At a glance
Learn what foods and beverages to avoid consuming if you have a weakened immune system and which foods and beverages are safer options.

Why it's important
People with weakened immune systems have a higher risk of food poisoning. That's because a weakened immune system may make it more difficult for your body to fight germs and sickness effectively. Weakened immune systems may be due to diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, alcoholism, HIV, autoimmune disorders (such as lupus), or receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
To prevent food poisoning, some foods are safer choices than others. That's because some foods—such as undercooked meat and eggs, unwashed fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurized milk—are more often associated with foodborne illnesses. Use the table below as a guide to safer food choices.
Safer food choices for people with weakened immune systems
Poultry and Meat | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Deli salads | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Vegetables and Fruits | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Juice | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Unpasteurized juice or cider |
Milk | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Unpasteurized (raw) milk and dairy products made from unpasteurized milk | Pasteurized milk and dairy products made from pasteurized milk |
Cheese | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Eggs | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Raw or undercooked (runny) eggs, and foods that contain raw or undercooked eggs, such as
Seafood | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Flour | |
Riskier Choice | Safer Choice |
Raw dough or raw batter made with raw (uncooked) flour |
Safer Food Choices for People With Weakened Immune Systems
Prevent food poisoning
Always follow the four steps to food safety—clean, separate, cook, and chill—to protect yourself from food poisoning.
Learn about current foodborne outbreaks and the foods linked to them.