What to know
CDC professional development practices trainings listed here are based on research and best practice and provide the best conditions for implementation to occur.

The trainings below are modified by the ICF-CDC DASH Professional Learning Collaborative (PLC), 2019. Adapted from CDC DASH Professional Development Practices: At-a-Glance | ETR-CDC DASH Professional Learning Collaborative (PLC), 2018. Original version created by RMC Health-CDC DASH Professional Development Partnership (PDP), 2010.
Crafting Precise Learning Objectives for Your Professional Development Offerings
Opening, Energizing, and Closing Activities Professional Development
More information
Professional Development is critical to the success of school health initiatives and required for PS18-1807. Using the CDC Professional Development Practices can ensure that the staff in your district and schools have capacity to effectively implement strategies that positively effect the health and well-being of young people.
You can email dash-pd@cdc.gov for assistance with using these CDC PD Practices in your work.
CDC's Division of Adolescent and School Health and CDC's School Health Branch collaborated on the original development of the CDC Professional Development Practices. This product was developed by RMC Health under contract 2008-N-09681. The Division of Adolescent and School Health and the School Health Branch continue to jointly use the CDC PD Practices, and to promote their importance with their funded partners.