At a glance
CDC works with partners in Laos to strengthen the country's public health and clinical systems. CDC delivers quality HIV testing and treatment services and responds to emerging public health threats.

Since 2009, CDC has collaborated with multilateral, governmental, non-governmental, and civil society organizations in Laos. Together, CDC discovers, evaluates, and implements new tools, programs, and policies to combat HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and tuberculosis (TB). CDC initiatives promote and demonstrate sustainable epidemic-control solutions. These solutions have been adopted, integrated and scaled-up into existing health systems by the government and stakeholders in Laos. CDC works with partners in 3 high-burden provinces to:
- Optimize HIV testing and case finding strategies.
- Improve access to viral load testing.
- Implement same-day antiretroviral therapy (ART) and multi-month dispensing of ART.
- Improve data systems and cascade monitoring.
- Support TB case finding and TB preventive treatment.
Download CDC Laos' Fact Sheet
HIV and TB data
Estimated HIV Prevalence (Ages 15-49)
Estimated AIDS Deaths (Age≥15)
Estimated Orphans Due to AIDS
Reported Number Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy (Age≥15)
Tuberculosis (TB)
Estimated TB Incidence
TB Patients with Known HIV-Status who are HIV-Positive
TB Treatment Success Rate
Key activities and accomplishments
Expansion of HIV prevention, care, and treatment services
CDC successfully improved the quality of HIV counseling, testing, care, and treatment services. Additionally, CDC contributed to the development and revision of standard operational procedures such as:
- HIV and opportunistic infections treatment and management guidelines.
- HIV retention guidelines.
- Enhanced adherence counseling manuals and flipchart.
- Guidelines for the expansion of HIV treatment and care services.
CDC developed index testing implementation guidelines, trained health providers, and expanded index testing service and monitoring systems. The improvements affect 11 ART sites, selected ART points of contact, and community-based sites.
CDC supported:
- National HIV quality improvement workshops, trainings, and activities.
- Implementation at ART site level to promote same-day and rapid ART initiation.
- Reduction of interruption in treatment.
- Promotion of Tenofovir-Lamivudine-Dolutegravir (TLD) transition.
- Increased uptake of viral load testing coverage, TB preventive treatment, and multi-month dispensing.
CDC also collaborated with the Center for HIV/AIDS/STI - Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) to provide technical support for establishing and expanding point-of-care ART sites.
CDC supported HIV viral load decentralization and established an external quality assurance program to improve viral load testing services.
Health system strengthening and policy development
- CDC implemented the index testing monitoring system and integrated index testing and recency testing variables into the national HIV monitoring system.
- CDC established the national recent infection surveillance system with real-time reporting.
- Developed monitoring and evaluation (M&E) training course for healthcare workers and public health officers to develop local capacity for M&E and data use.
- Established national external quality assurance programs on HIV rapid test, HIV-1 viral load test, and HIV recent infection test.
- Provide technical support in implementing Laboratory Information Management System.
Support for CDC's global HIV and TB efforts.
Our success is built on the backbone of science and strong partnerships.