At a glance
This story demonstrates unique challenges faced by people living with TB and how easily the disease can impact those they love. However, through the dedication of health care providers supported by CDC, TB can be eliminated in Tanzania.

Rhamadhani Bernadina's Story

When Mr. Ramadhani Bernadina developed a fever and cough that lasted for months, he purchased over-the-counter antibiotics to treat his symptoms. However, his condition worsened, forcing him to move in with his family. Bernadina was unaware he was experiencing symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) and exposing those he now lives with to the disease.
Thankfully, his sister acted – taking him to the Kigwa B Dispensary, where Bernadina would learn more about TB. A health care worker, trained through the Afya Jumuishi project, provided TB counseling and administered a TB test. Next, the test sample trekked over 37kms (23 miles) to the Kitete Regional Hospital for testing where Bernadina was finally diagnosed with TB disease.
Through this, he learned the importance staying on TB medication.
Bernadina later shared, "I suffered for a while, but Seregio saved our lives by encouraging us to complete our TB medication for treatment."
"He Saved Our Lives"
A few days later, Sindabakira Seregio, the health care provider, traveled almost 45kms (28 miles) to visit Bernadina. When he reached the home, he learned the house did not have sufficient windows for air circulation. This visit presented an opportunity to further educate the patient's family of TB preventative measures. Given the close quarters, Seregio immediately screened the fourteen relatives in the home for TB.
After screening the residents, two individuals were presumed positive, including Bernadina's four-year-old nephew. Review of the boy's health history showed his health began to deteriorate shortly after his uncle came to live with the family. The boy was immediately diagnosed through a TB scoring card and quickly initiated on treatment.
Overcoming stigma and seeking treatment are essential to ending TB. After diagnosis, Bernadina worried how his community would react and the stigma he would face. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to addressing stigma and gaps in provision of TB preventative care and treatment. TB can be cured and eliminated by encouraging positive health-seeking behaviors, health counseling, and with the support of dedicated community health networks.
Today, Bernadina and his nephew are happy, healthy, and living a healthy life by diligently following their treatment.
CDC on the Frontlines
CDC is on the frontlines in more than twenty-five high burden countries. CDC works with partner governments to find, cure, and prevent TB and help sustain country efforts. By investing in critical peer-to-peer collaborations with host country governments, advancements in conducting high-impact operations research to promote innovations in TB program delivery are possible.
But more work remains to reach all individuals and families in need of TB care in Tanzania and to eliminate stigma, discrimination, and other barriers towards TB elimination. The latest World Health Organization global TB report lists Tanzania among thirty high burden TB countries that collectively account for 87 percent of all TB patients worldwide. Additionally, up to 36 percent of all TB cases in the country go undiagnosed and untreated. Bernadina's story demonstrates the challenges those in need of care face and how easily the disease can impact those they love. However, through the dedication of frontline workers, like Seregio, working to bridge the gap between TB diagnosis and treatment—TB can be eliminated in Tanzania.