistent reporting.
j Calculated among persons who indicated needing mental health services.