At a glance
- Research shows that when parents and school staff work together, students are healthier and more successful in school.
- Parents need to be committed to and involved in actions that can improve students’ health and education outcomes.
- Parents can advocate for schools to support parent engagement.

As a parent, you want your child to do well in school. You also want your child to be healthy and avoid risky or harmful behaviors. Through your guidance and support, you can have great influence on your child’s health and learning. One way you can show your support is by being involved in your child’s school.
Parent engagement in schools
Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents.
(When discussing parent engagement here, “parent” refers to the adult primary caregiver(s) of a child’s basic needs [such as food, safety]. Adult primary caregivers include biological parents. Caregivers also include other biological relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles, or siblings; and nonbiological parents such as adoptive, foster, or stepparents.)
Why it's important
Studies have shown that students who have parents engaged in their school lives are more likely to have:
- Higher grades and test scores.
- Better student behavior.
- Enhanced social skills.
In addition, students who have parents engaged in their school lives are less likely to:
- Smoke cigarettes.
- Drink alcohol.
- Become pregnant.
- Be physically inactive.
Common questions
What can you do?
Here are some actions that you can take—at home and school—to be more involved in your child’s school health activities.
- Ask the school if there is a vision and mission statement or an action plan for parent engagement.
- Talk with teachers and staff to suggest simple changes that can make the school a more pleasant, welcoming place for parents.
- Ask if the school or district has—or could offer—programs/classes to help you get more involved in your child's academic life.
- Suggest topics for classes the school or school district might offer, such as the following:
- Understanding child and adolescent development.
- Praising and rewarding desirable health behaviors.
- Talking with children about health-related risks and behaviors.
- Understanding child and adolescent development.
- Read school newsletters, attend parent-teacher-student conferences, and check out the school's website to learn what is going on at the school. Also, encourage your child to participate.
- Meet regularly with your child's teachers to discuss your child's grades, behavior, and accomplishments.
- Offer to share important parts of your culture with your child's class.
- If your first language is not English, ask for materials that are translated into the language you speak at home. And ask for interpreters to help you at school events.
- As your schedule allows, help in your child's classroom, attend after-school events, or participate in a school committee. Options may be a health team or parent organization.
- Ask the school if you can help with lunch-time walks or weekend games. Or see if you can help with after-school exercise programs in dance, cheerleading, karate, aerobics, yoga, or other activities.
- Involve your child in cooking meals, shopping for healthy foods, and reading labels on over-the-counter medicines.
- Ask your child to tell you about health and safety behaviors learned in school.
- Ask about being in organizations: the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), school health councils, or school action teams. The work of these groups can help improve the health and well-being of students.
- Get involved with your child's school to help:
- Develop school health policies, emergency and safety plans, and health and safety messages.
- Select health-related curricula, or foods and beverages for school breakfasts and lunches.
- Set up health services, referral procedures, or other plans and programs that support students' health.
- Develop school health policies, emergency and safety plans, and health and safety messages.
- Learn whether dental services, health screenings, childcare, or health promotion programs are offered at school.
- If these services or programs are not supported by the school, ask the school or the school district to offer them.