Key points

Data sources
Montana’s CVH Program has expanded efforts to work with primary care facilities on BP QI to more rural cities/counties. Five of Montana’s seven American Indian reservations are located in chronic disease regions with the highest hypertension prevalence.
ArcGIS 10.2.1
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data from 2013, 2015, and 2017. List of primary care facilities awarded for quality improvement (QI) activities (1815, 1817, and 1305 CDC grants).
Data from the BRFSS hypertension question, “Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have high blood pressure?” was re-weighted to Montana’s 14 DPHHS Chronic Disease contracting regions. This data was then joined to an existing regions dataset within ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap. A points shapefile was added to the map that included primary care facilities participating at least one of the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grants: 1305, 1815, and 1817. The joined data was symbolized using a graduated color scheme with four classes using quantiles. Additional customization of the class ranges was added and compared to State and National values and other shapefiles were included in the map.
Data from the BRFSS hypertension question, “Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have high blood pressure?” was re-weighted to Montana’s 14 DPHHS Chronic Disease contracting regions. This data was then joined to an existing regions dataset within ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap. A points shapefile was added to the map that included primary care facilities participating at least one of the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grants: 1305, 1815, and 1817. The joined data was symbolized using a graduated color scheme with four classes using quantiles. Additional customization of the class ranges was added and compared to State and National values and other shapefiles were included in the map.
Carrie Oser, Epidemiologist/EvaluatorMontana Department of Public Health and Human Services (MT DPHHS)
Norderud, Brian, MT DPHHS; Oser, Carrie S, MT DPHHS; and Fogle, Crystelle, MT DPHHS. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.