At a glance
- Schools play a role in providing students with health education and access to health services.
- Families and schools can help students connect and succeed.
- Use these social media posts and graphics to promote student health and safety as they head back to school.
- Tag @CDC_DASH on X and use #BacktoSchool!

Back to school
Start the school year off strong! Schools can provide a safe and supportive environment. This helps students feel connected and is critical to helping them mentally, physically, and academically. Learn more about what works. #BackToSchool
Mental health
Building connections with young people can help protect their mental health. A sense of belonging can make a big difference. Learn more about youth mental health and the power of connectedness. #BackToSchool
School connectedness
Helping students feel connected to school is a powerful tool for supporting their health and well-being. Learn about other benefits of school connectedness this #BackToSchool season.
Family connectedness
Families, having regular conversations with teens about their health concerns, including mental health, can help reduce their risk behaviors and experiences. #BackToSchool
Family involvement
Be a champion for your child and make a plan to get involved this school year! Explore ideas that fit your schedule and unique talents. #BackToSchool
What Works in Schools
CDC’s #WhatWorksInSchools program is a school-based approach to protect adolescent health. It combines three proven strategies:
- Quality health education.
- Referrals to health services.
- Safe and supportive school environments. #BackToSchool
School meals
As families and students prepare for #BackToSchool, schools can encourage participation in school breakfast programs:
- Share the benefits of breakfast programs at open house night.
- Use breakfast models that fit within existing school schedules.
- Get input from students and parents about the food they would like offered.
More ideas:
Local wellness policies
#BackToSchool season is a great time to review local school wellness policies. Make sure they support the needs of students, staff, and families. Get started with CDC's Wellness Policy in Action Tool.
Sleep and healthy habits
A good night's sleep is linked to better mental health and learning for students. As #summer break comes to an end, learn how parents can help their children settle back into a healthy sleep routine. #BackToSchool
Physical activity
Teachers, as you prepare to head #BackToSchool, discover ideas and tips for creating a classroom that supports physical activity. For instance, you can use movement as a reward for appropriate classroom behavior.
Classroom management
Teachers and other school staff can strengthen school connectedness by using positive behavior management in the classroom. Learn about classroom management approaches that work. #BackToSchool
School nurses
School nurses are working hard this #BackToSchool season to promote a healthy and safe environment. Learn more about their role.
School preparedness
The new school year is here! Helping prevent the spread of infectious diseases is one of the many important roles schools play in ensuring #SchoolPreparedness. Learn about how schools can create a healthy and prepared school environment: