HECAT Summary Fact Sheet

At a glance

  • The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) is an assessment tool developed by CDC, along with national and education partners.
  • The HECAT aligns with the National Health Education Standards.
  • The HECAT provides a structured process to improve curriculum selection and development.
The dark blue heading of the HECAT fact sheet with an inset image of the 2021 edition.

Why the HECAT was created

Health education is a fundamental part of an overall school health program. It provides young people with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful learners and healthy adults.

Choosing or developing the best possible health education curriculum is key to ensuring quality health education. The HECAT provides a structured way to improve curriculum selection and development.

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What the HECAT can help you do

  • Assemble a team of qualified people to conduct a curriculum review.
  • Identify a curriculum—locally or commercially developed, for elementary, middle, or high school—that best meets your school district's health education needs.
  • Assess accuracy and acceptability of curriculum content, feasibility of curriculum implementation, and affordability of the curriculum materials—including cost of implementation.
  • Analyze fundamental characteristics. These include learning objectives, inclusive characteristics, teacher materials, curriculum design, instructional strategies and materials, and promotion positive health behaviors.
  • Analyze supplemental curriculum resources such as teacher materials, instructional strategies, and student assessments.
  • Identify curriculum strengths and weaknesses to guide decisions about both selection and revision.
  • Revise as needed to address local priorities, interests, and needs. Also, allow community review, and allow local school board review and approval.
  • Develop a scope and sequence for health education focused on the most relevant health outcomes for youth in your community.

Who the HECAT can help

  • Curriculum committees or educators in school districts, schools, or community-based organizations that work with schools.
  • State or local education agency staff.
  • Other curriculum developers.
  • Faculty and students in college or university teacher preparation programs.

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