Key points

Data sources
This map identifies counties that have low adherence to blood pressure medications in the Medicaid population, and where evidence-based lifestyle change programs are available. The map assesses how current program availability matches counties with low adherence rates.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is working with the YMCAs to strengthen the program’s curriculum and pilot group classes. Efforts to improve the BPSM program will prioritize counties with the lowest adherence rates and work to expand availability to low-adherent counties without active programs.
ArcGIS, Excel, and SAS/SPSS
Michigan Medicaid Claims data; Michigan Open GIS data portal; State Alliance of Michigan YMCAs
Proportion of Days Covered calculations for each county; tests of statistical difference of county-level rates for each county relative to all other counties; geocoding of program locations.
Adrian Zeh, Evaluation Specialist, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Adrian Zeh, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.