Key points

Data sources
The prevalence of blood pressure medication adherence varies geographically by zip code in Rhode Island and there are gaps of care where future CPAs could be created. The locations of CPAs throughout the state will be shared with partners so they can better visualize where agreements do and do not exist. Findings will be also shared with partners to address medication adherence and to initiate the creation of CPAs in areas of unmet needs.
ArcGIS Pro
Rhode Island All Payer Claims Database (HealthFacts RI) for 7/1/18-6/30/19; Locations of Collaborative Practice Agreements provided by RI Department of Health Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke program records and an external partner; Rhode Island zip code tabulation area and coastal boundaries provided via RIGIS.
Medication adherence, measured as Proportion of Days Covered (PDC), was used as the measure for medication adherence. Adherence is defined as having access to antihypertensive medication for at least 80% of days in a defined study period. The PDC was calculated using SAS 9.4 from the RI All Payer Claims Database (APCD). For each zip code tabulation area (ZCTA), the percent of population on antihypertensives whose PDC ≥80% is displayed using the manual classification method in ArcGIS Pro. ZCTA’s with insufficient data, cell counts ≤10, were suppressed. The locations of Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs) were mapped as point locations and were dispersed by 0.2 points for cartographic purposes.
This map will be used to support the creation of CPAs submitted to RI’s Pharmacy Board in the future by identifying locations where CPAs are needed. Additionally, the map will be used to enhance partnerships with the following organizations: RI Pharmacy Association, URI College of Pharmacy, and the Care Transformation Collaborative of RI. The map will be shared with the organizations and used to inform policy decisions at the state- and primary care practice-level.
Cali McAtee, DHDS Program Evaluator
Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH)
Cali McAtee, RIDOH. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.