At a glance
The key to preventing public health crises is preparing for them. That’s why CDC invests powerfully in emergency preparedness, with our experts on the frontlines in countries around the world.

What We Do

To create a safer world for Americans and global communities alike, our experts collaborate with country partners to enhance their preparedness and ensure they are well-equipped to respond to disease threats wherever they may arise.
For example:
- Emergency preparedness: CDC experts are on the ground in hotspots worldwide, building emergency response capacity, training rapid response teams, strengthening Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and mobilizing surge capacity to enable rapid and effective response efforts in times of crises.
- 7-1-7: As lead implementers of the global 7-1-7 strategy, we are helping countries increase both the speed and accuracy of their response to disease threats by detecting, notifying, and responding to public health emergencies all within seven days.
- Public health communications: On the frontlines of disease outbreaks around the world, CDC/DGHP's experts are leading effective public health communication strategies to ensure accurate, timely, and often life-saving information is disseminated to the public, healthcare professionals, and other critical stakeholders.
- Global health security planning: We have longstanding experience helping countries improve their response to public health threats by helping them develop strong national plans and working with them to identify and address prepare
- Since 2005, CDC/DGHP-trained disease detectives have investigated more than 6,050 outbreaks worldwide.
- There have been 1,782 mobilizations of headquarters-based CDC experts for global health emergencies since 2015.