Key points

Data sources
Major Findings
The New York State Cancer Services Program provides free cancer screening and diagnostic services to uninsured and underinsured women. This program might help to improve rates of breast cancer screening in New York State, as screening rates tend to be lower in uninsured and underinsured individuals.
The map indicates a need for additional work to identify and screen uninsured individuals in counties throughout New York State, particularly downstate and in more rural areas of the state, including several counties in western New York.
How the map will be used, or has been used
This map will be used to identify areas of high need for breast cancer screening initiatives, as well as areas where additional work is needed to reach the uninsured population.
ArcGIS 10.5
New York State Expanded Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2013–2014; New York State Cancer Services Program, 2013–2014; Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, 2013
New York City was sampled as a single area in the expanded Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (eBRFSS), resulting in identical estimates for Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and Richmond counties. The eBRFSS estimates are weighted to more accurately represent the adult population living in each county. The proportion of eligible uninsured women unserved is calculated as 1 minus the number of women who received at least one Cancer Services Program–funded service in the 2013–2014 program year divided by the estimated number of uninsured women ages 50–64 who were at or below 250% of the federal poverty limit based on Small Area Health Insurance Estimates data for 2013.
Maggie Gates, Research Scientist, New York State Department of Health
Maggie Gates, New York State Department of Health. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.