At a glance
The evaluate practice monitors your professional development offerings by collecting data and using the data to improve future efforts.

The evaluate practice systematically monitors and assesses your professional development (PD) offerings. Collect usable data throughout the PD process. Then use these data to inform your PD plan, and report your successes and lessons learned. This can help improve future efforts.
- Assess PD needs of the target audience, as applicable (see Design).
- Develop a plan, per the Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) PD Evaluation Toolkit guidelines. This will measure the PD offering learning objectives. It may also include collecting information about the transfer of learning after the PD offering (if applicable and resources allow).
- Identify or develop instruments to collect evaluation data from multiple sources.
- Collect evaluation data related to promotion, PD offerings, technical assistance, and follow-up support (see Promote, Deliver, and Follow-Up Support).
- Determine whether PD goals and objectives were achieved.
- Use a data entry protocol.
- Keep evaluation data in an organized data management system.
- Report evaluation results to stakeholders—to facilitate use of the findings.