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This map shows counties with the highest levels of blood pressure medication non-adherence and poverty also have limited spatial access to Federally Qualified Health Care Centers.
ArcGIS Pro
2018 Blood Pressure Medication Non-Adherence. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke.
2021 Federally Qualified Health Centers. Health Resources and Services Administration. Map Services.
2017 Poverty Status. Census Bureau. 2017 American Community Survey 5-year estimates.
Blood Pressure medication non-adherence and poverty data were displayed using tertiles. FQHC count data were summarized by county data and displayed using proportional symbols.
The audience for this map is health care professionals, decision makers, and other stakeholders in Alabama. Access to care is a top health concern in Alabama. This map was created to identify areas that are below poverty level with higher health risk and minimum health care access.
Saranee Dutta, GIS Specialist
Alabama Department of Health
Saranee Dutta, Alabama Department of Health. Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chronic Disease Map Gallery.