HECAT Webinars

At a glance

  • This webinar series introduces CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) and its many uses for schools.
  • The webinars address assessing and revising curriculum, developing scope and sequences, and preparing lessons and assessments.
Health educators sitting and listening webinars from laptops.


Each webinar discusses recent updates. The updates, related to student knowledge and skill content, are important for primary prevention in schools.

The webinars include tools and resources related to:

  • Characteristics of effective health education curricula.
  • Developing a scope and sequence.
  • Supporting teachers with unit or lesson planning.

HECAT webinar series

The webinar series includes an overview, updates, and featured health topic modules.

This webinar provides a brief overview of the HECAT. It addresses the foundations of school health education and the importance of curriculum selection and development. The webinar also covers how the tool can help schools, school districts, and other youth-serving organizations in analyzing health education curriculum.

This webinar highlights content-related updates found throughout HECAT. It covers he HECAT project development timeline, and a comparison of similar and different content in the analysis tool. The webinar also takes an in-depth look at Chapter 6, health topic modules, including student knowledge and skill content examples.

This webinar provides an overview of data on the effects of alcohol- and other drug-use behaviors on youth. It takes a close look at the HECAT’s Alcohol- and Other Drug-Use Prevention module.

Also included are updates to tools, resources, and student knowledge and skill content in grades pre-K–2 through 12 health education curricula.

This webinar provides an overview of data on the mental and emotional health of youth. It takes a close look at the HECAT’s Mental and Emotional Health module.

Also included are updates to tools, resources, and student knowledge and skill content in grades pre-K–2 through 12 health education curricula.

This webinar provides an overview of data on the sexual and reproductive health behaviors and experiences of youth. It takes a close look at the HECAT’s Sexual Health module.

Also included are updates to tools, resources, and student knowledge and skill content in grades pre-K–2 through 12 health education curricula.

This webinar provides an overview of data on the effects of violence on youth. It takes a close look at the HECAT’s Violence Prevention module.

Also included are updates to tools, resources, and student knowledge and skill content in grades pre-K–2 through 12 health education curricula.

eLearning series abbreviations

  • CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • DASH—Division of Adolescent and School Health.
  • HECAT—Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool.
  • YRBS—Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
  • Profiles—School Health Profiles.
  • HBO—Healthy Behavior Outcome.
  • STI—Sexually transmitted infection.
  • HIV—Human immunodeficiency virus.
  • ABCD—Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.
  • SAMHSA—Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
  • LEA—Local education agency (for instance, school district).
  • FAQs—Frequently asked questions.
  • COVID-19—Coronavirus disease 2019.
  • 15 Characteristics—CDC's 15 Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curriculum.
  • NHES—National Health Education Standards.
  • Pre-K12—Pre-kindergarten through grade 12.